This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


Chapter XX

1 – “If you like to argue, do it with men, because the DIVINE JUSTICE totally hovers over these things.”
2 – “If those who like to preach to others were always in front of a mirror, speaking to their own image, for many times they would be compelled to shut up, accused of falsity by their CONSCIENCE; that is while men speak of TRUTH, they deal more with Pocket, Stomach, Sex, Pride, Selfishness and other subaltern and not confessable interests.”
3 – “The deeds are the furrows opened in the bosom of CONSCIENCE. Fortunate is who, due to his prudence, complies with his obligations, instead of creating religious tricks to dominate his fellowmen.”
4 – “In view of the transitory powers of the World, nobody has received the infallibility grant… Christ had to materially surrender Himself to prove, later on, the supremacy of the Spirit… Therefore, the unfortunate ones will be always those who adorn themselves with the laurels of the world, deceiving themselves and deceiving crowds. They will spend centuries and millenniums in the darkness, because they have used the name of TRUTH to trade the goods of lie!”
5 – “The world is squint! Instead of seeing the Christ released and the Caiaphas and Herods, scribes and clerics crucified, it preferred to see Jesus crucified! After all, does who speaks in name of the SPIRIT have the right to see through the angle of the matter?”
6 – “Some of the unfortunate executioners of the Christ have already recovered a lot, belonging at the gallery of the Apostles of the Sublime Doctrine; however, others have only been changing their casks…”
7 – “The TRUTH, through the Planetary Christ, granted Elijah, the Restorer of the Sublime Doctrine, three incarnations to achieve the Restoration and the Consolidation. Besides that, a lot of time and a lot of individuals ought to execute the third part of the Christic Order, spreading the Restored Doctrine to all frontiers of the Humanity.”
8 – “The Lord Father wants each of His sons to say to the last word about the TRUTH to himself; and nobody will say it before achieving it in the Inner Temple and before gliding in the Christic Heaven. After all, a brother will never be able to achieve the TRUTH for another one. To teach is one thing, but to achieve is another one!”
9 – “No INITIATION creates Christs! The Doctrine will always teach, but the inner edification work will be eternally responsibility of each son of God!”
10 – “The mechanism of christification is very simple; it is a matter of simply reducing the seven energetic crowns into one, which is the DIVINE LIGHT, and the seven chakras to only one making the coronary shine more than a crowd of suns.”
11 – “While the intellectual-moral misery is the wealth of the Humanity, how can it enjoy the abundance of PEACE and of GOOD FORTUNE?”
12 – “If the TRUTH needed human lawyers and godfathers, with what intrinsic merits would it give each one according to his deeds?”
13 – “The evil of many people is to think to be updated with the insignificant speeches on the Law of God and the teachings of the Gospel. Such people forget that the Kingdom of God, which should be developed in the inward, is a simple matter of controlling the Pocket, Stomach, Sex, Pride and Selfishness.”
14 – “This who looks at his brother, and sees in him only a religious or sectarian dissident, places himself very badly before the Divine Justice.”
15 – “Who has departed from God has done it with the obligation to pursue the Evolution and achieve the Sacred Finality; but the sectarian and retardative fanaticisms, man has created them throughout life, harming themselves and his bothers.”
16 – “The Law of God and the Christ, the two faithful and truthful witnesses, that will always be in God’s Front Line, were never religionist or sectarian, because they have always presented themselves embodying Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue. Why, should they be religionists?!”
17 – “This who is still with the Science of the World seeks God from the outside to the inside, but that who is already with the Science of Heaven filters God from the inside to the outside. The first ones are only humans, but the second ones are already demigods!”
18 – “Everybody should know that men and Christs, those less and more evolved, make speeches… But the Creator uses only the Law of Facts!”
19 – “You may have a long life on the Earth; but, you will have to leave it, and the render of accounts will not be before politicians, scientists, religious men, etc. It will be before the Immaculate Justice of God! Therefore, always leave the last word to the Maximum Hour, when worlds, forms and transitions disappear.”
20 – “Nobody in flesh would be able to count the number of treachery groups and tricks that men have already invented, in order to dominate and exploit their fellow creatures; but the abysses of the sub-crust and the thresholds still speak up, showing of legions of manipulators and traffickers of faith.”
21 – “TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE have never needed to wear masks; but the fabricators of religionist allures have been able to only do this.”
22 – “The Sweet Nazarite strongly attacked the tombs whitewashed on the outside and rotten inside; He spoke harshly against the Caiaphas and Herods and yelled at clerics and scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees. All of this cost Him the crucifixion! But after His return to the Christic Plane, the cowardice and trickery forged an agreement and all religionists started to celebrate the hypocrisy.”
23 – “Nobody is greater than the TRUTH, because if multitudes of worlds and humanities, and their respective Christs would cease to exist, the Sacred Principle would remain Eternal, Perfect and Immutable.”
24 – “After placing the TRUTH as ABSOLUTE VERTEX, because it is the EXPRESSION OF GOD, all the others are just His sons or brothers of each other, and with this, despite varying the grades in the HIERARCHIC TABLE, only to the FRATERNITY will eternally belong the commanding stick, in order to reign the PEACE OF GOD.”
25 – “If the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE was that which comes from the rotten religionist maneuvers, man would not have the obligation to change, but the TRUTH would; do not fool yourself, brother, with the human little charts, because they and their fabricators end their careers in places of weeping and gnashing of teeth!”
26 – “What would happen now with the Sweet Nazarite if He returned to the world without those clothes, hair, beard and other identifying characteristics? Would not he be crucified anyway by those who intend to be owners of the new religionist order?”
27 – “To everyone according to their deeds” has never ceased to be; therefore, for those who have always been able to recognize TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE times have never been to come about … The cycles go by, but who did say that the spirits and their possibilities also go by forever?”
` 28 – “Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries, millenniums, cycles and eras, are all opportunities and means granted by God to His sons for being used to achieve their inner Kingdom of Heaven. What have you been doing, son of God? Do you act as lord or as slave of the worlds, forms and transitions? Or do you know how to control everything very well, valuing and extrating values from all the gifts of Lord Father?”
29 – “Laws are only those of God; therefore, no one was born nor will be born to give magician’s tricks and create Christs, because everybody is subject to gradual evolution, to learn to respect the UNIQUE LORD, through HIS LAWS. If there is someone who thinks in opposite, misled by religionist boastings, should change while there is time, to avoid giving trouble to those that, at the right time, rescue who descends to places of weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
30 – “The Lord God sent His Angel to find out, among the sectarians and their statements, who could win the Prize of Truth; but, after all of them had spoken, vehemently defending their colors, the Angel of TRUTH left, without giving the Prize because he wanted TRUTH and not colorful sectarians.”
31 – “If, in the Law of God and in the Christ someone finds truths that are out of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom, and Virtue, he should suspect; but if someone wants to appraise those FIVE FUNDAMENTAL SENSES of the Sublime Doctrine, he should still suspect much more of his mental health.”
32 – “None of the Great Beginners dogmatized or closed the door of progress, but the religionist traffickers, who succeeded them, have been able to do only that, under the most varied pretexts.”
33 – “The witness of the Lord is that who lives the Sublime Doctrine when he deals with his brother in ORIGIN, EVOLUTIVE PROCESS and SACRED FINALITY. As this is not easy, substitutes have been invented… They are the clergies, liturgies, feigned clothings, enigmas, mysteries, sacramentisms, human titles, political infiltrations, purchases or theft of public real states and patrimonies, trickeries and collusion councils, etc. After all, it is everything that fattens in the World and burns in the Fire of the Immaculate Justice.”
34 – “Nobody has begun already CHRISTIFIED! Therefore, learn to look forward and not backward. Always remember that magician’s tricks do not turn worms into swallows, nor swallows into brave eagles; ask to who has and give to who needs!”
35 – “The Lord ordered to give cornmeal to the chicks, broken corn to the young chickens and whole grain to the adult chickens… But He never ordered to transform the Sublime Doctrine into human formulas, in order to serve the selfish, spiteful and despotic men, in their rages of authority and other human miseries.”
36 – “Who dedicates himself to the work of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE do nothing but awake the Kingdom of God inside him; and the Lord God that sees in secret, will make the Chalice of Love overflow, so that many others may also benefit from it.”
37 – “Certain people have given so much attention to the brains and hearts of others that they lost the sense of their own… It is acceptable that a blind person guides another but it is unacceptable that one disappears before the other!”
38 – “To enlighten our brother is one thing, but to blunt him with the formulas of that mediocrity which fattens our presumption, is something very different, don’t you think?”
39 – “After knowing the FIVE FUNDAMENTAL SENSES, which characterize the Law of God and the Divine Example of Christ, everything else is a matter of faithful unfoldments or shameful confusions!”
40 – “The real sacerdots of the TRUTH, as much as they may deserve, never intend to be equal to the TRUTH. They are wise and, therefore, they know that the RELATIVE does not measure the ABSOLUTE!”
41 – “The three hundred million years that the spark takes to achieve the human species should be or constitute much accumulated experience, so that no one, after reaching the human species, would make things up-side-down. One simple truth would be enough: – never intend to teach truths to God, like is the religionists’ mania.”
42 – “Many fools, believing they are smart, are always talking about DOCTRINAL PURITY and other ridiculous terms. Who does know so much about Doctrine to determine Its end?”
43 – “Let us pray like this: “Lord, my Divine Father! Make long my life on Earth for me to have enough time to measure the length of my own tail!…”
44 – “If you consider yourself STRONG, remember that Jesus, at the end of His carnal life, thanked the Apostles for being with Him in times of temptations… Never forget that the individual edification will have to take place in the bosom of the Creation because nobody alone is self-sufficient”.
45 – “The only way to be helped is by helping; who does see badly outside how can see well inside?”
46 – “Many are the sons of God who would like to help the inhabitants of other planets, but they have not learnt yet to understand the family as the summary of the Cosmic Humanity. Can someone who cannot embrace home be able to sustain the Infinite on the palms of his hands?”
47 – “As well as a woman is not able to sweep her home, while she sneaks her neighbor’s house over the backyard fence, also who arrogates to be doctrinaire inspector of his brothers cannot give the best example; because the good example does not use any human titles, labels, appearances, institutions and statutes, but rather the maximum sense of responsibility. The yeast of the Pharisees does the opposite.”
48 – “The Christ was and is the DIVINE EXPOSITOR… But those who are the last in moral qualities try to be IMPOSERS.”
49 –“Who incarnates has an obligation above the others: be an exemplifier! If the end of the carnal life comes and finds him exemplifying TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, he may say, before the IMMACULATE JUSTICE, that he has complied with his duty, but his duty only, let this be understood!”
50 – “Who has read and understood the IMMORTAL CODE has found out that SPIRITISM or the RESTORED CHRISTIANISM is not a box of human formulas. In ten, twenty, one hundred or two hundred thousand years from now, the answers to your questions should be different, right?”
51 – “You will be concerned about what your brother does, but the IMMACULATE JUSTICE will not ask you about his deeds, but about yours. Remember this fact well, so that you do not come to cry painfully when you leave the carnal burden.”
