This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

Prayer to Mary

Gentle daughter of the Eternal Father, assist those who wander in the inferior corners of life, so that the desire for Knowledge, Certainty, and Goodness may blossom out in them, putting off aside idolatries, paganisms, ritualisms, and every inferior forms of spiritual cult.

Tutelary Angel of the legions that rescue in darkness and in places of pain, attend to the clamors of those who, repentant, hankering to find again the Way of Truth that sets you free.

Sweet Messenger of Love, pour out your maternal tenderness on afflicted hearts so that they ascend to the heights of the redeemer labor.

Elected Lady, inspire the feeling of Truth, Love, and Virtue in the hearts of all those who tend to the follies of the world, so they do not descend to the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Lift up, oh Lady, from the gloomy abysses, all those who were doing wrong things because of religious fanaticisms.

Intercede, oh gentle star, for those who, forgotten of the Law and forgotten of Jesus Christ, dove into the places of shadows and pain.

Oh tenderness, put a feeling of purity in all feminine hearts, so that they convert themselves into true guardian angels.

Be the light, oh Mary, of those eyes that cannot see.
Assist, oh Lady, those who weaken along the ways of life.

Hear, oh Symbol of Mothers, the voices of those who cannot speak.

Dry the tears, oh gentle sister, of those who suffer from lack of mercy.

Dominator of passions, be the guardian angel of those who fear slipping in the alleys of sin.

Consoler of afflicts, anoint with the Balsam of Love those whose hearts are in anguish.

Guide the steps, oh sweet friend, of those who tend to dishearten facing the world’s tortures.

Deposit, oh Mary, in every heart, the feeling of equality before the laws that rule the Infinite Universe.

Conduct to the portico of Truths, oh candidness, those who are wandering by the ways of untruth and crime.

Involve with your blue mantle, oh Mary, all those who seek eternal, perfect, and immutable Truths of God, through the Divine Modeling of Jesus Christ.

Point at, oh luminous star, to the Testament of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, so that all the sons of the Highness find, once and for all, the open arms of the Divine Friend.

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