Chapter VII
DIVINE OR FUNDAMENTAL LAWS – Eternal, Perfect and Immutable, all summarized in the so-called DIVINE JUSTICE, where there is no place for false mercies, favors or insolences, all of this which is made by religions and by doctrines of men, incarnates and discarnates. What it is not by the Divine Justice will never be by other way. Many people have been claiming for the Divine Mercy in the tenebrous abysses of the sub-crust, in the thresholds and in the expiatory incarnations, but It never presents itself, because the presence of the DIVINE JUSTICE is absolute. Very biblical is that teaching: DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO WORK INIQUITY. It is also from the Bible: YOU SHALL PAY TILL THE LAST FARTHING.
SON SPIRIT – Every spiritual spark or son of God derives from Him with all the Divine Virtues in potential state, and must develop Them through the biological and evolutive process, in the Worlds and in the lives or incarnations, facing conditions and
situations, until he comes to be Spirit and Truth or Totally United or God in God. In God nothing grows or diminishes, everything derives from Him and to Him returns and this is the DIVINE REALITY, THE DIVINE MONISM, and THE INTEGRAL SCIENCE OR THE SCIENCE OF THE UNITY. Nobody and nothing will be eternally son of God; everything will come back to the DIVINE CRUCIBLE, AS DIVINE. For such development, everything depends on the inward effort, because, from outside, no favors nor insolences will ever come, and not even the false mercies invented by cheaters, manufacturers of religions and clergies, whose tricks always aim at the money and the obedience of the fools or simpletons.
THE INCARNATION OF THE CHRISTS – The Commanders or Directors of Worlds, Systems of Worlds, Groups of Systems, Galaxies and Metagalaxies are those sparks of GOD or spirits who reached elevated levels of divinization. Having already the vehicle of soul highly divinized, they need tremendous reductions or densification of the vehicle of soul to be able to incarnate.
DIVINE PROGRAM – The Divine Program is absolute for the Spirit and the Matter, the Worlds and Humanities, and only the crazy ones or hypocrites are allowed to question this fact. In the tenebrous abysses of the sub-crust, in the thresholds and in the expiatory incarnations, the trespassers of the Law endure their mistakes until the last farthing, because, in the DIVINE JUSTICE, there is no place for apologists of INIQUITY. The true spiritual wisdom consists of living parallel to the DIVINE JUSTICE, never parallel to the allures or untrue concepts invented by men, incarnates or discarnates. Absolute is the DIVINE JUSTICE, which will never endorse false sciences and false humbleness.
PERISPIRIT OR VEHICLE OF THE SOUL – First, in the evolutive beginnings of the spark, the crown of Divine Light is formed; then six energetic crowns, where the chakras or plexus are also formed. Without the chakras or plexus, the physical senses and the mediumistic faculties – the Gifts of the Holy Spirit – would not work. The perispirit has beginning and end because it goes on divinizing or sublimating itself with the divinization of its owner, and when this one turns himself in GOD UNITED, SPIRIT AND TRUTH, the vehicle of soul will have nothing else to do.
MATTER – The Matter is Divine Essence or God, Divine Light, Energy, Ether, Substance, Gas, Vapor, Liquid and Solid. The first three stages penetrate into everything, for the purpose of Origin, Sustentation and Destination. After God, the Principle, everything is ranged. In its innumerable manifestations and utilities, the Matter is always tool of the spirit.
SPIRITUAL WORLD – There is no promiscuity in the spiritual world. The well-known Seven Heavens are subdivided into more than thirty thousand sub-heavens or bands of dwelling of discarnate. The sub-crust and threshold bands are of darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth, while the exterior ones go on increasing in Light and Glory. And nobody will ascend to more divinized heavens without having the Divine Latent Virtues developed. The Law of Hierarchies prevails in everything by imposition of the Divine Justice, and never by the intervention of false mercies. And with the total divinization of the son of God the subjection to the Planetary jurisdiction will cease.