52 –“Vedas and Buddhas, our predecessors, taught preliminary truths; Hermes and Zoroasters got into doctrinal details; Moses made the Law go on and warned man in general; Pythagoras highly raised the mediumistic probing; Christ synthesized THE TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE; Rome corrupted everything and everyone; and Elijah returned to do the FINAL WRITING OF THE SUBLIME DOCTRINE. Who wants secretisms, esoterisms, occultisms, enigmatisms, mysteries and the like will certainly be outdated and will have to answer for his failure.”
53 – “Even in remote times, occultism belonged to men and not to God. Who has seen God hiding any Law from His sons?”
54 – “In the Old Initiations, silence was imposed under death penalty… because a champion of ignorance, once silenced, was taken for a wise man! And there is more to know: the truly wise man about things of God does not slave himself to human institutions or statutes.”
55 – “All simple truths may be told through allegories or parables; but the TOTAL TRUTH, the one that sets you free, is not in accordance with allegories and parables, it has not to be disguised. Man is who has to change, not the TRUTH!”
56 – “The backbone of Humanity is so used to bowing before religionist formulisms that, when glimpsing the TRUTH, he thinks he is seeing devouring ghosts. And the fabricators of idolatrous maneuvers take advantage of that, to continue to mislead governors and the governed ones, kings and peoples, as the Apocalypse says.”
57 – “If the INNER ENLIGHTENMENT came from the idolatrous salaams, the sellers of temples would end up in Heavens and not in the abysses of the sub-crust. Who does not extract the Good for himself from what he does, certainly will not do this for others.”
58 – “The TRUTH is not fractioned among the “isms” that fill Humanity, as some simpletons may think; the TRUTH is above the “ISMS”, far beyond the current concepts that a normal human being may glimpse. Therefore, quite the contrary, when a son of God grows so much to HARMONIZE with the DIVINE FATHER, he will insist to live united with HIM without caring about any “ISMS”.
59 – “Human schools are good for STARTING, but the Divine School is the only one that is necessary to COLIMATE the Inner Kingdom of Heaven.”
60 – “That which is PURE CHRISTIC OR CELESTIAL GLORY, no man can bring in his hands, or formally, to give It to another brother. The DIVINE JUSTICE is so simple that It simply wishes everyone to find It by himself, and to use It in the Inner Tabernacle, where the Divine Spousal takes place.”
61 – “Do not confuse the Consoler, the Informer of Heaven, with the Free Salvation, which is the corruption invented by malicious men and traffickers of faith; Salvation will never come from the outside, because the deeds of others will never have this granting.”
62 – “The Revelation or the Consoler teaches that God grants elements and opportunities, but who has to use all of this to edify the Inner Kingdom of Heaven is every individual within himself”.
63 – “All the religionisms are the remainders of savageries, because the savage has not yet got rid from the man that considers himself civilized, and he never will, without making an enormous inner effort for the sake of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE”.
64 – “The Divine Messengery, the Eternal Consoler, is composed of incarnates and discarnates. It is important for all to know that; and, it is even more important for them to work WELL and CORRECTLY”.
65 – “If the ISMS” have become a reality, it was by normal historical reasons; but the animosity towards Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue has never been for this reason, but for long repeated human mistakes. No one should fool himself with certain religionist affirmations because the true GREAT BEGINNERS has always wished the generalization of the Revelation in elevated terms”.
66 – “See the Supreme Achievement of Jesus Christ, not in the Four Gospels but in the Book of Acts and in the Epistles, making continuous appeals for the preservation of His Spread of the Revelation over all flesh. This is because, when the Revelation is corrupted or destroyed, everything moves towards idolatry and brutalization, making the Humanity fall into sad conditions, forging painful cataclysms to itself”.
67 – “All phenomena are developed in Space and Time; all human movements had to encompass the law of cycles in the bosom of eras, and everyone should register this: the time of transition between the ANCIENT ERAS and the FUTURE ERAS will end in the middle of the twenty first century. Only very later will men in general find out what this means”.
68 – “Even the Planetary Christs will assign their posts to others because even in those hierarchical heights, the progress impels life, sending Them to other vibratory continents where give rise to the commands to planetary systems, groups of systems, galaxies, etc”.
69 – “Wait for your brother for the right amount of time, but if he insists on getting stuck or acting badly, leave him and move forward, because the DIVINE JUSTICE will always watch the effort of every son of God to reward him”.
70 – “We all have a way inside us. This way connects us to the sub-crust as well as to the high Heavens, and it is through the deeds that we move. Every time someone produces an action, he forces this way downwards or upwards, according to how the effort fits in the INTELLECT-MORAL ORDER”.
71 – “The Seven Bands or Seven Heavens, which in their turn are subdivided a lot, go from the Center of the Earth to the boundaries of the Eighth Heaven, which is already the Christic or Universal Heaven; but in the bosom of the Eighth Heaven, hierarchical differences still prevail, having smaller or bigger Christs.”
72 – “After crossing the boundary of the Seventh Heaven, no one is obligated to re-incarnate anymore; but many do so in their zeal to help, forcing even more the sense of UNITY WITH THE DIVINE FATHER, Who is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent”.
73 – “We only enter in the Eighth Heaven after eliminating the last traces of materiality or animalism that we carry, because we have descended to the worlds in order to achieve the inner growth. Remember the parable of the mustard seed, if you still cannot understand that in better way”.
74 – “All the perispirits or vehicles of the soul are scaled. Every scale, seen by who can really see, is subdivided into many other scales, and so on… And one day, all of them will be reduced to ONLY ONE, which is the DIVINE LIGHT! On this day, at this CYCLIC-HISTORICAL TIME, the INTEGRAL UNION will have been established and one more son of God will have entered the CHRISTIC HEAVEN”.
75 – “Unfortunate that who, under several pretexts, become a stumbling block in the way of the TRUTH; that is, unfortunate that who, considering himself smart, damages the journey of his brothers towards the TRUTH. Because the CHRISTIC ORDER is to fish souls, not crush them”.
76 – “You will have a lot of work for knowing a little about the Law of God and the Divine Example of the Christ; but you will have even more work to achieve what the two witnesses represent; because, in fact, they were never fallacious little speeches or religionist maneuvers”.
77 – “Always begin from Temple of Conscience or on the most potent Communion with the Divine Father to face your fellowmen; get rid of all artificialities, all sectarian maneuvers, opening the spirit, to make yourself complete and sovereign above labeling; understand that God does not use mask and has never desired it for His sons”.
78 – “Be careful with the men who introduce themselves as doctrinal defenders because they found their little treachery groups to defend their vanities and prepotencies; if you really are with the Law and the Christ, try also to be with the Freedom of conscience to be always ready to take a few steps forward, towards the achievement of the INNER TRUTH”.
79 – “The Supreme Gift is to be son of God! After that, it is to know that the Christic Grade must be achieved by all His sons; and, next, the most important, is not to be slave of little charts organized by men”.
80 – “A lot is said and a lot will be said, but the LOVE ONE ANOTHER cannot be put into practice, radically, by who breathes through the religionist sectarianisms. Who is blind for himself can see for others?”
81 – “If you still cannot measure the spiritual plane, beginning from the sub-crust, to reach the Eighth Heaven; if you do not understand yet the Hierarchical Scale in the bosom of Biological Order, to consider the position of individuals in the bosom of the Humanity, how do you dare say that you are a master in Doctrine? Do not you see that if the Christ returned to carnal plane, many things He would say and many others He would leave to be said?”
82 – “The lack of doctrinal depth in those who judge themselves masters generates the tremendous mediocrity of the apprentices; be careful, then, with those who say that certain issues are very transcendent, in order to enjoy their own ignorance, and continue supplying the market of deficiencies”.
83 – “Who told you, son of God, of the Infinite, that you were born to be slave of frauds and sectarian machinations of some slickers and many other simpletons? Remember then, to listen to many people, but reserve the right to listen to yourself to know when it is time to change for better”.
84 – “Do not become a masker, because you will never can to present yourself like that before the SUPREME JUSTICE; progress with your head raised, even if you have to argue with all the owners of religions; and if you have to draw weapons, look for these: TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE! Because every human artificialities, whether religionist or not, will have to bow to them”.
85 – “The simpletons look for temples made by human hands and they like to offer simulacra to God, who is SPIRIT and TRUTH; but the conscious men live in the TEMPLE OF INFINITE and try to be decent in social conduct, because they know that in this way, and only in this way they will be connected to the Higher Plane of Life”.
86 – “It is very sad to recognize that many look for the TRUTH through the ways of lie, that is, they do not know how to choose the best travel companions. Does not the refrain say that having wise friends is to count on the Graces of God?”
87 – “What you have, of Internal Heaven, everyone has; but, not everyone has It developed in the same proportion. Jesus said many times, although blunderers of Humanity took it off His mouth: “You and I are equal in essence but I am ready and you are still making yourselves. Learn from Me because I am gentle and humble, and faster you will reach the Kingdom of Heaven that you have within yourselves.”
88 – “Many times Jesus said that all men are equal before the laws that rule the Infinite Universe; but the blunderers of Humanity have always wanted to put inscriptions on human foreheads, and they say that some should be exploited, because others can be exploiters. When will this shabby trick cease to function for the earthly humanity to be really humane?”
89 – “The problems of social order, in their solutions, depend on incarnate men; and those who expect these solutions from the spirits are very wrong. Because in lower spiritual secluded places, such problems still exist, waiting for solutions and putting minds to work. And understand well, out of the Law and the Christ, neither here nor there they will have happy solutions.”
90 – “Without GOODNESS, there is no APLLIED LOVE. Who applies LOVE in terms of GOODNESS does not make it without appealing to RESIGNATION. And this is the solution for the political-social-economic problems on the lower planes of spirituality, in or out of flesh”.
91 – “In the Sacred Book of God, which is the Creation, there are no sealed pages; therefore, always go ahead, always inquire and always improve! And, if some blunderers show up, providing human formulas containing “mysteries”, put them out because the time of puerility is gone”.
92 – “No one eats, drinks, wears shoes and clothes, or uses simulacra, for all of the fundamental needs God has subjected His sons, in order to force them to evolve; and, then, why do you believe that, to deal with the deep things of the spirit you have to buy feigning and idolatries from the blunderers of temples built by human hands?!”
93 – “Woe to you, man of the twentieth century, if you think of entering the bosom of future eras giving up trusting TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE for trusting religionist pretenses and simulations! Love among brothers will be demanded in an even more increasing scale, and, if you do not follow the cyclic-historical movement, you will have to migrate to lower worlds, where the daily bread will be even more painful to obtain!”
94 – “Many dread before the inter-planetary migrations problem; but this is common in the COSMIC ORDER. It is just that each one has the right to choose, through his deeds, to migrate well or badly, for better or worse”.
95 – “The solution of the Inner Kingdom of God is not in the worlds, but in the INDIVIDUAL CONSCIENCE; the Law of God is Code of Conduct, the Christ is the Divine Example, the Revelation is the Informer that warns, illustrates and consoles; if, with that, you are not with us, it is because you are against us. We are from the TRUTH”.
96 – “Nobody was born or will be born to carry the sins of the Humanity; nobody was born to be REDEEMER, but to be DIVINE EXEMPLIFIER. And, you can understand it well, by recognizing the Code of Conduct in the Law, and the Divine Exemplifier in the Christ. Nobody will ever displace the two witnesses, faithful and truthful.”
