This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


Chapter XVIII

1 – It always begins with the central agent, the spirit, which is a being in any grade of biological scale and, consequently, a vibrant power. The more the spirit evolves, the more intense the vibration is, in GOOD or in EVIL. And from this, the responsibility derives through the use of free will. By growing the semi-god, he grows in rights and duties.

2 – In the evolutive beginnings, the spirit is only an unconscious employee of the automatisms, of the Determining Causes, that is, causal laws and environmental influences. The spirit is what he is, reflecting himself as he already is, and reacting over the environmental tangencies. It is so variable in depth and intensity that what burden on the spirit and what he can move by his own capacities during the stay in the evolutive beginnings, that for the time being, it is impossible for the incarnate to understand.

3 – When the primate reaches the human species, although still in that primitive stage, he can be seen radiating by the spiritual eyes. What the mind is capable of wishing, and what the emotion is capable of desiring by instinct, command the electromagnetic radiation, in the direction thought and desired. The spirit has no notion that it is incarnate or discarnate, and therefore, everything is the same in terms of Moral. That does not exist for him, and the spirit exists and vibrates for what he wants, on the circuit of what he is capable.

4 – By going up in the evolutive scale, the spirit goes up in everything, until reaches the standard-man of the present phase, in transition between the first half-age and the second one, between youth and maturity, with considerable increase in the chart of rights and duties. He is a particle of God, commanding the seven energetic crowns, the chakras or plexus and the normal radiations of the ethereal, gaseous, vaporous, liquid and solid elements of the physical body. His electromagnetic and fluidic elements can be addressed to GOOD or EVIL according to his will, in the scope of his limited powers.

5 – They can radiate by the entire body, but the head and the hands usually represent the most expressive or capable points. Nevertheless, during the extremely long evolutive scale, the movement of chakras and plexus offers extremely complex fields of variations. The aural colorations, or their variations, greatly reveal the way people think and feel. They can lie by mouth but the radiations show what the person really is, morally and mentally, at the moment he is observed. The vastness of mediumistic variations and their intensities reveal a small part, very small part of the immense list of vibrating tones. Concerning the genders it is difficult to treat, but even more the specifications.

6 – In the Initiatic Schools of antiquity, lessons about the work of the radiations were taught, by the influence of some figures, more expressive in depth; and the position of physical body, by discipline and technique, was above cogitations. Jesus was the greatest in terms of application of such truths and individual powers. His hands were fountains of marvelous radiations and produced prodigious effects.

7 – In an enlightened and evangelized environment and willing to produce the GOOD with good seers, clairvoyants, psychometers and doublers, it is possible to see the radiations, the ectoplasmatic emissions, the applications made by the doctors of the Space and by other groups of workers. Counting on elements with good faculties and having elevated feelings, a lot may be done by applying such truths and resources. In case of suitable mediums, whose dense ectoplasm contributes, and consonant to the Divine Justice, surgeries may occur, and with all physical proof.

8 – In well-organized environments, it is frequently seen the work and the surgeries, that are made in the perispirit and astral double of the incarnates, whose reflexes will take place on the physical body, according to the contribution of the same incarnates. Wonders are achieved when the incarnate helps by elevating Mind and Moral. On the other hand, when the incarnate does not cooperate, mentally and morally, the doctors and spiritual servers lose the work done.

9 – The chain of hands, which, in the ancient times, was called chain of the beginners, contributes to form a rainbow over the table of works, whose colors are green, blue and solferino. When the purity of the participants is ennobling, these colors turn into metallic. And if it goes as high as sanctity, there will be unity in the christic color, which is crystal-opaline (Opalescent).

10 – Hands flattened on the table, with mental and emotional elevation, will result in a fluidic column at the center of the table, that by going up, will reach the celestial reciprocity, the response to the prayer said, and it will result in a shower of multi-color and healing fluids over all the present people. Generally, the Guides take charge of directing such wonders to hospitals, health clinics, etc.

11 – Hands facing down means passivity, it is for those who receive the imposition of hands.

12 – To put the right hand over the person’s head is enough, because the Guides know very well how to channel the ectoplasm and the electromagnetism of the medium. Gestures and sniffling represent ignorance and must be replaced by elevated feelings of LOVE towards the one in need.

