Chapter XIII
THE GOSPEL TREE – The same as Initiatic Tree, from the Ancient Revelations. It is good to think above the worlds, continents, countries, races, peoples, nations, religions, sects, books, men, human institutions and statutes, titles of human invention, etc. Take special care of what is stated in chapters 14 and 19 in the Apocalypse, because other times will mean other responsibilities. It is also called Tree of Life, of Good and Evil, because the initiation drives to knowledge, clearing up, and therefore, increases the responsibility. Refer to Genesis and to the Apocalypse.
PRUDENCE SAYS – Not to dogmatize.
THE GREAT ENEMY – Pharisee’s Yeast.
KINGDOM OF THE PURE SPIRIT – The ignorant, the indolent, the coward, the hypocrite, the jealous, the vain, liars, the idolatrous, witches, murderers, thieves, etc, will not enter there. With the Law and the Christ, everything! Against them, nothing!
TO WHOM FALL OR DIVERT HIMSELF – Stand up and return to the way… Much deserves the sinner who very much regrets! But through deeds; not through speeches or appearances…
SHAMEFUL – The Law despised and the Christ still crucified!
EASY – To make speeches, to pretend, to want controlling others’ conscience …
DIFFICULT – To bear worthy fruits by example…
A GREAT CHAPTER – The 22 of the Apocalypse.
BE CAREFUL – With the false science, the false goodness and derivations. Out of the DIVINE MORAL ORDER, everything leads to weeping and gnashing of teeth!
CONCLUSIVE – To deny is not to solve.
DIFFICULT – To say great things to creatures that are still small…
EMBRIONARY SPIRITS – They search outside through artificialities, what they bring in their inner side, and they shall only find it through decent deeds, in society.
FACT – No one will approach the Kingdom of Pure Spirit without moving away from the kingdom of the world. Nevertheless, without using the world, no one will make it! Understand it well.
MORE HONORS AND MORE GLORIES – To whom, in the command of immediate legions, ruled the densification of energies for the Earth to become a solid inhabitable world; to whom has commanded it with Wisdom and Love until now; to whom delivered the Divine Modeling and Generalized the Revelation; to Divine Friend JESUS, summoned to be more in the Direction of Worlds and Humanities, all Love, all Dedication and all Devotion along Eternity. We are all brothers, we will all go there; and, to recognize, love and serve those with higher hierarchy in the DIVINE ORDER correspond to LOVE GOD ABOVE EVERYTHING, because the Hierarchy, in the Creation in general, is part of the divine laws.
EASY TO UNDERSTAND – Wherever the evolutive process still exists in action, there must be elevations and modifications of commands in all grades of the Scale. Many and significant modifications will take place, with the advent of maturity.
FOR THE COMMON MAN – It would be extremely good for him to know this: the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE ignores religious and sectarian values and their derivations, because it only recognizes the DEEDS, the behavior in society, which the Divine Justice sees in secret.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT – While we inform, we attribute responsibility. It is not by chance, and we hope that each one considers the effects of the good and bad examples on the neighbor. Drop by drop, everything will be counted, and more strictly, because of the evolution of general knowledge and the great benefits derived from scientific conquests.
TRADITION – Tradition contains the negative and the positive of everything that Humanity has conquered in millions of years passing through Eras, Cycles and Civilizations. It is necessary to discern, and a lot, so as not to commit serious mistakes against the duty to REACH THE SACRED FINALITY. Without changing, who will stop being an old wineskin? … Without changing, who will stop being an old cloth? … Be careful then with fanaticisms for religions, sects, doctrines, men, books, any kind of parties and derivations.
SO IT HAS BEEN – The last prophet is always skinned in the name of the previous one…
However; THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE will continue its divinizing work in the inward of each son of God, whatever it takes.
HYPOCRITES – A little or a lot, a religious man is always a hypocrite, because he keeps intending to divide the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE.
THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE – Being self-sufficient, makes self-competent people.
FEAR OF FIRE – It is for the ones who have “tail of straw”.
MEDICINE AGAINST IGNORANCE – JESUS warned, and forever, that, for those who knock, it will be opened, for those who ask, it will be answered, for those who request, it will be given.