97 – “Before the TRUTH and its truthful heralds, behave with dignity; they want LOVE and not adulation and exaltation”.
98 – “No man has the Kingdom of Heaven to give it to other; but any decent man, by KNOWLEDGE and PRACTICES, can teach other how to awake the Inner Celestial Kingdom within himself”.
99 – “The Great Beginners and the Unmistakable Christ introduced themselves as Emissaries of the TRUTH; the religionist tricksters did everything possible to turn Them into TRUTH ITSELF, to better position themselves as traders of tricks, that is, rituals, sacramentisms, idolatries, etc”.
100 – “How delightful is that river of water of life, which is referred in the final chapter of the Apocalypse! However, how difficult it is to reach it, to drink eternally its water!”
101 – “How tasty are the fruits of the tree of life, which is the INITIATION! However, how hard it is to grow more and more, to pick the highest and the tastiest fruits!’
102 – “Son of God, dispose of all and any sectarian artificiality if you really want to drink the water of eternity, and eat the fruit of perfect knowledge forever”.
103 – “Do you know, son of God, why the Christ was born away from the temple? Do you know, son of God, why He fled from the temple? Do you know, son of God, why the people of the temple condemned Him to the cross? And at least, do you know why the Resurrection and the Glorious Pentecost took place far from the temple and its owners?”
104 – “While the true notion of decency does not reside in the Humanity, the Spirit of Lie will also work beside the Spirit of Truth. Be careful, then, those who cultivate the mediumnism or prophetism”.
105 – “The Christ announced, for the last days of the first cycle of the Way of the Lord, the arrival of many false christs and false prophets; the final time of this period is the middle of the twenty-first century. Preliminarily: Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue will never need personal prestiges, whether from men, whether from human institutions and statutes. Therefore, wherever they intend to subject TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE to human prestiges or statutes forged by men, the Restored Way of the Lord will not be there.”
106 – “Will those who become fanatic for men and books, forging rancid and rusty, despotic and predominant little treachery groups, be qualified to feel, however distantly, the INFINITY of God and the Creation?”
107 – “Moments of pondering should succeed moments of exaltation; however, the important thing, really, is to live in harmony with the KNOWLEDGE OF THE INFINITE TRUTH, for not needing these goings and comings. If that is not possible yet for the man, in the current evolutive stage, then consider that the INFINITE TRUTH dispenses the human fanaticisms”.
108 – “Out of here the dogs and those who provide poison, and the whoremongers, and the murderers, and the idolaters and whosoever loves and makes the lie!” This is what the Apocalypse says and what will happen in this little world, no matter what it costs.”
109 – “Blessed are they who wash their robes in the blood of the lamb” – says the Apocalypse. But wrong are those who think of material blood, and because of that, when they speak of the Christ, they hurt or blaspheme against Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue”.
110 – “The BODY is the DOCTRINE and the BLOOD is the EXAMPLE; who actually knows and lives according to this, will have known and taken advantage of knowledge; but if he has only been making little speeches in the name of the Christ, rests assured that he will have to settle severe accounts with the IMMACULATE JUSTICE.”
111 – “And what will we say then about those who transform the Sublime Doctrine into feigned clothings, simulacra, liturgies, woods and stones, clerical titles, political injunctions, inquisitorial accumulations, deceitful capitalist swindlers, temporal dominions and other thousands of immoralities?”
112 – “Surrender the men to the PURITY of heart and mental LUCIDITY; became good sons of God and deserved companions to their brothers; and in this way everybody will really be ministers of God!”
113 – “Does not matter to thicken the bark of a tree which has no heartwood, because the first gentle breeze will blow it down. So are the men that rely on possessions, on the titles of the world and on the slobberies of those who, being simpletons, think that they are right by acting like this.”
114 – “Under the rag the angel is riding”; this is what a verse in the Old Testament says. However, the justice of men praises murderers, thieves, hypocrites, sellers of idolatries and many other criminals, while trampling on and exploiting the small and the humble.”
115 – “We have already badly hurt our feet in the hard and stony paths of this world; we have already spoken of and shown the
ESSENCIAL TRUTH; so shall be executed, what the Lord promised through the Prophets, His servants, as the Apocalypse says.”
116 – “Until the day on which, giving commandments by the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen, He has taken up. “And as the Revelation generalized by Him had and has to be spread over the Earth, who reads the Book of Acts and the Epistles will find His followers talking and imposing hands, developing abilities and making people share the Grace of the Pentecost. The global name of the Divine Messengery is Holy Spirit or Consoler. (Refer to the Prayer to the Holy Spirit).”
117 – “Men of Galilee, why stand you looking up? This Jesus, who parting from you, was taken up into Heaven, shall so come as you have seen Him going to Heaven.” And this is how it will be in the Future Eras, because other abilities will become more common, making you to see Him and His Legions. As He had the angels ascending and descending upon His head, His servants will also have. However, the selection will be processed individually and the preparation, in deeds, each one will have to be responsible for, distinctly.”
118 – “By stretching Your hand to heal illnesses and to do wonders and prodigies on behalf of Your Holy son Jesus.” And as Humanity’s improvement will be achieved in millenniums to come, the rescuer legions will have a lot of work, providing marvelous warnings, illustrations and consolations. And, how could they forget Him, who paid with the crucifixion for the generalization of Revelation, the Consoler Grace, which, until then, only worked in esoteric nature?”
119 – “The Apocalypse says, in chapter fifteen, that after the victory of the Restoration, when the corrupting beast has ceased to exist, the truly ones will sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb. Yes, they will sing to the DOCTRINAL ESSENCE, to the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, without human titles and labels, because there will only be the cultivation of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue. Centuries and millenniums will go by if necessary, but this is what will happen.”
120 – “Dearly beloved, do not believe every spirit, but try out the spirits if they are from God, because many false prophets have risen up in the world.” Prophet or medium means the same thing; is that, through whose abilities, the angels or spirits communicate to warn, illustrate and console. And, will be necessary to say that it is important to discern the communicating spirits? It is also function of John, the Evangelist to command the Spirit of the Truth or the messenger legions, after the Replacement of things in their place; he will be responsible for prophesizing to many people, nations and tongues as the Apocalypse says. And it will be stated here that it will be so, for men, at least the most intelligent ones, to remember that all the prophecies are being accomplished, and that so will be all those which have been waiting for the due time.
121 – “If time has come to renounce in favor of someone till dead, it has also come the time to dust off the shoes against the enemies of TRUTH, as the Christ taught. And two realities must be pondered: one is to know when, why and how to act; the other is to know how far the courage of the creatures goes to perform the job right and well. It is very easy to make speeches or plot formulisms in the name of the Law and the Christ, but to perform the Law and imitate the Christ is not for self-indulgent, simulated and fainthearted ones. The number of the last ones is very high, in and out of flesh.”
122 – “Great Beginners, Patriarchs, Prophets and also the Christ went through flesh, teaching and exemplifying on the RELIGION, which is the TRUTH; but what has been said about the ORIGIN of the spirit, as manifestation or creation, and about the effects in energies, nebulas, in primitives worlds and realms, for later on flourish in hominal species, is nothing in relation to reality. And we will say more, just as an observation, that in the bosom of human level, much distant for achieving the Christic Level, there are so many conditions and situations that, what has been said and known is very little for someone to consider himself wise in this respect. At least in this respect, no one should consider himself a master in Israel, but just an apprentice, someone who is RELATIVE before the ABSOLUTE, who is PART and not WHOLE.”
123 – “Scriptures were not given only in other times, they will be given when necessary, when the time comes through, because the CONSOLER is a tool of warning, illustration and console, by the God’s will and not by the fanatical whims of creators of little treachery groups, humans statutes and any sectarian schizophrenia. Do not confuse the abecedarian with the TOTAL TRUTH, in matter of Doctrine.”
124 – “It is possible to know who cultivates RELIGION, that is, Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue through this sign: he tries to be updated with his social duties, with the do good updated, always updated with the wish to learn, recognizing that the little world, where he lives, was not made by him nor by his brothers, earthly or not, wise or not, believers or not. He will seriously think about the ground on which he treads, about the Sun that brings him warmth and energies and about the air he breathes, as not his individual properties. After all, he will live placed in his just position as derived from the Only Father and participant of the Infinite Creation, with his bothers from the Infinite Universe. Just that.”
125 – “Much more interesting than seeing the external Christ or Divine Model is to know that we are equal in ESSENCE and that we owe to ourselves the duty to match Him. And still there is something that may be much more interesting, because with religionist formalisms and maneuvers, we will never get there. THAT, who was crucified by religionists was born in a manger, spent His life teaching the TRUTH and healing all sorts of wounds and pains of His smaller and tutored brothers. Then it is of good judgment to realize that each one thinks as he can and not as he wants, and of better judgment yet to realize that the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, the RELIGION, is inside us, with or without the talks of whoever. In any circumstance, separate GOOD from EVIL and produce all the GOOD possible, affirming before the world that no one will ever be above the LAW, with beliefs or without beliefs. Human arguments are nothing but human arguments!”
126 – “That who is really gentle and humble knows when he should say or act correctly; because the Divine Model arouse before the great ones of the world and made Himself small before the small ones, exactly the opposite to what we see happening with those who call themselves Christians… No wonder! Does the Law that the Christ came to exemplify and not derogate distinguish the small and the great, the wise and the ignorant, commanders and commanded, saints and libertines? The Law of God is not a parable!”
127 – “Heroism has many meanings, but the heroism that the TRUTH claims is very deep, does not adorn the heroes with blazons of the world, which are almost always immediate and transitory… Remain to know that the first ensures glories in vibratory continents far from the materialism of the world, and the second one may generate weeping and gnashing of teeth, right in the bosom of materialism, close to this plane of wars, pests and famines. Are all the yellow things gold?”
128 – “Only to the fools is allowed to think that, with the TRUTH, experiments can be made, or the act in a captious way, by the simple fact of using Its name when performing such acts. The ancient Beginners and Prophets well said that the TRUTH is a devouring fire, and the Christ, His Word, said this: “THAT WHO KNOCKS AGAINST THIS ROCK WILL BE SHATTERED; AND THAT ONTO WHOM IT SHALL FALL, WILL BE CRUSHED.” Do not confuse TOLERATING the mediocrity with ENDORSING this same mediocrity.”
129 –“In any circumstances, we can say that the real blessed is that who is simple in conduct, because he will have his conscience in his favor. If he comes to commit a mistake, the SOVEREIGN JUSTICE will provide him GOOD opportunities. But the malicious ones will pay to the uttermost farthing. How do you use your MIND?
130 – “We do not argue, now, the ORIGIN of the spirit and his journey through the inferior kingdoms; let us face these basics factors for growth: WILL, RELATIVE FREE WILL, ACTION AND RESPONSIBILITY. Because no one will ever achieve the Christic Grade or the grade of the VIBRATORY UNITY WITH THE DIVINE FATHER, without having to know and work in the bosom of this reality. The most important thing is not to look down or to know the mechanism of the ORIGIN, EVOLUTIVE PROCESS and the SACRED FINALITY; the most important thing is to live in accordance with the level already achieved, to facilitate the ascension to the higher levels. Let us do our part, because that of God He takes care, without asking about our concepts or prejudices.”