13 – With the Truth as basis, Love as objective and Virtue as function; with the environment well lit up; with the preaching in evangelical terms and a lot of discipline ruling the works; with a group of seers, clairvoyants, psychometers and doublers mediums; with all these elements gathered, many benefits will be reaped without any doubt, because the fault is never from Heaven. And may these reminders never be forgotten by the intelligence:

"Therefore, in the field of sickness, one ought to consider the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, those that derive from karmic marks, which emerge from the perispirit to the physical body, and those that can happen by injunction of the physical world attacks, of undernourishment, epidemics, wars, crimes, etc. The Earth is very dense and irregular, with excess of cold, heat, telluric cataclysms, etc. Prudence should be the characteristic of human life to top avoid wearing out the body, which is the maximal and direct tool of the spirit. Regarding the procedures of cure, or more precisely of reparations, they are subject to unexpected things, because we have to consider that the Medical Science, for while and much unfortunately, places the spirit and the moral order aside. It fails a lot, even in the physical part, because the physical part could never be without the spirit. And above everything, because the discarnation is law that will be enforced. Who could say everything about the spiritual cures, which vary in grade and intensity almost to the infinite?

The spiritual surgeries go from the physical incision until the transubstantiation of physical elements. Regarding the incarnate, it is necessary to consider the electromagnetism, gases, vapors, liquids and solids. It also has to be considered the individual karma, which possibly determines a different case to each one, even though, the cases look like to be all the same. A medical performance cannot have the same good result for everyone, because no one is the same in his inward. In fact, we are the same concerning the main lines, in Origin, in Evolutive Process and in Finality, but during the evolutive demands, we demonstrate many differences from one to another. The healing or therapeutic interventions of the Spiritual Plane will always be subject to the karmic and moral-intellect conditions of the patients. Who wants to receive more from the outside must at least provides more favorable field from the inside! The total analysis of the merits escapes from the less evolved incarnates. Only the evolution provides penetration into God, the Divine Creator Principle, which is innermost to everything and everyone, but in order to be UNITED WITH HIM, it is necessary to evolve from the inside to the outside. The Kingdom of God, which everyone has in his inward, and that will never come with external exhibitions, no one will reach through any ignorance. What matters is to respect the Divine Laws, but through DEEDS and not through theories or pretenses.

The Supreme Authority is the Supreme Order of MORAL CHARACTER. The more the spirit grows morally, or organizes himself in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, the more he cures and divinizes himself. The spirit will be strong in the incarnation, and he will be successful in the discarnation. And growing in this sense, the spirit will reach the Christic Grade more quickly. The perfect medicine is the PERFECT MORALIZATION, it is the DIVINE HARMONY WITH THE CREATOR PRINCIPLE, which we call God. When the wrong and the diseased ones discarnate, they will have to be treated in the best way possible and prepared for new incarnations, because the redemptions or indemnifications are up to them, and no one else. And, as the dissymmetry in the crowns, the stains on the chakras and the injuries in the perispirit will undoubtedly cause damaging influence over the physical body, it is easy to recognize that the doctors of the Space will not be able to do everything. THE MORAL LAW IS IRREVOCABLE!”
“And no one uses the Gifts of God and the work of Angels or messengers Spirits of God to deal with frivolities or to waste time, because extremely painful mystifications derive from it, as it has happened so often”.

“In your Prayers, specially the public ones, ask for Divine Blessings to the incarnate and discarnate workers, and thank God for the Divine Gifts that He spreads”.

“The Divine Initiatic Tree, which had historical germination in the distant Budhic-Vedic millenniums, going on through Hermes, Zoroasters, Patriarchs, Krishna, Moses, the Hebrews Prophets, Orpheus, Pythagoras, the Model Christ and His Apostles, in terms of Doctrinal Restoration and Additions, comes to bear fruits in the Universal and Eternal Spiritism. Because the Spiritism, well-founded in TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, which hover above human concepts, will transform the spirits into better ones, until the Divine Union or Christification of every son of God”.