LAW OF GOD – At the right time, all Humanities in the evolutive process receive a Basic Moral Code or Code of BEHAVIOR for not having crimes among brothers or fellows of the developing journey of the Latent Divine Virtues. To argue the Law of God leads to the tenebrous planes of darkness and to expiatory incarnations. The reincarnation law acts as redemptive and evolutionary valve of the spirits, and it is always case of DIVINE JUSTICE, which is full of fair resources, without contradictions or false mercies.
MARKS OF THE EXEMPLARY WORD – He is prior to the World, announced before incarnating through Angel or Messenger, born due to mediumistic phenomenon and not from man. He comes with MEASURELESS Gifts of the Holly Spirit or Mediumship, produces great mediumistic deeds, and does not stay in the tomb, because He represents the TOTAL RESURRECTION, delivers the Spread of Gifts to all flesh, and orders to deliver the Book of Forthcoming Events, the Apocalypse. And, as Simeon, the Prophet, affirmed, He becomes the target of contradictory insults due to human ignorance.
MIGRATIONS – The concept that spirits migrate to other Planets, as they grow spiritually is completely false. There are glorious heavens on the Planet, where they can and must work in favor of the heavens below and of the Planet where the incarnates are. From time to time, they incarnate carrying out tasks according to their hierarchic grades.
CHRISTIC PLANE – Surpassing the Hierarchy of the Planet or of its heavens, there is the entrance into the so-called Christic Plane. It does not mean the TOTAL UNION with the Principle or God yet, but the Christs, commander of Planets, Systems and Groups of Systems, normally represent the DIVINE UNION.
MISTAKES AND RIDICULOUS – The Divine Truths are immutable; they depart from the Origin, guarantee the Sustentation and send to the Sacred Finality. But the theologies, the catechisms, the codifications, the compilations and the dogmatized conspiracies that sustain clergies and sectarianisms or morbid partisanship contain crass mistakes, creepiness and ridiculous. And they are carefully looked after, because they guarantee mundane privileges to the owners of bastard conventionalisms. Interests of belly, pocket, stomach, titles and pompous labels, prides and vanities, fanaticism for men and machiavellian editorial or commercial programs, without forgetting the sordid bossy petty politics, carefully take care of all these dirtiness which so much damage the spiritual progress of the sons of God.
TO AVOID CRIMES – The Law of God, which is extremely short and concise, is enough to avoid crimes against the Principle and against the fellows, making one become harmonized with the Divine Justice, which is the right and necessary thing to faster go on developing the Divine Latent Virtues, marching swiftly to the DIVINE UNION, which is the Sacred Objective of the Existence. However, erroneous men invent lying concepts, nauseous flatteries towards God and His Delegates, etc. A different phase is coming, in which the false sciences and the false humbleness will end, making way for the decent behavior.
THE GLORIOUS PENTECOST – The Book of Acts of the Apostles is the BOOK OF THE GRACES, because it is the Book of the Resurrection and of the Pentecost, or of the fulfillment of
the Promises contained in the Old Testament and of the Promises of the Incarnate Word. To intend to know The Doctrine of The Way or Christianism out of the Book of Acts is the same as to build the tallest and most beautiful building, and leaving it with no roof.
PROPHETIC SYNTHESIS – Among the Eleven Great Bibles of Humanity, only the jewish-christian Bible contains prophetic sense. The Doctrine of The Way, as daughter of prophetism, has in the Bible assertions on the Unique Principle, the lessons about the Spirit and Matter, the Fundamental Ruling Laws, the communicability of Angels or Messenger Spirits and the promises of everything that should happen after the delivery of the General Model, the Pentecost and the Apocalypse. After that, mistakes and human deviations, manufacturers of nonsense, sellers of pretenses, morbid sectarian fanaticisms appear, that is, the ones who dig out abysses, anguishes and desperations, weeping and gnashing of teeth. And they act so well over the fools or ignorants that these ones are still thankful and gratefully bow and reverent before them.