MISTERY AND MIRACLE – Subjects of the ignorant, or exploiters of ignorance. In God everything is LAWS, ELEMENTS AND FACTS.
WEEPING AND GNASHING OF TEETH – The places of weeping and gnashing of teeth are crowded with religious men, sectarians, fanatics for Bibles, Codifications, Mediumistic Messages, men, books, human institutions or statutes. However, those who practice the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE will not end up there. Is it hard to understand?
GENERALIZATION OF THE REVELATION – Among all the nineteen times that the Old Testament refers to it, the most explicit one is found in chapter 2, by Prophet Joel. (Joel, 2, 28).
WHO WOULD COME TO ACCOMPLISH IT? – Jesus was who BAPTIZED IN HOLY SPIRIT OR REVELATION. Refer to John Baptist’s words about this. (John, 1, 33).
WHAT IS THE REVELATION FUNCTION? – Refer to John, chapters 7, 14, 15 and 16.
HOW DID JESUS PERFORM THE BAPTISM OF HOLY SPIRIT? – Refer to the Book of Acts, chapters 1, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 19.
HOW DID THE APOSTLES HOLD THEIR SPIRITIST SESSIONS? – Refer to the First Epistle to Corinthians, chapters 12, 13 and 14.
PRUDENCE – Be careful when acquiring Bibles, because many editions have been shamelessly altered.
REMINDER – THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE can be announced through Bibles, Codifications and Messages; but it will never depend on them. The TRUTH is the lady, not the slave.
WARNINGS AND ASSISTANCE – They will come from outside, along different paths and in many ways, but the ACCOMPLISHMENT will depend on the CONSCIENCE OF EACH SON OF GOD.
BEFORE THE DIVINE JUSTICE – All sons of God present themselves, but not Bibles, Codifications and Messages. And many are those who move towards the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth, because they trust in their readings, leaving aside the DECENCY OF CONDUCT!
THE GREAT APOCALIPTIC HOUR – If time has come, through the RESTORATION OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRUTH, to intensify the communication between the incarnates and the discarnates, time has also come, on this Planet, for every son of God to THINK in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, in order to LIVE in terms of KNOWLEDGE, CERTAINTY and
GOODNESS. We do not send, whoever it may be, to religionism and sectarianism, ancient or modern, more or less disguised, but to his OWN CONSCIENCE, because with it, only with it, he will present himself before the DIVINE JUSTICE, in order to answer for his own deeds!
TO THE TRUTHFUL – When Moses started teaching, they did not want to accept him. They rose up against the Prophets, persecuting and murdering them. They pursued the Model Christ since He was born, until they completed the criminal action at the Calvary. And all for those who, in every time, forged clerical-pharisaic treachery groups, despotic institutions or statutes. We remind, though, that it is a different time and such false workers will be stricken with abandonment and desperation.
HUMAN CONCEPTS – Man thinks as he can, not as he wants; and in order to think better, he will have to improve his knowledge. Will he get it with dogmas, rancidnesses, rustes, religionisms, sectarianisms, pharizeeisms, etc?
INITIATIC REVELATIONS – Schools of the Truth, Love and Virtue, which came through Vedas, Buddhas, Zoroasters, Hermes, Patriarchs, Prophets, Orpheus, Pythagoras, the Model Christ, etc.
RELIGIONS AND CLERICAL-PHARISEEISM – Men’s Inventions, or less honest groupings that have, in the name of the Great Revealers, organized formalistic programs, idolatrous, political and many others exploitations, and even reaching to blaspheme against the Ministry of the Revelation, because of that encouraging ignorance, materialism, brutality and the immorality which has assaulted the Humanity, making them a victim of catastrophic consequences.
BIBLES, CODIFICATIONS AND MESSAGES – Every Great Revealer did it, relatively, to the TRUTH. They are incomplete, faulty and omissive, which will have to go through progressive alterations, consonant to human evolution. However, great secondary interests have always been involved, and for a long time, they will still be, hindering the necessary progress.
REVELATION – Communicability of angels, spirits or souls. It is the so-called Ministry of the Holy Spirit, or Saint Spirits, and the Model Christ was responsible for the generalization of this Grace of Heaven. Refer to the Book of Acts of the Apostles. Refer to the book THE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE SPIRITISTS, which contains all the information about it, in a free way, above and out of any small treachery groups. It is a work without parallel, in many aspects.