131 – “The execrable human respects, the unfortunate social injunctions, do whatever needed for that many keeps with everything and everybody, although the self-indulgent situation or the false joy is not altered; and if they ask to the abysses of the sub-crust or the dark bands of the threshold on such people, the answer will terribly scare, because it will remind the IMMACULATE JUSTICE, which ignores cowardices, pusillanimities, religionisms and trickeries.”
132 – “It is not for anyone to say yes, yes, or no, no, only that with MORAL height, MORAL height above all! Rise up to the MODEL CHRIST and ask HIM the question… because the witness of the TRUTH is only given by those who know and can.”
133 – “To rise up to the MODEL CHRIST is not a matter of geographical or geometrical measures, it is a matter of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, because He is OMNIPRESENT TRUTH, due to have achieved this level. If it were not the spirit known by the name of JESUS, it would be another, but it would be the same thing because the TRUTH is not personal, it is IMPERSONAL. The TRUTH lives in all and everybody should meet IT.”
134 – “Everyone starts looking outside and everyone ends up acknowledging that the KINGDOM OF GOD is in the inward, it does not come with external signs. And who gets to know this should be careful with idolatries, rituals and simulations in general, which are taken as religious things, because no mask will stand in the presence of the Absolute Lord. Only the PURES will go to the KINGDOM OF THE PURE SPIRIT.”
135 – “Let the kids do kids’ things, allow the inexperienced youngsters to do things of their age, but if you come across a mature man, or who thinks he is mature, doing stupid things, do not title him INTELLIGENT.”
136 – “The PRUDENCE, wherever it actually is, will not endorse mediocrity nor the ridiculous; Jesus did not accept the request of a man, blind from birth, who asked HIM to be an Apostle, and made that the rich young man, on his own, realized his incapability to serve as an apostle. Did you understand? However, everybody will be PURE and WISE one day.”
137 – “Once Jesus asked if he would find faith on Earth when he came back. However, it is time to claim KNOWLEDGE, CERTAINTY AND GOODNESS, as it is written in the books: THE BIBLE OF THE SPIRITISTS and THE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE SPIRITISTS. The Father wants CONSCIOUS sons and not just believers.”
138 – “Could many of those who enjoy judging others judge themselves well, if they were obliged by DIVINE JUSTICE?”
139 – “Could you who do not know what is under your brother’s skin judge what he brings in spirit? Did the Christ, for example, have a seal on his forehead, placed by God, so that He was recognized?”
140 – “The fact that we are demigods does not really matter; this is by God; but the fact that we know how to respect this reality matters totally, because from it, the Heaven or Hell will be derived for us.”
141 – “It has been said that one should not give gifts to dogs and pearls to pigs; and is left to say, in how many cases we will not be more than that, if we do not appeal with tenacity and perennially to PRUDENCE. Everybody judges, but how?”
142 – “The world is full of sons of God who distrust others and who bring in them the unfortunate condition of over trusting their own ignorance and cruelty. On the Earth, the excess of reason is a dangerous pretext.”
143 – In the same way that a newborn baby does not function physiologically by KNOWING what he is doing, the SACRED FINALITY of the spirit, if dependent on religionisms, in many cases would cease to be, and in other cases, would just be an ironic or even a ridiculous thing.”
144 – “Let us give Thanks to God for the fact that we know that while men grow before the TRUTH, the religionism are falling into ostracism. But in mediumistic subjects, the turtle can not follow the flight of the eagle.”
145 – “Let us regret the fact of knowing that if pocket, stomach, sex, pride and selfishness did not command so much, many more sons of God would already be free from the abysses of the sub-crust and the thresholds. The purpose of the body is to serve the soul.”
146 – “Everyone presents, when discarnate, his FORM OF CONDUCT; and with this, only with this form he will go to the place indicated on it, whether downward or upward; and no one will ever take from the demigods both the right to be judges of their own case and the privilege of being builders of their own fate, whether good or bad.”
147 – “The physical organs are, for every effects, the filters or instruments of the spirit for educational or liberating services; therefore, take good care of all of them, but, above everything, treat celestially the pineal gland.”
148 – “Do not try to know the law of fluids, that thing that scares many of those who consider themselves doctrinal masters; try to evolve a lot, at least enough to command them with the power of your MIND. And, in the physical or dense worlds, learn how to apply them the best you can, because different places mean different dispositions to different concessions. On his plane of life, what earthling would face the LIGHT OF THE CHRIST to put a cross on HIS back, forcing HIM to carry it and nail HIM to it?
149 – “Earthly Humanity is not able to understand the Christ without living in Palestine, wearing those clothes, doing what HE did, being crucified, returning in spirit and leaving the glorious Pentecost. However, there is a lot of mediocrity in all of this, because a WORD OF GOD has multiple conditions at HIS disposal to reveal Himself, everything, however, depending on the world where HE makes it, when HE makes it and why He makes it. Out of this reality, certain DOGMATISMS are used for ugly tricks.”
150 – “Heaven wishes that no GOOD SEED falls on BARREN LAND.”
151 – “That who does not ignore God is the Creator, Sustainer and Destiner of everything and everybody in an INFINITE way will never become ridiculous of thinking to offer Him candles, kowtows, ritualisms, and all those trifles which the childishness, backwardness and idolatrous mercenariness have doing, since millenniums, and still insist on doing that in favor of those same evilness.”
152 – “To adore in SPIRIT AND TRUTH is to live with the MIND LINKED with God, who is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent; it is to use time and opportunities doing GOOD; it is to apply LIFE in the sense of making the BRAIN more lucid and the HEART more generous; it is, in summary, to be simply truthful.”
153 – “In the cultivation of REVELATION, of MEDIUMSHIP, anyone can see that the Great Spirits wish TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, while the inferior ones claim formalisms, and even impose conditions and childish, ridiculous and even repulsive subjections. Spiritism is not only mediumship!”
154 – “To use well everything that is of the Creation, to transform all in tools of good use is not idolatry. Idolatry is to place the matter before the spirit; it is to subject the spirit to ritualisms and gymnastic with intention to adore God; it is to intend that formalisms and formulisms can persuade the DIVINE JUSTICE. Be also very careful with commercialisms in the name of the DOCTRINE!”
155 – “Everything and everyone is plunged in the DIVINE ESSENCE; everything is a question of going through the matter and the thick layer of fluids and of inferior energies to achieve the CELESTIAL COMMUNION! This is what the spirit CHRISTIFICATION is.”
156 – “Make yourself united with Me so that, being Me united with the Father, We form just one unity”, taught the Christ, and We know well, what it is to be united with Him, the Father, to live the DIVINE UBIQUITY!”
157 – “The DIVINE UBIQUITY is the law that facilitates the extensions of the spirit; and the more the spirit grows, the more he will know what it means. And, to intend discerning this without first living it, it is thing for fools.”
159 – “The proverb that says that it is better to be small among the great than to be great among the small is still valid; but the ideal is to be simple and humble, considerate and progressive, whenever possible.”
160 – “The fable says that a donkey said to its owner that the earth and its derivates, the Sun and its benefic elements and the air and its gifts do not make any difference among the animals. Praised be the donkey of the fable, to a certain extent.”
161 – “Both in the carnal planes and in the spiritual planes, the spirit lives immersed in dense elements, in more or less thick fluids and energies. The higher one achieves in the evolution scale or in the christifying journey, the more one will achieve the superior vibratory continents; and one day he will have to be ABSOLUTELY United with the Creating Principle.”
162 – “Many are the means to force the MIND regarding the linking, whether with the erratic planes or with the intimate vibratory conditions of the Creation; but the acts of GOODNESS, where LOVE is filtered, supplant them all.”
163 – “There is a lot of difference between a pure act of GOODNESS and the intent of buying the DIVINE JUSTICE with it. There is a lot of difference between acting well for the liking of it, or do something good just to be in evidence and fatten pride and vanity.”
164 – “No one eats, drinks, wears shoes and clothes or uses the PRAYER for such purposes; but no one will be able to place those realities in the place of the PRAYER. Everything that is not God Himself, is certainly relative, and cannot be valid for all purposes. The wisdom stays in correctly use the right element or resource, at the right time and for the right finality. The TRUTH is not simulation and does not need it to be represented.”
165 – “Cogitate on this Wisdom: to distinguish what the CREATOR is; to distinguish what the CREATION is; to distinguish what is more UNITED to the CREATOR. Now, brother and friend in Origin, Evolutive Process and Sacred Finality, with the needed care, enter in the field of work, because, to UNITE is the FINALITY, and to work WELL is the RIGHT MEASURE.”
166 – “Surpass the so called WISDOM OF THE SPHINX, because REVELATION revealed that, as an initiatic symbol, to the people of many of thousands years ago. After the Pentecost, the generalization of the Revelation, the duty is to leave the symbols aside to speed up the entrance in the adoration in SPIRIT AND TRUTH.”
167 – “The PRAYER is a way of penetrating with the MIND in the superior planes of LIFE, to harvest and then distribute, even after taking great benefits from it. Who wishes to measure the importance of the PRAYER, observes who REALLY PRAYS, with the eyes of the spirit or out of the flesh. It is not a matter of hypothesis, it is a fact.”
168 –“To truly pray is not to pray in any way; but to despise the PRAYER, to say it is useless or dispensable is something that no rational man should do; because who prays and does it purely, turns himself into a filter of God.”
169 – “The real apostle of the TRUTH is that who teaches how to pray in all the necessary ways: WISDOM, WILL, ACTION and NOTION OF RESPONSIBILITY.”
170 – “Then, son of God, make of your life, a CONTINUOUS PRAYER; and the DIVINE FATHER will always give you, so that you will always have what to give. The simple prayer is that which links the MIND OF THE SON TO THE DIVINE OR CREATING MIND, it is a matter of vibratory harmony and without using the HEART, it is impossible to achieve it.”
171 – “Some thinkers affirm that religionisms or superstitions, idolatries and fetishisms are inevitable in the Evolutive Process of the Humanity; but it is good to try to discern among those who are really ignorant, those who pretend to be and those who exploit ignorance vilely. This observation should be strictly made wherever human groups live at the expense of sectarian movements, or any treachery groups, emerging, yet, in the politic-social-economic business spheres, under the pretext of spirituality.”
172 – “The caricatured men, capable of simian acts, confuse the INFINITE WISDOM OF GOD, THE GENERATING ESSENCE with their hellish plots. This is why the religionisms have retarded the progressive march of the Humanity, besides making torrents of inquisitional events happen, etc.”
173 – “If, on one hand, the exploitation of man by man is condemnable in the so called religious domains, on the other hand, it is even ridiculous that is still thought that, to adore God, or to get spiritual elevation, it is necessary to become someone miserable, vagabond, hungry, bearded, full of manias and enigmatic and grotesque behaviors, etc.”
174 – “Many people read thick books, full of scientific and technical terms, pretentious and bombastic; but very few are concerned about chapter eighteen of Prophet Ezekiel. They think that those strong warnings were given to their neighbor… But the Law does not think so, because it is IMPERSONAL.”