“As it was not for whatever religionisms or sectarianisms that the angels, spirits or souls conducted the steps of the Great Revelators of Antiquity; as the angels, spirits or souls, called Gabriel, Moses, Elijah and others, in terms of legions, fulgurated in the life of John the Baptist, of the Unmistakable Christ, of the Apostles and other followers of the Christ, so will they conduct the steps and will fulgurate in the lives of all of those who wish to become servers of Heaven. Because the Lord God is Eternal, Perfect and Immutable, always ready to spread His Graces to the ones who make themselves worthy of them, through their deeds.”

“If, with the phase of maturity, the facility of contacts with the High Planes of Spiritual Life will arrive to the earthly Humanity, a time of greater responsibility will also arrive. Who does not want to be goats should think and act well”.


It would be foolish to intend to discover in which time of Humanity the use of the hand to heal, or chiromancy, began, or even as vehicle of other sensorial senses perfectly proven by experience. By knowing that the human being is composed of spirit, electromagnetism and body, it is easy to understand that in certain circumstances, some individuals, called gifted or mediums, bearers of gifts or charismas, may present such powers.

Among the Eleven Great Bibles of the world, or those that rule the spiritual conduct of the great religious majority, the Jewish-Christian Bible contains the largest sum of statements regarding the healing use of hands. And, Jesus, the Model of Behavior, hovers above any other beginner figure in the technique of applying the hands in this way. In Mark, chapter 16, verses 17 and 18, there is an advice from Jesus on these matters.

In this chapter, we will only deal with radiations of the fingers; the readers who are interested in additional knowledge should seek to read the appropriate books.

THUMB OR FINGER OF VENUS – It represents the body, health, sex and reproduction, as Chiromancy teaches. Its main color is the color of the vital fluid, orange or reddish, having as subsequent colors tones of blue and green. The colors will be more metallic or brilliant, according to the individual’s grade of spirituality and morality. In the brute, immoral and depraved person, all the tones of colors tend towards the opaque, to the negative of the color. And there is not any finger that does not radiate three colors, being one the principal and the two others less intense.

INDEX FINGER OR FINGER OF JUPITER – It represents the thoughts, the individual’s will or his power of decision, its main color is golden yellow, being the two others, or subsequent ones, tones of blue and lilac. As we have already emphasized, in the noble and spiritualized people the colors have brilliant metallic tones, on the other hand, everything will tend to the opaque and negative.

MEDIUM FINGER OR FINGER OF SATURN – It represents the person’s way of knowing, feeling and living the external religious cult, or formal; its main coloration is blue, being the subsequent ones, tones of green and yellow. In some very spiritualized and noble people, the brilliant lilac, which means dignity, will intervene. In the brute and depraved people, everything deviates to opaque, ugly or negative.

RING FINGER OR FINGER OF APOLO – It represents art, luck or applications of the individual’s professional life, prevailing in the noble, gold as main color, or which represents pure thoughts, the loyal intention. The two other colors or subsequent or complementary ones are tones of blue and green, but in people or in artists of elevated spirituality the brilliant lilac intervenes. In the brutes or corrupted ones, everything goes to negative, dark and repugnant.

LITTLE FINGER OR FINGER OF MERCURY – It is the smallest considering the physical size, but it is the greatest in spirituality, or as representative of spirituality, in its radiation. In those who are really spiritualized or hierarchized before God, and not before human lures and juggling, the main color is opal-brilliant or crystal and the subsequent or complementary ones are tones of blue and of brilliant gold. In the individuals, who are lower in evolution or in hierarchy, the brightness diminishes, becoming opaque and ugly in the brute and corrupted or depraved ones.

FUNDAMENTALLY IMPORTANT – The colors radiated by the fingers are not produced by the fingers, but derive from the chakras and plexus, or centers of energy, which are part of the perispirit and of the somatic body. Also regarding that, it is important to know that the chakras and plexus reveal the colorations of the seven energetic crowns that surround the spiritual spark; everything derives from the spirit, from the spark, and honest and intelligent people should search the TRUTH through the ways of the TRUTH, and they should not waste time with the religionisms and sectarianisms, which fatten professional religious man, sectarian fanatics for men and books, petty politicians and malicious ones, all of them that like to keep people in stage of ignorance like, in order to exploit them for the benefit of their immediate interests. This Book contains revelations which no one has the right to ignore, unless he desires to become the greatest enemy of his own.

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