SPIRITISM – Elias, as the Christ promised, would come to restore the Doctrine of The Way of the Truth that Sets You Free. He began the task as John Huss and did not finish as Kardec. Spiritism is the TOTAL INITIATIC SYNTHESIS, and not a question of human scientificism, philosophism or religionism, all of which will have to change a lot. To mix up FUNDAMENTAL SPIRITISM with human concepts, for more honest they may be, is to make a huge mistake. THE TOTAL INITIATIC SYNTHESIS leads towards the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, before which scientificism, phyilosophism and religionism will have to bow. The best way to avoid harmful dogmatization and phariseeism is not to mix up Spiritism with the spiritists. Do everything you can to avoid falling into old clerical-pharisaic mistakes, such as the creation of commanding little groups, under the most different pretexts, or even without pretexts...
THE LAST WORD – Nobody knows when the last word about the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, which is the FUNDAMENTAL SPIRITISM, will be said.
THE FAITHFUL AND TRUTHFUL WITNESSES – The Apocalypse announces them, because out of them everything is imperfect, everything is path to darkness and suffering. No one will ever pass over them!
RELATIVE JUDGE – The conscience of each son of God, which acts and becomes responsible through free will.
KINGDOM OF GOD OR OF TRUTH – It is inside each one and will not come with external signs, as the Model Christ taught.
CONSTRUCTIVE FACTORS – Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue.
TO CONTROL – Pocket, stomach, sex, pride, selfishness, etc.
PATHS TO DARKNESS – Everything, that is out of the Two Witnesses.
APOCALYPSE, CHAPTERS 14 and 19 – Many Directors will pass till the evolutive consummation of the Humanity, but the Direction will never change. That is, the Law and the Divine Modeling will never pass, although from cycles to cycles, the evolutive escalation forces changes in the commanding posts. The Administrative Authority belongs to the commanding posts, to the delegations, and persons will normally pass through them. For the earthlings it is still hard to conceive right on the High Conductors of Worlds and Humanities. But it is good to start thinking about it, because no one is special before God, and everyone will have to get there.
MATURITY PHASE – Ending the youth, the maturity will begin, and with it the victory over everything that has so far looked good in terms of religionisms, sectarianisms, simulations, idolatries, fanaticisms for men, books, human institutions or statutes.
TRAGIC FORGETFULNESS – In chapter 12, in the First Letter to Corinthians, Paul refers to the Baptism of Holy Spirit, relating the nine fundamental types of mediumship, or the most ordinary ones in those days. The most necessary has been the most forgotten, which is the DISCERNIMENT OF THE COMMUNICATING SPIRITS.
ANOTHER WARNING – Chapter 4, in the First Letter by John the Evangelist regarding the DISCERNIMENT OF THE COMMUNICATING SPIRITS.
COMMUNICATING SPIRITS – Nobody is AUTHORITY, only the Law of God and the Divine Modeling of the Christ. Someone which is out of them, no matter what label he presents himself with, must be placed aside. One is the DIVINE MORAL ORDER WHICH RULES THE INFINITE, and therefore, the incarnates and discarnates are subject to it, whether they know it or not, like it or not, desire it or not. All the rest is relative; they are sciences, philosophies, arts, etc.
MUCH DIRT – This is what many incarnates and discarnates make, in the name of the Revelation. But the DIVINE JUSTICE will take care of everything…
LORD! LORD! – In the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth, the credulous and incredulous stay yelling, because the DIVINE JUSTICE does not know human pretexts, but KNOWS THE SOCIAL DEEDS.
NEW PLANETARY DIRECTOR – Chapters 11, 12, 14, 19 and 21 are about what will be up to Him to do, applying the Two Faithful and Truthful Witnesses, which are the Law of God and the Divine Modeling of the Christ. The Apocalypse is symbolic in its lessons, but it is Spirit and Truth in its prophecies. Understand it or not, but the IRON SCEPTER, meaning greater requirements before the MATURITY AGE, will be functioning. The power of GOODNESS will be recognized, and very unfortunate will be the one who does not recognize it, in his deeds...