175 – “Nothing is more harmful and ridiculous than those groups, than those little treachery groups that assume to be the MORAL RESERVE OF THE SUBLIME DOCTRINE; just because they become fanatic for a man or a book, they think that they should impose their morbid conceptions even to God. Times change but human defects remain the same”
176 – “If acting well or giving worthy fruits by example were easy, no one would insist so much on founding religionisms… Where there is no ESSENCE, soon titles, labels, statutes, studied poses, rituals, shady business, etc appear.”
177 – “The tenth blessing was among the very many things that Jesus had to say but He did not: ‘BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO SHALL NOT LIE IN THE NAME OF THE TRUTH’. And, still more blessed are those who shall not lie at all.”
178 – “A long and passionate speech or a sumptuous ceremonial often yields nothing, because it cannot fatten pockets, stomachs, prides, and vanities. And less than ever it would elevate anyone morally, because how can what is immoral in purpose moralize? Folly will make this happen: someone will no longer visit the ill or the suffered, and will not give bread to the hungry and warm clothes to that dying of cold, to carry out his RELIGIOUS DUTIES in a fetid large house, kneeling before a wrong and dressed up man, bowing before wood and stones, this repugnant practice which transgresses the Law of God and makes the spirit, the Divine Spark, be less than matter.”
179 – “The Scriptures always mention the filthy spirits that act upon incarnates, bringing them harms, tragedies, diseases, etc. It is really good to read all this, very attentively, to consider where they are fabricated; because, if the carnal plane were a little better, it would not supply the inferior astral market so much.”
180 – “Be careful with this talk that affirms clearly and loudly the weaknesses of flesh… Let us accuse less who cannot speak. After all, let the spirit that thinks, feels and acts, assumes his responsibility, even if, in an outburst of heroism, he has to show a little of morality.”
181 – “Any simple and humble person, without intentions for human titles, in the bosom of sectarian maneuvers, will come to say that, unfortunately, he has met the least recommendable people in this place. Fortunately the rational persons will never confuse the SUBLIME DOCTRINE with men, as affirm the IMMORTAL CODE, the GOSPEL OF THE ETERNITY which proclaims the ERA OF THE FULL CONSCIENCE.”
182 – “It is for sure that the wine owes nothing to the label of its bottle; however, many people do not buy the wine but the label…”
183 – “In Isaiah chapter fourteen, it is clearly said that the devil is a parable, a saying or an allegory, and it could not be less; but the sons of God who become diabolical transgressors of the Law, have never been made into parables, because they are too believers or religious to accept it. Therefore, an angel was introduced as a rebel, while the infernal religionists took the place of the unfortunate victims!”
184 – “Someone was asked on what an absurd is, he answered that it is everything that goes against his concepts… Undoubtedly, this man must be a great religionist mentor! The TRUTH will go on affirming that IT is not a private property of whoever it might be; but answer, for how many centuries will IT have to continue labeling the mercenary marketplaces of religionism?”
185 – “To carry out duties is a measure of prudence, because it is the greatest of prayers; however, it is easy to invert the order of the facts, making long prayers only for not accomplish with small obligations. If hypocrisy were food, such as wheat and other goods, there would never be hunger on the Earth!”
186 – “More will be demanded from whom has been given more… Everybody knows to say it…to others.”
187 – “In a world like Earth, with wars, diseases and hungers, who stays with everything and everybody, is just like it… That is why Jesus said he had brought the sword and the separation.”
188 – “The abysses of the sub-crusts and the thresholds are full of people who only knew to respect the human respects. Why? Because due to these people, EVIL perpetuates and the GOOD does not triumph!”
189 – “YES and NO are very short words which many times cost very long probation periods in places of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Be careful with the words of few letters: YES and NO, GOOD and EVIL.”
190 – “To teach well to others is so easy, as well as it is difficult to carry out what is said to others. That is why Jesus repeated: FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE, BECAUSE I AM GENTLE AND HUMBLE AT HEART.”
191 – “If HEAVEN could be achieved with long speeches and sumptuous ceremonies, since thousands of years Earth would have been a world of PEACE and HAPPINESS.”
192 – “Who, that often speaks from the tribune, several times would hardly do it, if, before getting there, he asked something to his own conscience. That is why a proverb says that the hell is fenced in and the fence is made with skulls of judges and religious masters…”
193 – “No one spoke louder and no one rebuked so much the human wickedness and hypocrisies than Jesus Christ; however, both the wickedness and hypocrisies feast themselves in His name, because men know how to be good conjurers, always arranging meetings between captious conveniences and malicious social conventions.”
194 – “Woe to those who give false interpretations to the MATRIX TRUTHS, with the aim to increase sectarian whims and endorse selfish maneuvers.”
195 – “Many believers of Jesus Christ turn a deaf ear, when they read the last chapter in Apocalypse… Therefore, religionisms must end!”
196 – “If the TRUTH were sweet in the mouth and in the belly, everyone would swallow IT easily… Ask about it to the Seer of Patmos, through chapter ten of Apocalypse. And let’s remember, out of the UNIVERSAL THOUGHT nobody will reach the TRUTH.”
197 – “No science is falser than that which SUPPOSES the existence of God and thinks that the spirit must be touched in order to prove his reality. The grain of sand, when it is balanced, does not become the judge of the mountain.”
198 – “It will be easier to turn the Earth inside out than enter the Humanity into the New Era, without happening what is predicted in chapter eighteen of Apocalypse. And all that religionists will be broken down, because they have been taking blessings from idolatry and, in the name of the TRUTH, have traded with corruption.”
199 – “THE INTEGRAL TRIAL only belongs to God.”
200 – “THE GOOD SON is that who IN TRUTH AND IN LOVE remains.”
201 – “The religionists “isms” are the ditches where men entrench to, in the name of ABSOLUTE TRUTH, cultivate the relative prepotencies and mediocrities. In part, they make it for ignorance or forced by past ballasts, but in part, they make it for the pleasure of despotism etc.”
202 – “Before the TRUTH, and everybody only being part and relation, it is proved that nobody is special or favored made; therefore, who considers himself to be more evolved should teach more and make more benefits to his brothers, without appealing to titles, feigned clothing, caprioles, etc. Remember to live according to the Law of God and the Divine Example of the Christ, because nothing else is necessary.”
203 – “It was said to the ones that act like Thomas that who believes without seeing is more blessed; but the explanation is in the fact that the creature count or not on the necessary evolving ballast. Who does not count on the senses of the spirit, lays hands on the resources of the matter. Do not ask the worms for what should be asked the eagles.”
204 – “The religionists or sectarians insist on affirming that their respective creeds are the owners of the TRUTH; they know it so well, and make their corroborative speeches with the Bible in their hands; however, the TRUTH, even neither using any of the Bibles nor speeches, is always proving the opposite through the facts, because uses LIFE as ITS witness.”
205 – “The Messenger Angel talking, in a group of friends and work mates, affirmed that it is easier to convince a donkey in matters of WISDOM than convince a religionist in matters of TRUTH; right or wrong, someone suggested that this occurs, because the donkey does not possess the resources of pocket, stomach, sex, pride and selfishness.”
206 – “As much a Doctrine is deeper, as much the most ignorant of its followers consider themselves the most competent heralds, while those really more capable withdraw to social insignificance, trying firstly to give worthy fruits by example.”
207 – “Jesus affirmed many times that what is impossible for men is possible for God; but pretentious men who proliferate so much in religionisms, think that what they cannot do, even less can God.”
208 – “One day, some Messenger Angel will have to command the burning of all the Bibles of Humanity, so that others will be written, more in line with the SPIRIT and TRUTH. And men will see then, that very little will remain of the ancient Bibles as useful elements. But the Revelation, which is the WORD OF GOD, will never depend on any Bibles.”
209 – “Rancidity and rust also can be used; how would the owners of religions feed themselves without their favorite dainty dishes?”
210 – “Thousands and thousands of sons of God, who sell salvationist trifles to their equals, in such way know what they do, because if they had to buy such trifles they would not want them even if they were paid. If all the incarnate could hear the clamor that arises from the abysses of the sub-crust and the umbrageous bands that surround the Planet, they would be severely aware of it, starting to believe more in TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE.”
211 – “When SCIENCE grows, ignoring or denying the importance of MORAL, it is the same as when the reins are torn and the knight becomes less than the horse. And, for this to happen, it is enough to call the REVELATION thing of Beelzebub, exactly what the Beast of the Apocalypse has done since it rose over the city of seven hills. To grow in LOVE is to advance to ABSOLUTE SCIENCE.”
212 – “It has already been said in THE BIBLE OF THE SPIRITISTS that, no one in sane conscience, would ask IGNORANCE what to do with WISDOM. Each one prevents himself for not lacking the sane conscience, because the DIVINE JUSTICE gives time, but at the right time asks for rigorous accounts.”
213 – “Kardec was well reminded that he should return in another body to finish the restoring task of the Way of Lord; thanks God, no one told him that, at that time, he would have to ask the supposed owners of Spiritism about how he should act to perform his duties.”
214 – “An ESSENCIAL SPIRITISM has been acting since earthling Humanity has being developing mentally; although, formally, it is part of the “isms” which swarm the Humanity History, in ESSENCE, it is above all this. And that who blasphemes against the Sacred Minister of Revelation will be very unhappy, in any time and place, because he will be the defendant of the ABSOLUTE TRIAL, in order to pay until the last farthing. The IMMORTAL CODE testifies the ESSENCIAL SPIRITISM and vice-versa.”
215 – “Study the life of the ten major important figures in the History of Initiations; see how the REVELATION worked with them and to them, so that they could carry out their due tasks. It is about REVELATION that was said: WORD OF GOD!”
216 – “The sectarian and exclusivist fanaticisms come from sectarian and exclusivist men, having nothing to do with them the ESSENCIAL SPIRITISM or the DOCTRINE OF THE TRUTH.
And, the same SERVERS OF THE TRUTH that take part in the gigantic work, which aims to implant forever on Earth the DOCTRINE that has foundation in Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, prove it. And that who, to his misfortune, comes up against the FIVE SENSES of doctrinal truth, will also have to, make painful efforts to recover.”
217 – “Who does not understand of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, will wait in vain for the first, second, third, fourth, fifth or millionth Revelations. How long will certain sons of God wait to become aware that the GREAT AND TOTAL REVELATION is that has to be achieved in everyone’s inward?”
218 – “While the incarnates provide mental failures, the inferior discarnate planes will also provide their goods; and then adventures and cheaters, swindlers and mess makers will appear, impregnating the minds with their nonsense, superficial and fool literatures, and all of this exposed as it was the end of WHOLE WISDOM.”
219 – “Everyone is, before LIFE, an actor performing their role in the drama of Evolution; as the Christ affirmed, many men deceive themselves insisting on straining mosquitoes to later on swallowing a camel. However, if nobody was so willing to give orders to others and to pretend, he would deserve mercy, even swallowing fat camels.”
220 – “There is a book that could be called KARMIC REGISTER, a book on which everybody should meditate with tenacity; reading just a few pages, anyone would qualify himself that, no matter the case, it is better to care for his own deeds than to make long speeches to teach doctrine to others.”
221 – “A certain writer and preacher made his inflamed speech using gongoratic verbosity appealing to the WISDOM OF GOD, just to please his own pride; near him were some spirits, still small in Evolution, but benevolent, who deplored the vain brother for not having, at least, a little critical sense, in order to not invoke the HOLY NAME.”
