This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


Chapter XVII

1 – Remember that one day you came from the Divine Essence as His spark, in complete UNCONSCIOUSNESS, but with the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE in latent state for the forthcoming development through worlds and lives.

2 – Remember that you plunged into the Divine Light, the primary state of the Matter, the Supreme Engine of the Divine Creating Essence, which we call GOD. The Divine Light is in everything and in everything It penetrates. It is the basis of all spiritual and material movement in the Creation plane, because the Matter derives from It, by densification, and the Spirit makes use of It, for the perispirit be formed and serves as connecting agent with the physical world.

3 – Remember this: In terms of Matter, everything begins in the Divine Light. However, the continuation, by densification, is complex, not simple. We will have energetic, ethereal, gaseous, vaporous, liquid and solid gamut. Everything is multiplying itself in the field of the manifestations, but having the Divine Light as Matrix, which, in its turn, has God, the Divine Creating Essence, as Principle. Since the Divine Essence is Omnipresent, so is the Divine Light; therefore, out of the Divine Light nothing could exist in the Material plane.

4 – The Matter is not really illusion, as some Hinduist schools have been claiming; It is the expression of the Divine Light condensed or solidified, nothing more. Once God is not illusion, neither is the Divine Light nor is the Matter. The Matter is transmutable, greatly transmutable, but not illusion. In addition, no spiritual spark will ever do his biological or christifying climbing, without using It in every of his stages.

5 – Therefore, remember: as soon as you left God, the Creating, Sustaining, Destining Divine Essence, you created the first energetic crown, without knowing, because you were unconscious. The Divine Light covered you, and you moved yourself through It, which for you, It presented Itself with defined individual characteristics. And that was the beginning of your vehicle of the soul, the perispirit or the astral body.

6 – Remember that, afterwards, during millions of years, six other crowns were formed, through densification of the same Divine Light, and you kept on reaching much higher levels in the biological scale. You were the inhabitant of bodies, richer and richer in organs and members, until the day you have reached the human species as primate. The seven energetic crowns were ready to act, with their chakras and plexus, so that you could enter the phase of INTELLECT-MORAL understandings. It was the origin of human phase, because from then on, in the same way that everything grew in the vehicle of the soul or perispirit, from the inside to the outside, the phase of diminishing from outside to the inside started, by the illumination, sublimation or divinization.

7 – The phase of MORAL-INTELLECT CONSCIOUSNESS of the spark starts with the entrance in the human species. Therefore, the more the spark rises in TRUTH, LOVE AND VIRTUE or develops internally, the more he etherizes the vehicle of the soul or perispirit. And the more he etherizes the perispirit, the more the crowns diminish by sublimation. The less vibrating colors begin to be eliminated, and everything goes on being divinized, until one day it becomes only one crown, but now greatly expanded, making the spark shines like a Divine Sun, participating in the DIVINE UBIQUITY.

8 – So are the UNITED SPIRITS, the Divine Words, the Nirvanic ones, those who are the CONNECTING LINKS between God, the Omnipresent Divine Essence, and the Worlds and the Humanities still in evolutive process. Remember, son of God, that this is what you will have to reach, cost what it may. You will never be able to understand the Light, the Glory and the Power of the DIVINE UBIQUITY before reaching the Grade of United. This is the Glory that the Divine Father has reserved to His Sons. No one is special to Him, nor is He special to anyone. His Justice is Unpolluted, It acts from the inside to the outside, and It will give each one according to his achievements or deeds.

9 – Everything is a matter of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE. Remember that since very remote millenniums, the Planetary Direction has sent Masters, Buddhas, Beginners, Prophets, etc. Remember the TWO WITNESSES, FAITHFUL AND TRUTHFUL – The Law of God and the Divine Model Christ. You will never triumph out of THEM, because they represent the DIVINE MORAL ORDER WHICH RULES THE CREATION.

10 – The Revelation, the communicability of angels, souls or spirits, exists to warn, illustrate and console. With the TWO WITNESSES, the Revelation warns, illustrates and consoles, but against THEM, it is a way of darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth! For all intents and purposes, remember, out of the Law of God and the Model Christ there will never be an advisable procedure.