FROM JOHN HUSS UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY – It is the time of transition marked by great teachings and convulsions, for Humanity to enter into the phase of spiritual maturity. John Huss began the Reform, spread the written Gospel and restored the Communicability of the Angels, Spirits or Souls, in order to warn, illustrate and console the incarnates and discarnates. This is how those, who inherit the Earth of future cycles, will talk about him, in the forthcoming millenniums.
ZEALS – The lack of zeals is not worse than the excess of zeals. By facing, with goodwill, the human mistakes of initiatic nature, we have the hypocrite pharisees and scribes in their criminal role for excess of zeals. Bad faith, in terms of different kinds of exploitations, is crime of other grades and much more expensive it will cost.
RULE, PLUMB AND LEVEL – The Law of God, the Model Christ and the Revelation; Nobody will ever edify properly, disregarding these tools.
COMMON DENOMINATOR – With the transmission of the teachings about the Creating, Sustaining and Destining Divine Essence,; on the spiritual spark, the evolutive process through worlds and lives and the sacred purpose to be reached; with the recognition of the Law as Code of Conduct, of the Christ as Divine Mold and of the Revelation as Source of warnings, illustrations and consoles, everybody will recognize one COMMON DENOMINATOR for progressive steps. This common denominator is called OPPORTUNITIES!
OPPORTUNITIES – In God, there are no mysteries, miracles, favors or insolences. His laws are eternal, perfect and immutable and everybody will have the same opportunities to be, to live, to promote factors, to know, to practice and take due responsibilities.
TRIALS – God does not tempt, but tests. Through His laws, He offers opportunities in the bosom of Creation and Spiritual Family, so that the son can grow individually in Love and Wisdom.
Remember these factors: Missions, Trials and Expiations.
MISSIONS, TRIALS AND EXPIATIONS – Missions and trials are chosen, but expiations are imposed to the son who disobeyed the Law of Harmony. However, it is good to remember that such factors intercalate themselves, and a lot, because of the influence of personal merits. For the common person, a percentage of the missionary factors, the trials and expiations are
taken into account, and it would be very hard to measure such percentages. But, in exceptional cases, for better or for worse, these factors, strongly marked, are manifested. And the planners of incarnationist routes do everything to make the best of the persons.
NECESSITIES – Everyone is dependent, nobody is self-sufficient! Here is a reality to be carefully balanced, but unfortunately, it is not. Because of this negligence, the tools called pocket, stomach, sex, pride, selfishness, etc, cause terrible damage in the moral structure of the individuals. Everyone is in need and everyone owes mutual duties in fraternal efforts. And when the fraternity fails, the weeping and gnashing of teeth appear, as "prizes"...
IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD – If God allowed to take the incarnates, from time to time, to a visit to the thousand spiritual kingdoms or heavens, everything would change and very fast, in terms of human fraternity. Because, beginning from the tenebrous abysses of the sub-crust till to the glorious and luminous kingdoms, everything that is seen witnesses the BEHAVIOR OF PERSONS DURING THE INCARNATION. Everything is a result of what one has done and how one has acted in the bosom of Human Family.
THE GREAT SCENERY – The spiritual world, where everybody will go, is the great scenery where everyone will have to show themselves, whether they want it or not, like it or not, are aware of it or not, because the laws of God do not change. From the Planet top to bottom or bottom to top, or from outside to inside and vice-versa, everything serves as living sample of what these words mean: EVOLUTION and MERIT.
EVOLUTION – The grade reached by the spirit, not taking into account offenses or amends. It is the person without crimes to redeem; but with no more evolution than that already accomplished. He is what he is, nothing more, and to be more, he will have to evolve normally.
MERIT – Everybody receives according to the deeds practiced during incarnation, and therefore, the incarnate must live aware of it. Within the range of his evolutive grade, he can either go up for the good he has done, or go down in the social scale, while he has to redeem for the evil he has done. He does not lose his inner evolution, but limitations are imposed on him in the social area, while the offenses last. In many cases of high transgressions against the Law of Harmony, which the Law of God is all about, one will have to suffer in the darkness and in painful incarnations for a long time. Who wants to take good care of himself should remember the Law and the Model Christ before acting. And if there is still anyone who, by ignorance, thinks of making use of religionist tricks, of simulations bought from the mercenaries of idolatry that pretend to be ministries of God, we remind them to change their minds.