222 – “What is from God does not depend on His sons; what depends on the sons of God, they will have to do, sooner or later, and for this reason no Planetary Christ carries on his shoulders the obligation of taking care of the spirits that are on apprenticeship on land, in waters and in airs, in the core of the Evolutive Process. It is not a favor to recognize that some should order, and others should be ordered, so that the GENERAL LAW can reward each one for the performance of his functions. And if someone fails, he can be sure that the DIVINE JUSTICE will make him respond to it, with or without the intervention of the Planetary Christs. That is the way it is, and no one should consider himself esteemed for the flattery or ceremonies that he believes.”
223 – “The IMPERSONAL character OF THE TRUTH is important to be known, because IT does not interfere in the conditions and situations of the spirits. It is the TREE OF LIFE that provides fruits from top to bottom, always keeping the
distinction among the tree, the fruits and those who will pluck them, to apply well or badly, according to the effort made. The Doctrine will teach, but the LAW OF KARMA will never allow that someone makes the merits for others. That is why, above healing or not, may make good or not, accomplishing the duty of teaching the Doctrine of Truth, so that the direct responsible may make movements in order to modify the MENTAL FIELD, from that other changes derive, which consequences will reach the energetic crowns, and then, the elements that compose the perispirit, and next, the gaseous, vaporous, liquid and solid elements of the physical body.”
224 – “THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST is the favorite book of those who are determined to sow GOOD and GOODNESS among their brothers, being they incarnates or discarnates; it is the link among the High Mentors, their rescuer legions and incarnate workers. Those who read it with an open heart will receive a Grace!”
225 – “Who throws stumbling blocks on the Way of the TRUTH will certainly have to go back, with his feet bleeding in his sad sowing.”
226 – “Throughout the millenniums the following will go on: EVERYBODY WILL BE CALLED, BUT NOT ALL WILL BE CHOSEN. IN TRUTH, the chosen ones will be those who have chosen themselves, by their own deeds. The Divine Father has placed a pointer of a scale, an indicator of responsibility, in each of His son. May no one trust in religionisms and sectarianisms, because the DIVINE JUSTICE is above tricks and machinations.”
227 – “THREE ETERNAL DIVINE AUTHORITIES: the Sacred Principle, the Planetary Christs and the Divine Messengery. They represent the ORIGIN, the DIRECTION and the ILLUSTRATION, owing nothing to human sectarianisms.”
228 – “The SUBLIME DOCTRINE will have, in its fanatic sectarians, its enemies and executioners. As in the days of Jesus Christ, and throughout millenniums, the executioners of the TRUTH will always be those who will set themselves as its owners.”
229 – “In the manner that the solid Earth appeared from the condensed energies, in the same way to them it shall return, but in glories and splendors, carrying those who reveal themselves worthy of accompanying the progressive journey.”
230 – “It is very easy to be with the transitory little truths, those which, for the moment, have ordinary course, or which are in the mouth of simpletons and exploiters of the moment; but it is not easy to be with those FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS, which today seem very strong, and tomorrow will prove to be Eternal, Perfect and Immutable.”
231 – “This was said to Elijah when he was about to start the work of CONSOLIDATION OF THE RESTORATION: Go and complete the work, respecting just two authorities, which are: THE LAW OF GOD AND THE DIVINE EXAMPLE OF JESUS CHRIST.”
232 – “Nobody should forget this reality, which is from God: THE TRUTH IS THE KEY THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DELIVERED TO ONE MAN, BUT TO EVERY SON OF GOD.”
233 – “We are brothers of our brothers, we are the disciples of our masters, but what really matters is that we are sons and extensions of God. The Christs and Holy Angels are relative authorities, while God is ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY, is WHO grants to everybody, a right that will never be shared. That is why, in terms of LAW and JUSTICE, everybody obeys and only God commands totally.”
234 – “The man who sows today meaning to harvest tomorrow is prudent, but much more prudent is the man who sows today to harvest eternally. This harvest, understand well, is the DO-GOOD, it is not the practice of ritualism or kowtows religionists. Illusion is for men, not for God!”
235 – “Temples, religionist clothes and ritualisms have never stopped covering the gloomiest intentions; those who came to know Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, or the spirit of the LAW and of the CHRIST should never take this tenebrous path!”
236 – “Practice your ADORATION every day, by doing GOOD to some brother, remembering that it was the Divine Father whot placed him in your way.”
237 – “Moses received the LAW through angels or spirits, and the CHRIST had angels or spirits ascending and descending upon Him. After respecting the illustrative work of REVELATION, keep working for the EDIFICATION. Nobody will reach the Christic Grade just by KNOWING it.”
238 – “Nobody will ever pass over the Law; therefore, everyone will have to respond to his own deeds; but remember that the DO-GOOD is a form of commutation of penalty, a way of smoothing the Karma, commonly well accepted by the DIVINE JUSTICE.”
239 – “It is not enough for the sinner to be penitent; he must take control of GOOD WORK for two services: PURGATION and EDIFICATION.”
240 – “Who has come so far, after the ancient and remote INITIATIONS, from now on, thinks with his own mind. The informative elements were given, and the work of EDIFICATION will never come through the others, because the KINGDOM OF GOD will never come with exterior signals. Initiation does not mean ACHIEVEMENT.”
241 – “The number THREE always appeared in the INITIATIONS as a symbol of Divine Wisdom; even beginners wise men say that they do not know why; but the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE or the FATHER, the CHRIST and the MINISTER OF REVELATION by their own explain the fact. However, the ESSENTIAL TRUTH is not symbolic.”
242 – “The TRUTH is the GOSPEL OF ETERNITY, which has never belonged to individuals or groups of individuals, but to ITSELF, to belong to all sons of GOD. Nobody has, by outside more than his has by inside!”
243 – “The TRUTH is not symbolic, enigmatic, idolatrous, feigned, mercenary, sectarian or slave of human conspiracies.”
244 – “The TRUTH is not subject to religionisms, concepts and preconceptions, subaltern interests, human prestiges and other maneuvers, whether confessable or not. Who does not esteem the GOOD FACTS will never be with the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE!”
245 – “The TRUTH does not need human formulas to be what it is, how it is, or for what it is.”
246 – “The ABSOLUTE TRUTH, that is God, engenders, sustains and determines everything, being above everything and everybody.”
247 – “The RELATIVE TRUTH, that is the CREATION, unfolds into the INFINITE, but it is subject to laws, being the greatest of them, for the spirits, the MORAL LAW.”
248 – “The TRUTH will make all sectarianisms and religionisms disappear, to go fitting the sons of God in the liberator truthfulism, away from every creeping interests, which have so much divided the same sons of God.”
249 – “The TRUTH teaches that everything is simple in principle, and that the complexities of CREATION are reduced to simplicity, when the sons of God understand the UNIQUE LAW which governs everything. But the TRUTH is not a matter of words.”
250 – “The ABSOLUTE TRUTH wants, from each of Its sons, the fulfillment of this fundamental duty: LISTEN TO IT ETERNALLY IN THE TEMPLE OF CONSCIENCE. Because, that who himself, accomplished the UNITY, in no time and in no place will appeal to the discord. He has passed to the category of DIVINE WORDS, and without being the WHOLE, it is from the WHOLE, the word and the conscious manifestation, perennially inviting His brothers to rise up to the same condition.”
251 – “Face the ESSENCIAL TRUTH as FACT, and not as mystery, if you really want to reach the best conception of the relative truths; who produces facts does not create illusion or mystery, and does not embarrass anyone by affirming them, as long as he is simple and humble, and does not wish to be, and in fact is not a pretender.”
252 – “When a man speaks, try to find out whether he really thinks about the TRUTH, or if he just tries to advertise his sectarian beliefs, this thing that impels him to ridiculous, more than to Divine Inward Achievement, which would slowly drive him to the state of UNITED WITH FATHER.”
253 – “Does the MAJOR LIFE drive forward the relative or minor one? No! The ABSOLUTE LIFE wants to be reached by its creations or emanations; and nobody will ever may explain the STATE OF UNITED, unless after reaching it. Therefore, no one
should wait for the Beginners or Christs to make this revelation. He has already said, and definitely, that each one should take the cross of evolutive duties to get there.”
254 – “When Pythagoras affirmed that what conduces to God is the TRUTHFUL, the GOOD and the BEAUTY, he made the greatest profession of wisdom against the fabricators of little treachery groups and small sectarian groups. And the Christ, the Model of the FIVE TESTIMONIES, by being persecuted, whipped and crucified by religionists, gave to the world the greatest sign of protest against all the slaves of little charts invented by men. Nobody should confuse the DOCTRINE with men and their institutions!”
255 – “Everything that exceeds human understanding, especially that of religionist traffickers, they say it is MYSTERY; they do not want to be called ignorant, and still much less they want to lose their clients and despotism.”
256 – “To confess our ignorance before the ABSOLUTE TRUTH is neither a shame nor a crime; what is a shame or a crime and even worse, is to act badly, is to produce our own, and our fellowmen’s delay, trying to protect prides and vanities.”
257 – “The MYSTERY has already excused to every sorts of ignorance, has already sponsored every sorts of exploitation, has already justified every forms of inquisition and for many and many centuries will be enthroning human imbecility.”
258 – “If the ignorance of the ABSOLUTE TRUTH is strong enough to justify the idea of MYSTERY, it does not justify that, because of this conjuring, someone have the right to exploit others. Let everybody be equal due to the IGNORED TRUTH, so that some rascals do not transform this argument into the right to sell lies to the fools.”
259 – “Remember that the God of TRUTH, LOVE and JUSTICE will never allow one of HIS sons not be what he is, to stay in some place, somehow and doing something. Meditate on this reality and you will see that, although the TOTAL TRUTH escapes you, in ITS ESSENCE, in the field of manifestations, IT embraces you with all the strength of its INFINITE REALITY.”
260 – “The SENSES OF THE DIVINE FATHER are dormant in HIS sons, still in Evolutive Process; the Evolution will make them be manifested, vibrant and penetrating; and no one will be able to conceive them, before reaching this state. For that who is equal, nothing will be necessary to say, and for that who is not, it is useless saying it. The TRUTH, no matter how deep IT is, is neither enigmatic nor mysterious, and the sons of God should always be ready for progress, because they will only get to know IT slowly and even more slowly to enjoy IT. The Sacred Finality of life is not to stay forever in the state of ignorance, confusion and doubts, this thing the religionist exploiters take great advantage of. The spirit is not illusion or appearance, he is a reality that derives from the DIVINE REALITY, and therefore, he should make of his life a program of trust in himself, and in his deeds.”
261 – “Everything in relative plane, has INTERIOR and EXTERIOR, HEARTWOOD and BARK; and in the field of Spiritism, it could not be different; nobody should want to be just BARK, or be with superficial ones. And, if acting like this, they will be certainly digging the abyss where they will have to suffer their carelessness.”
262 – “Being a manifested or created particle of God, is somebody greatest responsibility? Let us consider that, if there is a flaw on this, then there will be a flaw in all other obligations. Who cannot correspond to the necessary, how will he correspond to the contingent?”