11 – As the Revelation is the Grace of Heaven, which eliminates the orphanhood of the world, God announced, through the Prophets or Mediums, that the Model Christ would come, and that He would be the Spreader or the Baptizer in Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament are the promises, and the New Testament is the FULFILLED PROMISE.

12 – Remember to read the Book of Acts, chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 19 for you to know about the Generalized Consoler by the Model Christ. Do not forget this, so that you must cultivate the Revelation according to the LAW OF GOD and the PRACTICES OF JESUS, THE MODEL CHRIST. Unfortunate who acts against this triangle: The Law, the Model Christ and the Grace of the Revelation! Because it is bad to ignore, but to apply badly is much worse!

13 – The MATRIX TRUTH is at the basis of all the relative truths. Therefore, no one needs to intend to play God’s part... This absurd belongs to the clerical-phariseeism, those who pretend to be OWNERS OF THE TRUTH, in order to develop the disgusting commerce of idolatries and deceitful formulism. Get away from all this!

14 – As we have already indicated, the part of God, before Humanity, is filtered through the ruling laws, the elements and the facts. Mysteries and miracles are arguments of the fools, or the smart ones who exploit the fools. In nature, it is like this, and everyone can recognize the Creator through the Creation, of which everyone is part and relation. Only God is Father, all the rest belongs to a unique brotherhood.

15 – It is always good to emphasize that, in terms of doctrine, the Law of God and the Modeling of the Christ are the MORAL and IRREVOCABLE MODELING BASIS. The Law teaches the MORAL CONDUCT, out of which no one will ever triumph. And, the Christ represents the LIVING EXAMPLE, the model of knowledge, obedience, simplicity, gentleness and humbleness, resignation and total resurrection in the christic glory.

16 – Ask your fellowmen, a lot and always, about the relative wisdoms; but in terms of MORAL CONDUCT, each of you should ask yourselves, at the moment of acting in society, if you are with the Law and with the Christ. Because after acting, well or badly, the reaction of the Divine Justice will be complete, for peace or torment. By being judge in his own, who acts, registers the action in himself, whether he knows it or not, desires it or not, likes it or not.

17 – The Humanities that move around the Cosmos, count on very rich libraries; however, at the time of CONSULTING THE CONSCIENCE about what the DIVINE MORAL ORDER THAT RULES THE CREATION orders, every son of God gets positioned before himself. If someone illuminates himself, the LIGHT will be his; if someone darkens himself, the DARKNESS will be his, until he eliminates it through deeds.

18 – Our language, now, speaks about the same TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, but in a way that is much more direct and frontal; this is so because the maturity phase, which knocks on the doors of your history, has much more privileges of various kinds to give; therefore, it has much more to demand from your fraternal conduct, just fraternal. The Heaven does not ask you anything for Itself but for yourselves, who are brothers. Is it hard to understand what we say, for your own good?

19 – Do you keep on waiting for the External Christ? Do not be a child! The External Christ has never been far from the ones who wanted Him near, and even inside their hearts. Heaven does not shrink for who do not want to shrink... You wait for who has never gotten away from you... We expect that your Internal Christ presents himself totally exposed.

20 – At the beginning, I spoke to the individual, and then, to the society or brotherhood. I speak again to each one in private. Remember that since the beginning, Our Common Father placed the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE in latent state inside you. It is time for you to understand this, for your own good. Throw always from you the religionisms and sectarianisms, all the externalisms, all the simulations and compromising formulisms. Learn with the TRUTH, sublime yourself with the LOVE, and amplify your inner lights by applying the VIRTUE.

21 – The cosmic Creation is the total temple. It defines no one, because all live inside it, whether in the planes of Light, Glory and Power, or in the tenebrous abysses, where the great wrong ones suffer. Remember that the temple, which you should take care of, is of individual order, it is the inner temple, it is the same you. With the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, you will do everything for yourself, because you will be the living example to your brothers in the process of self-christification.