APOSTOLIC WORK AND APOCALYPSE – Through the Chosen People, the Basic Moral Law, the Model Word and Modeler and the Glorious Pentecost or Spread of Gifts over all flesh or generalization of the Consoling Revelation, would come. Each Apostle understood as he could, wrote as he could and wanted to; but in all of them the testimony of the Doctrine of The Way stands out, transmitted by the Model Word, and exuberantly stuck on the Grace of the Generalized Revelation. Never was promised any Consoler for twenty centuries later… Everything was rigorously delivered to Humanity, so that the apostolic work could deliver the Doctrine as far as the uttermost part of the Earth… And in the Apocalypse, the contradictory insults that would appear were predicted, as well as the RESTORING work in the bosom of the Biblical-Prophetic truths, never teaching to run away from the Bible, or put men’s commandments in the place of God’s, or hiding the texts about the Gifts of the Holly Spirit, or giving them intentional false interpretations, in order to cover sordid petty politics or internal mafiosi.
WHO IS REALLY CHRISTIAN? – The fools or the silly ones think that to be Christian is to have one of the so-called religions that call themselves christians, or to make affected salutations or to practice simulations, or to buy or sell idolatries, or to make or listen to hysterical speeches. To be christian is TO LIVE THE LAW OF GOD, UNDERSTAND AND IMITATE THE MODEL WORD AND NOBLY CULTIVATE THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, CHARISMAS OR MEDIUMSHIPS.
CORRUPTIONS THAT WOULD COME – Plentiful of contradictory insults would appear in the first two thousand years, after the establishment of the Doctrine of The Way. The greatest insults or blasphemies arose from Rome. Refer to Apocalypse, about the Beast 666.
BEFORE ENDING THE SECOND MILLENNIUM – Nobody has the right to ignore that before ending the second millennium, terrible events will force them to pay for the mistakes made against the Doctrine of The Way. The future generations will learn that God only wants His sons to live the Basic Moral Law, understand and try to follow the Exemplary Word, and nobly cultivate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, so that the Consoling Revelation will never lack.
IRON SCEPTER – The Planetary Government of the one similar to the Son of man, and who will guide with more disciplinary rigor, in virtue of the coming times, in which the TRUTH and the DIVINE JUSTICE must receive total respect from the sons of God, abandoning the religious and sectarian jumbles in general. To live according to the DIVINE JUSTICE, in order to have decent behavior, leaving aside the hypocritism in general, that is what God wants. Refer to Apocalypse, chapter 14 on.
ALL THE REMAINING REALITIES – All the remaining realities of the Doctrine of The Way are subject to the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS SHOWN ABOVE, and as the owners of religions and sects have failed, great pains and anguishes will also reach the ones who judge themselves right,
causing terrible confusion or moral shaking. The Law of God, the Unmistakable Word and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are not of human fabrication, and will never be subject to ragged tips of whomever they may be, incarnates and discarnates, bearer of any kind of parties. The apocalyptical facts will give testimony to the TRUTH, because time has come to get into the SECOND EVOLUTIVE HALF of the Planet and the Humanity, and this means obligation to dedicate all respect to the DIVINE PROGRAM.
PROFESSIONAL RELIGIOUS MEN – The professional religious men are not the only manufacturers of mistakes, ridiculous allures and contradictory insults against the Law of God, the Exemplary Word and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Other marks of human dirtiness, of morbid conventionalisms, of jealousies and vanities guarantee the functioning of ridiculous concepts, which are very damaging. The apocalyptical time is coming, time when the Divine Justice will turn such dirtiness upside down, dragging his contractors as well.
THE LIFE BEYOND THE VEIL – The first mediumistic Series that has as subject the world of the discarnate has this title. Moses and Jesus acted so that it could exist and instruct.
LIFE IN THE WORLD UNSEEN – Moses and Jesus also acted directly for this series to come to the knowledge of incarnates. It was between 1910 and 1920 in England that this series came to light. Human dirtiness has put difficulties in the printing and the circulation of these marvelous mediumistic works.
A MARVELOUS HAPPENING – For a long time, the greatest wise men of the West met in Princeton, searching for one, so to speak, true religion for Humanity, that is, one out of mafias, allures, insidious, collusions and machinations groups, etc. And from them the first speech appeared, the true Divine Monism Treaty or Science of Unity, which Hermes, Krishna and Pythagoras so much taught, and which the Unmistakable Word represented. The book is called THE GNOSIS OF PRINCETON, by the wise man Raymond Ruyer.
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