263 –“If someone had to breathe the necessary air, based on his calculations, he would certainly die as soon as his birth. This means that the PHYSIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM is a fact. This also occurs spiritually, since the UNION with the DIVINE ESSENCE has never depended on human reasonings or conceptions. To find and live this simple reality is to end with nefarious enigmatisms, this plague that has so much favored religionist exploitations.”
264 – “All genders may be used in PURE state, and they may be FORGED; the forgeries always appeal to traffickers and the immoral ones; the worst of all immoralities is the religious one, in whatever way or under any pretext.”
265 – “The first step taken by the CHRIST to flee, and to teach how to flee from religious immoralities was to leave the temple and its exploiters, or those He used to call tombs whitewashed on the outside and rotten inside, etc. And the fight continues between the two factions… False tolerances impede the victory of the CHRIST and the Humanity… And, the most repugnant of the false tolerances is that which individuals cultivate for themselves, living divided between the TRUTH and the lie. The Father wants CONSCIOUS sons and not just morbid believers!”
266 – “When an INDIVIDUAL CONSCIENCE is really manifested, it never allows swindling and immoralities. However, the conscience that is not able to fight the great innermost fight lives subjected to idolatry and mistakes. The Spiritism points out the way, but does not walk for anyone… Each one should take his cross and walk towards the TRUTH. To teach is the duty of the DOCTRINE, but to accomplish is the duty of each son of God!”
267 – “Who bows down before fancy dressed men, and before woods and stones, or any idolatries, proves that SPIRITUALLY he is not able to keep erect. Son of the ALMIGHTY, try to be a friend of the inward verticality!”
268 – “And the Lord said in the assembly that the RESTORATION of the Consoler, or the Spirit spread over the flesh, has the aim to populate the Earth with prophets, in order that the KNOWLEDGE OF CAUSE forces the Humanity towards the liberating way. However, while the individuals are wrong, how can the Humanity be right?”
269 – “It has already been said that the worst lie is the one imposed in the name of the TRUTH; therefore, those who use mediumship or propheticism badly should be on alert. The DIVINE JUSTICE considers the level of peoples’ knowledge of cause, but does not accept excuses, because those who come presenting excuses cannot allege ignorance. Excuses are confessions of guilt!”
270 –“Do not expect to use the elucidations made by these points after discarnating; they have not been transmitted for this purpose; be an intelligent son of God, sensible and free, friend of the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, because the FREEDOM will never come through the ravines of sectarianism that the world offers. Learn and live now, because you are ETERNAL!”
271 – “SIMPLICITY is not this stupid and repulsive thing that involves some creatures pretending to be AUSTERE, but who are, in fact, inferior and mediocre; SIMPLICITY is above places and times, means and purposes, because it is not malicious, it does not want to seem authority, nor does it plan to increase occasional positions. SIMPLICITY must be learnt with the CHRIST, who did not bow before the great ones of the world, and who, even at the crucifixion, was conscious and divinely imperative.”
272 – “Out of VERTICAL LOVE, even GOODNESS becomes oppressive, embarrassing that who needs it; also, the horizontal or human loves, when out of the MORAL, arouse discords and send their cultivators to the planes of darkness. Who are intelligent should supervise his deeds and how they are applied.”
273 – “Jesus symbolized the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN that each one has within himself and should blossom, like the mustard seed that grows, grows so much that comes to have that use that the parable presents. Do not forget to consider the very many evolving stages; do not intend to be what you are not yet, to avoid being frequently ridiculous.”
274 – “Men have made so many religionist assertions that they have forgotten to perform decent deeds, those which really magnify the sons of God; and this deviation is so great that a fire deluge will be necessary to bring them back to good sense. May the disciples of the Generalized Consoler know how to conduct the people of future eras, so that it will not happen again.”
275 – “Vain persons who consider themselves philosophers criticize Zoroaster for having created the concepts of GOOD and EVIL; they allege that these do not exist, that there is no dualism
in God. On the other hand, they assert that God is INNOMINATE or UNDEFINABLE, to say that HE is above cogitations and parallels; and they dislike being maltreated, and want to be celebrated. Who wants to know how to ponder GOOD and EVIL should ask himself about GOODNESS and BAD.”
276 – “They criticize the BUDDHAS saying that they were not DIVINISTS; this, for what the last Great Buddha did, because he summarized all those who came before him; that is so, because men are still divided, some want God to be square, others want Him to be round, etc. And every time the opposing group speaks, it is to be opposite!... Spiritism is above all this, because it knows that the UNITY is yet to be attained; therefore, it regards those who have already arrived, those who are now and those yet to come, as mere workers in their respective timeworks.”
277 – “Who is truly a worker of the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, remembers and considers those who previously sowed, so that others could harvest… Even the CHRIST, Model of the FIVE WITNESSES, has spoken about this.”
278 – “On the carnal plane it is impossible to speak about everything, about the entire TRUTH which rules in the Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent DIVINE ESSENCE; consequently, no matter who comes, he will speak about truth and he will not speak about truth… And observe that the TEN GREATEST that passed through the flesh, leaving the DOCTRINAL MATRIXES, were distinct in many points, or did and said different things. It is because the TRUTH, in its integrity, does not fit here, in any way.”
279 – “Even if the Buddhas, the Vedas, the Zoroasters, the Hermes, the Patriarchs, the Moseses, and the Prophets had come to flesh more often, it is grateful to think about those personalities, for the simple fact of recognizing that the work field in those days was much coarser, rough and dangerous. Also, one must point out that they themselves have contributed to the modern information… Truly, what would be of the latter-time workers without the help of the early-time workers? The Evolutive Process contains one SYNTHESIS, whether you want it or not.”
280 – “If the Christic Grade is omnipresent, and so it awaits everyone universally, there is a Faithful and Prudent Provider, individual, that waits for everybody with open arms, in that place called the Eighth Heaven. As transmitting information has nothing to do with doing magic tricks and making CHRISTS, we predict that, do not deviate from the SAFE ROUTE, in order to get there as soon as possible. Nevertheless, as dangers surround men, whoever deviates should seek to return to the WAY OF THE LORD.”
281 – “There are no PAST-ISMS or FUTURE-ISMS for the TRUTH; what IT wants from all is the innermost service of VIBRATORY UNITY. As to RELATIVE TRUTHS, the infinity will always be their pure and simple characteristics. The most evolved ones will find, on the foundations, on the bases of all mutations, the UNIQUE LAW that presides over everything. Unfortunate is the one who lives only for the external aspects of the TRUTH!”
282 – “The PERIPHERAL MAN is that who is always distant from the best… He thinks that it is humbleness…He speaks about God, the Truth, the Christ, the High Mentors, but only to situate them far away, at a distance, impossible!”
283 – “Pure Mind produces great deeds… The penitent sinner attracts friendly and helping arms… Mary of Magdala had a light that shone in a hidden place, and the Christ uncovered it… The penitent sinner proclaimed to the world, and continues to do so, about the Resurrection of all spirits…”
284 – “When Mary, soon after discarnating, saw the Anointed Son made entirely into DIVINE LIGHT, and surrounded by scintillating multitudes, she exclaimed: “I WILL PRAY FOR YOU OH MARTYRIZERS OF MEN, BECAUSE, IN FACT, YOU ARE REALLY UNCONSCIOUS!”
285 – “The live head of John the Baptist did not convert Mary Salome; but his dead head had the magic power to make her penitent and devoted to the WAY OF LORD. She is one of the gracious servers of the TRUTH and GOOD. What a beautiful example!”
286 – “No wolf is more dangerous than the one that dresses up as a lamb; even the EVIL, when spontaneous, is somewhat tolerable; but what does the false friendship, that so much prevails among the religionists, have that is good?”
287 – “If things had been limited to those who decapitated the Baptist, crucified the Christ and excoriated Their followers, the harm would not have been so great; the tragedy started when worse torturers began using Their respective names with adulations and kowtow, aiming at the doctrinal corruption. As ESSENCIAL SPIRITISM is not subject to any dogmatism, may no one intend to impose such great harshness on IT, under any pretexts.”
288 – “Can anyone guarantee that FORMAL SPIRITISM is not going to suffer from vaticanism and popism?”
289 – “Do not be a fool to examine the steps of the one who makes long and pompous speeches, because, if he is only of empty words, very soon he will reveal what he is, and just inversely, if he is an apostle of the TRUTH.”
290 – “The one who is with the Christ is worth crowds, and it could not be any different, because the TRUTH is a matter of quality, and not quantity.”
291 – “He who is not with Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue will not be with the Law of God and with the Christ. And no one should intend to disguise such reality, to deceive and be deceived, because it will cost him much more.”
292 – “It was to the religionists that Jesus told that parable which says that it is better to reach discarnation crippled or blind, than physically perfect and the soul overburdened with ignorances and crimes. The TRUTH has never recommended any labels.”
293 – “Seers can see a brilliant dove, which symbolizes the Divine Messengery or the Consoler; but even this should be left behind, so that everything can be real and simply known and cultivated.”
294 – “Also, some High Mentors have presented themselves with wings to indicate the Divine Messengery; but the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE is not on their wings, but in their virtues.”
295 – “The ACTIVE faculties will take the place of the PASSIVE ones, in the course of time.”
296 – “Evolution requires conscious interpenetration of the two planes.”
297 – “No one can truly be enemy of the TRUTH.
298 – “No one can truly blaspheme against God.”
299 – “Do not let the TRUTH delay its fully revelation.”
300 – “Truly place the light over the land of the Humanity.”
301 – “Fortunate is the Humanity that no longer needs to martyrize the missionaries of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue; it is a sign that it has overcome fanatic and exploiting, sectarian and hindrance religionisms of the human evolution. When will the Earth be such a christified world?”
302 – “The Happiness of those who do everything in the name of God is doubtful, but the Happiness of those who do everything according to the LAW and the JUSTICE of God is absolutely guaranteed. In God, appearances and lures do not prevail.”
303 – “When PURITY and WISDOM frame the spirit, he hovers over pagan religionisms, superstitions, simulations and commercialisms, practiced in the name of God and the Truth; but when the inferiority is what defines his position on the hierarchic scale, he leaves behind everything that represents God in Spirit and Truth, to yield to compromising externalisms and sectarianisms. Idolaters are like lanterns that have been put out.”
304 – “Who knows the meaning of a Doctrine that bases on Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue also knows that he is capable of evolving to the infinite, facilitating movements, conditions and situations at will, for all progressive effects. Therefore, Spiritism is self-sufficient in all senses.”
305 – “Jesus has spoken about DOCTRINE and not about CHURCH; THE DOCTRINE belongs to God and the CHURCH belongs to men, because it means human gathering. Woe to him who betrays the DOCTRINE, to endorse WHATEVER TREACHERY GROUPS, under any pretexts!”
306 – “May the OUTER WARNINGS be heard, but work you for the INNER REALITIES. Everyone should warn, and it is a must to do so, but the most important is the inner edification through self-effort.”
307 – “The cross has become a symbol of the need for self-sacrifice; what was the religionist simulation or liturgical maneuver that Jesus resorted to, in order to deny, refute or betray it? Nevertheless, pagan formulisms has taken the place of intellectual-moral duties, and Christianism has been changed into a catchall of appearances and a pool of shameful and even bloody mercenarism.”