22 – SUPREME RECOLLECTION: You will keep on questioning still for a long time, more outside than your inside... However, the Divine Justice will eternally evaluate your CONSCIENCE... Because you will never be able to find outside, what only the Divine Justice has to give. Remember that God made you to become His Word in the Divine Order, and not an eternal pilgrim of ignorance and suffering...

23 – I have begun by saying you that one day you came from God in an UNCONSCIOUS STATE, but with all the potential spiritual powers; that the evolutive process would make you find the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE. Now, you must comprehend that the TRUTH was, is and will be eternally within yourself. For all we have warned you, since remote cycles, we may say the following: DO NOT ALLOW YOUR OWN BOAT TO SINK!

24 – You are life, existence, vibration, movement and work. Who exists must be somewhere, in a certain way, doing something and for a certain finality. Therefore, if you live to move something, you move WISDOM, but towards LOVE, because the fundamental recipe for the son of God will be always the one that defines the meaning of the Gospel: "LOVE ONE ANOTHER"!

25 – Remember: We will never change, but you ought to change, and a lot, until you become a living reflex of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE. This is the final message of the restoring service of the DOCTRINE OF THE WAY OF THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE. We offer the Law of God, the Divine Model Christ and the Revelation, which warns, illustrates and consoles. We will be expecting, from your part, the fulfillment of your duties. We can and we should offer the DIVINE PROGRAM, and assist as much as possible, but the ACCOMPLISHMENT is each one's responsibility. No one releases nor christifies others!...

26 – Do not forget this: Before the Law be presented, in several phases, until It took roots; before the arrival of the Divine Mold; before this, remember, the Humanity had, for more than two hundred and forty thousand years, received information transmitted by incarnate missionaries through the Revelation, about the fundamental importance of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, in terms of practical life, and not in terms of cleric-pharisaic groupings, which were formed afterwards in order to commercialize idolatries and establish conspiracies of bossing tendencies. May this not happen again with what we now teach...

27 – No one is the owner of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, and therefore, no one is spiritual owner of his brothers. I repeat, may there not be princes among you, regarding spiritual matters, but may all of you be lovers and practitioners of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE. It will never be slave of little human charts! Therefore, each one should be truly open-minded, simple, humble and server to It.

28 – In any sense, who has more, has more to give. In the field of the spiritual gifts or mediumistic or prophetic faculties, this obligation increases more and more, because the one gifted with such resources must be a better linking agent with the ruling spiritual world. The responsibility of those who have to speak to their brothers, as communicating agents of the discarnates, is very big, because the more spiritual the virtues or qualities are the more responsible they are before the Divine Justice.

29 – On the inferior levels no one thinks as he wants, but as he is able to. Nevertheless, for all effects, it is important to be keeping more in accordance with the Law of God and the Divine Modeling of the Christ. Connections with the lower levels, that make use of idolatrous elements and practices, are not convenient. From much of what is possible, also much must be repelled. If there are material poisons, or in the level of material struggle, there are much more spiritual or mediumistic contents. Out of the Law of God and the Model Christ, in the flesh or out of the flesh, no one is authority!

30 – Mediumship is window that opens to the spiritual world, but remember that you can open it to different corners and depths. What is rough, in mediumistic terms, pleases the spirits of lower hierarchies. Never confound the difference between Divine Wisdom and human wisdom. Sublimate yourself, search for the sublime, and invite your brothers to that. It is easy to go down; therefore it is harder to rise. But, the effort devoted to the ascension is worthwhile.

31 – There is UNITY only in the Creating Principle. The Creation is diversity that extends, for the man, until the infinity. However, there is ONE GENERAL LAW, which is the HARMONIC MATRIX. And for the man, in doctrinal character, their poles are the Law of God and the Modeling of the Christ. Who is with the Law and the Christ is with the respect for the HIERARCHY, for the vibratory echelons, for the merit in all the planes and levels of the Creation. He takes care of everything related to TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, because human scientificisms, philosophisms and religionisms are unsteady. How would the DOCTRINE OF THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE be, that is, the one that really SETS YOU FREE, if God had built IT on unsteady human concepts? Therefore, get united with the DIVINE, because from IT you came from in unconscious state, and to IT you will have to return in plain CONSCIENCE.