308 – “While parents teach their children to look back, so as to remind them the political-mercenary religionisms, the Humanity will remain at the hands of backwardness and unbalances, furnishing elements for the planes of darkness and for painful reincarnations.”
309 – “Mediumship is a door that opens to all sides of spiritual sphere; it would be better if no one opened it in certain directions…”
310 – “You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High is written in chapter eighty-two in the Book of Psalms. But instead of cultivating PURITY and WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE and GOODNESS, in order to some day leave the flesh full of Light and Glories, the earthlings leave it burdened with idolatrous trinkets, a weight that will send them to places of torment.”
311 – “The beginning and the end of the DOCTRINAL TRUTH is this: the Law of God does not command to have any religion, whether formulistic or formalistic, seeing that, the Model Christ was persecuted, arrested, vilely judged and crucified by religionists. Therefore, may the good sons of God acknowledge the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE in their social deeds, so that the Revelation might guide them towards the Inner Heaven.”
312 – “THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST” is the book of future eras, because it marks the beginning of a different phase in the order of mediumistic interchanges; everything is a matter of evolving, and for this to happen, one needs to know more and better. No one can measure now, what it will do in millennia to come and until the evolutive consummation of earthly Humanity.”
313 – “Just as the spirit delves into material worlds, so as to, then, awaken, gain WISDOM and PURITY, and be free in CHRISTIC PLENITUDE, in the same way, the solid worlds are formed, live, progress and return to the state of resplendent energy, furnishing inconceivable elements and means of GLORY to the freed spirits.”
314 – “Who knows life in the Christic Heaven is not able to reveal it to who does not know it; and who knows nothing except what goes on in the rough world of earthly matter is not able to understand it, no matter how much is said to him. Therefore, in order to savor CELESTIAL DELICACIES, one needs to truly deserve it.”
315 – “After all that has been said as ESSENTIAL REVELATION, above formalisms organized by men, we should only say that carnal life is a journey made in the bosom of a rough instrument, so that, with it, one may gain the right to live in celestial freedom. Who consider incarnation this way has everything to work, renounce and do GOOD, moving towards the SUPREME GLORY; but, how many treacherous traps will fall into that who ignores it?”
316 – “Never will a spirit, whatever he may be, be able to know the CHRISTIC GLORY, as long as he is incarnate. Transfigurations are very easy, but relative to the environment and nothing more, having no ways of showing the senses, the extensions of SPIRITUAL PLENITUDE.”
317 – “The DIVINE UBIQUITY, this VIRTUE OF GOD, which the spirits approaching the CHRISTIC PLENITUDE come to participate in, can never count on the good explanation of the spirits. For now, all we can say is that there are realities that cannot be explained.”
318 – “Regarding the Planet Earth, it is beyond the Seventh Heaven that the FREEDOM can achieve its plenitude; and who will be able to measure it according to human measurements? Who is capable of knowing what it is to participate in the INFINITY and ETERNITY, without having a slightest idea of what it is like? Because ALL INFINITY reveals ITSELF in the spirit, and makes him ITS participant, without explaining how!”
319 – “It is not now that you should understand the YOU ARE GODS, but on that day; for now, make sure you bear it in mind, living PURITY and WISDOM in the best way possible. From stage to stage, everybody will get there, but it is convenient to hasten the arrival. The reward is worthwhile all the sacrifice.”
320 – “We have informed a lot over a period of more than two hundred and forty thousand years of CONSECUTIVE REVELATIONS, throughout eras and cycles. You have asked a lot to the outward and to others, but the Divine Messengery now says that you should ask yourselves the questions, because you have already achieved the proper age. The Divine Father is at the heart of everything and everybody, and it is normal that HE should expect, on the part of HIS sons, the DIVINE CONCERT. That is the reason why we have warned you… From now on, search the VOICE OF THE LORD GOD, which is universal, and not only the voice of your discarnate brothers, the messenger angels of all times. No doubt, evolution imposes more intense interchanges between the two planes of LIFE; but the essential is the MENTAL COMMUNION WITH THE DIVINE FATHER. Who places himself above any externalisms, out of any sectarian modality, free from all the divisive influences of the world, will cause in himself the SERVICE OF UNITY and will live in Spirit and Truth. This is how the Divine Father is and this is how He wants His sons to become. Be so, whoever can, and go to the DIVINE UNITY.”
321 – “In God, ESSENCE and REALITY prevail, never appearances and simulations. However, wrong and feigned men, wildly coveting control and nobiliary regalia, invented rituals and feigned clothing, gestures looking like lauds to God, and filled the world with aberrances, delays and inquisitions, repugnant maneuvers and fraudulent infiltrations in public administration, and in the intimate life of those who work hard to survive. When will this stop oppressing the earthly Humanity?”
322 – “Before nebulas and physical worlds is the infinite magnetic ocean; but before all of that, which subdivides into infinitesimal scales, is the CREATOR SPIRIT or GOD. The most fortunate, therefore, is the one who, through his intensified or evolved MIND, gets in contact with the CREATOR PRINCIPLE in his inward, hence extracting powers, energies, and forces, that no one in the flesh will be able to appreciate completely. To pray is not to repeat words and sentences; it is to get in harmony with the Divine Father, and with His angels or messenger spirits.”
323 – “Remember that the Masters of Doctrine, the Saint Spirits, first give you sufficient information, to later leave you to your own conscience and deliberations, with a view to appraise your acquired learning and forces. You have to live up to their expectations, because they watch you from afar, as true Guardian Angels, that celebrate with your good fortunes or suffer with your misfortunes.”
324 – “A Divine Model was presented; He carried the cross on which He was to be crucified, but He did not complain at all, and gave Himself up as if He were a mere sinner or criminal. You must try, therefore, to comprehend the Earth as an extremely lower world, where the great spirits have to sow COMPREHENSION, PATIENCE, GOODNESS and RENUNCIATION. False pagan adorations and exploitations will only prolong ignorance and perversity.”
325 – “When there is no light in the INNER TEMPLE, there is no GOODNESS in the person’s acts, consequently the Law and Justice of God will not be with him. And in this case, without looking for the WISDOM and the PURITY, the GOOD and the GOODNESS, what is the use of resorting to idolatrous maneuvers?”
326 – “The vice of idolatry will be the last one to be overcome by the spirit, to balance with the celestial sphere of the Christic Plenitude! Once the VIBRATORY UNITY with the OMNIPRESENT CREATOR is established, everything else is a matter of working on the dominions of GOOD and GOODNESS, cooperating with HIM and HIS ETERNAL, PERFECT and IMMUTABLE WORK.”
327 – “The spontaneous mistake or the mistake that is pure in intention should be merely admonished; but the intentional mistake must be punished. At least, it should be thrown against the dust of one’s sandals, as Jesus Christ taught. Out of this, the act of endorsement, which is criminal even when disguised as GESTURE OF TOLERANCE, prevails.”
328 – “To talk about the Christ is easy, but to imitate the Christ is for who does not fear crucifixion. One needs to have courage to KNOW, FEEL, SAY and DO what should be done, no matter the cost.”
329 – “If everybody saw what the mercenaries of religion carry under their feigned clothing and formulistic gestures, certainly the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE would quickly triumph. Unfortunately, appearances live on the outside and the sad realities hide in the inward. Yet, no one shall ever flee from the DIVINE JUSTICE, because before IT, titles and paraments will melt.”
330 – “Never forget to knock at the DOORS OF HEAVEN to obtain from Heaven the desired Graces; but never forget to knock at the doors of yourself, to know how to apply them. Who does not know how to share with his brothers, it is because he has never learned how to obtain from God. As the Father is not usurious, neither should be His sons!”
331 – “The spirits that are for a period of probation or apprenticeship in lower realms do not use pagan idolatries and mercenaries; the High Spirits, Filters of the Creator, do not use them at all either; but those who pilgrim through the lower human worlds make the big mistakes of superstition, and of the most compromising acts of simulation.”
332 – “Summary of the Sublime Doctrine: GOD IS SPIRIT AND TRUTH AND SO HE WANTS HIS SONS TO BECOME. Meditate, son of God, and you will find in this short sentence, all the WISDOM and all the PURITY. Nevertheless, remember that the one who is in the phase of discussions is not in the phase of great accomplishments. Take time and favor conditions if you really want to help to progress.”
333 – “Men may present costumes, rituals and scapulars, feigned clothing and thousands of religionist simulations, and with that, they may delude other men, passing as authorities on things of spirit; but they will never be able to hide their own HEART and their own BRAIN from GOD. And all the formalisms and formulisms, with which they have betrayed the Law of God and the Divine Example of the Christ, one day will fully fall in their CONSCIENCE, for them to answer for the crimes committed.”
Who presents himself before the Divine Justice, poor of formulistic resources and rich in GOOD DEEDS, will find joy in the Kingdom of Light and Glory; but who presents himself full of religionist maneuvers and empty of GOOD DEEDS, will end up in the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
In the spiritual world, in the withdrawal places, this is known: thousands of spirits come back in depressing conditions concerning spiritual pays, because they have been so much reading superficial books, mediocre little stories and narratives. They have forgotten that the Law of God and the Model Christ constitute the Two Faithful Witnesses, over which no one will pass, and these thousands of spirits become full of empty words and empty of essential deeds.
No one will give accounts to men or human institutions and statutes; God, only God rewards each one according to his DEEDS! Be careful that no one deceives you, because God wants PURITY and WISDOM, not paganisms and idolatries!
Wisdom of Infinity and Eternity is represented in four very simple words: GOD, TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE. What other words or readings could explain these ones with absolute rigor? This duty summarizes all: OBEY GOD, DO GOOD TO YOUR BROTHERS AND ACHIEVE THE CHRISTIC GRADE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Between the Father and His sons, the LAW OF HARMONY rules, moving Justice to reward each one according to his DEEDS.
Among brothers, LOVE rules, LOVE that confers PEACE and HAPPINESS facilitating the progress, with fewer drawbacks.
Among the different Planes of Life, the Revelation, the Ministry of Holy Spirit rules, that carries out the duty of warning, illustrating and consoling. The Revelation functions in worlds and inter-worlds, and very unfortunate is the one who blasphemes against It!
No one should invent MODES OF BELIEVING, because it is abominable before God, whose Laws are ETERNAL, PERFECT and IMMUTABLE, being Self-Sufficient, with no need of human advocacies or patronizing.
The Matter should be used with due respect, but never adored; the spirit that adores the matter commits an abominable act, because he dishonors himself as spirit, as superior one made by God.
The son should do his part, because the part of God is God’s own duty; it is above all human cogitations.
The ESSENCIAL SPIRITISM will never be an amount of human formulas; unfortunately, despotic groupings, which will rise, believing they are judges and controllers of their brothers, will fabricate such monkeyshines.
GOD, TRUTH, LOVE, VIRTUE. These four words define the ESSENCIAL SPIRITISM. What books or men define them to the infinite?
The son of God who comes to know that the Spiritism is the school of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE will never be slave of institutions or human statutes; and, with that, he has assumed enormous responsibility, because who is able to know and feel more before God will have to bear worthy fruit by example before the world.
And remember, son of God, that the discarnation is, little or much, a box of surprises for all those who are subject to it. Do, then, the GOOD, so that these surprises will be in your favor. So we wish.”

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