32 – The Law does not grant concessions and the Model Christ was not the same, nor is the same for everyone. The Law will keep dictating the DIVINE RULES and the Model Christ will keep exemplifying warnings, illustrations and consolings. Remember that, the TWO WITNESSESS will say YES or NO, either with celestial sweetness or with infernal toughness. Be careful, and a lot, with the pharisaic yeast and with the false prophecies... Because in the name of the Earth and the Heaven, they will want to impose the ignorance and the error! Remember that human miseries, whether in the flesh or out of it, will still exist for a long time...

33 – The Earth will get into the maturity phase... It will no longer be a place for purging, but will turn itself for very difficult probations for the great majority... If you behave in accordance with the TWO WITNESSES, you will not need to listen to and accept the insinuations of those who, being empty for themselves, are trying to pass as the OWNERS OF THE TRUTH AND JUDGES OF THEIR BROTHERS. Study the item number twenty-seven, so as not to commit crimes by delivering to others your fundamental rights, or intending to subtract from others the same right...Watch your deeds instead!

34 – Good examples shall never cease to be the main factors in celestial admission. Handle to exemplify LOVE and WISDOM, completely out and above religionisms and sectarianisms. Stay with the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, so that you can repel human pharisaisms... Remember that God is not of charts invented by man... Therefore, if you want to become SPIRIT and TRUTH, as soon as possible, abandon human charts right away!

35 – And, for all effects, remember that LOVE is the maximum tool of conscientious elevation. In the lower words is in that way, because the wisdoms of man has thrown him, many times, into abysses of weeping and gnashing of teeth. LOVE is simplicity, goodness, humbleness, forgiveness, resignation, loving work and absolute life. Human wisdom has kept man stuck to the world, and it will still do for a long time, but LOVE has thrown and will throw him towards Heaven.

36 – When you entered the human phase, as primate or human embryo, you still knew nothing about your DIVINE ORIGIN and the normal SACRED FINALITY to be achieved. You wandered around, instinctive and brute, voracious and sensuous, aiming to satisfy only the needs of the instinct, destroying and being destroyed. Your conscience was asleep and your behavior corresponded to that...

37 – You kept rising, climbing the individual conscience, learning how to look at the horizons and to the starry spaces... And one day, many thousands of years later, you received a dose of civilization, through immigrants who had arrived from another world, very wise about certain knowledge, but morally implicated before the Supreme Justice... You learned a lot, in the course of hundreds of the following millenniums and you conquered the Moral Law and the Model Christ, at the right time...

38 – You still suffer, in yourself, the damages of superstitions, of feigned clothing, of mute idols, of formal apparatus, of general externalisms, of everything that lies to the spirit, with the foolish pretension of justifying the ignorance and spiritual faults... You easily look downwards and backwards... It is still hard for you to look Forwards and Upwards... It is easy for you to imitate the mistake, but it is hard for you to imitate the true wisdom... Therefore, I remind you about the urgent need to watch your CONSCIENCE, so that you can improve your behavior, no matter what the examples of your brothers are... You will answer for yourself, but for no one else, and from now on, with much more rigor! Will you keep that in mind?

39 – We repeat: THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL NOT COME WITH EXTERNAL SIGNS! Therefore, try to search the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE in the Inner Temple... Learn how to talk to your CONSCIENCE, after clarifying it... We shall not accept formulisms or excuses, and the further you get into the phase of maturity, with more severity, because the rewards will also be much greater!

40 – The noble task of DYNAMISE LOVE belongs to Goodness. Do not waste your time making long speeches about MORAL and LOVE, because the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth are full of such speakers! Work parallel to Goodness, even if it costs you mortal sacrifices, and you will be developing, within yourself, your Christ. Remember that the legions, already christified, will be waiting jubilant, divinely jubilant, for those who are getting closer to the DIVINE BOSOM as well.

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