THE GREAT CHANGE – The change is in the sense of trusting in the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, abandoning forever all the liars and the compromising religionist externalism. Those who arrive in the world of spirituality, to deserve the Kingdom of Light and Glory, will have to present DEEDS OF LOVE AND WISDOM. The places of darkness are full of religious men, scientists, philosophers, etc.
THE POWER OF FORMS – The closer to the solid Planet, the realms are being denser or the environmental matters are becoming denser and heavier. The further away from the Planet, the more etherealized, luminous, harmonious, perfumed and musical is the matter, reaching divine levels that are impossible to describe. Wisdom and Love, but the WISDOM OF MORAL LAWS AND LIVED LOVE, are what raise the son of God to such kingdoms. To desire is what it takes to have, and in such different ways from the rude laws of the solid plane and the realms of darkness that, if they were all exposed or explained, the earthly minds would not be able to understand.
THE PART OF GOD – God gives, warns and imputes responsibility. We cooperated in the making of Bibles, Codifications and Messages, and now we warn about the Maturity Phase, in which Humanity will enter, growing in rights and duties. Do you understand the warning?
Because there never has been a passage of Era or Cycle, of real meaning to the History of the Planet or the Humanity, without its correspondent Great Warning. Refer, in chapters 14 and 19 of the Apocalypse, the prophecies, which correspond to the current era.
EFFICIENCY – Because the Humanity of this Planet is still in a very low level, there are more incredulous than credulous people, concerning things of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE. As measure of prudence, we advise you for the efficient work in the science to do the good. Because everything will; and those who have practiced good deeds will have merits in their favor. To wait deserving, that is the advantage!
ABSURD – It is absurd to dogmatize on the REVEALED TRUTHS, but it is wise to live to the TRUTHS IN CONTINUOUS REVELATION. In those speak the dogmatics and formalists, that exploit the simpletons who think that God was gone in the past, when He sent Masters, Beginners, Prophets, the Model Christ, etc; but, in the TRUTHS IN CONTINUOUS REVELATION trust those, by being intelligent and honest, live for the developing in himself the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE. The Creation is alive, united, vibrant, continuous, progressive and perfectible. When everyone knows how to think with intelligence and honesty, the cleric-pharisaic plague will end, and the Humanity will walk faster towards the Christic Perfection.
If the angel, spirit or soul, called Gabriel, communicated with Zechariahs, to announce that he would be the father of the Precursor, it is because this is a common phenomenon in the Creation.
And, those who want to recognize this should search in the eleven Bibles of the Humanity, and they will see that the spiritist truths are found there. And, if they search in the infinite Worlds and Humanities, there they will find them as ordinary events, because the Divine Laws are eternal, perfect and immutable.
If Mary talked with the same Gabriel; if Wise men or the Beginners saw legions of angels, spirits or souls; if Joseph, warned in dream, escaped with Mary and the Boy; if Jesus had angels, spirits or souls, ascending and descending upon Him, if, pay attention, all these things happened, it is because they belong to the list of common truths of God’s Creation. To be Christian is to IMITATE THE DIVINE MODEL CHRIST!
ALERT – To know is very important, but to apply well is even more important. Therefore, above religious fanaticisms of any groups, under any pretexts, what is convenient is to KNOW THE TRUTH AND PRODUCE THE GOOD. Because God is the Lord of everything and everyone, and He will never be slave of formulas invented by man, for defending their treachery groups.
Grow in spirit, live to the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS and try to inherit the Earth of the future cycles. Big, very big shakings will come before the Era of Maturity arrives, but the imitators of the Christ will bear everything, and will reach the fair victory.
THE ENJOYMENT OF TRUTH – It is very unfortunate those who search the TRUTH, not because of the enjoyment of the TRUTH, but to hide, defend or attract mundane interests. And those who search the TRUTH as a manufacture of prodigies to benefit from are not fortunate either. Fortunate is the one who searches the TRUTH, for the enjoyment of the TRUTH, out of any secondary interests, as knowing that, sooner or later, he will have to leave the carnal plane, to answer for his deeds before the Divine Justice.
To sing anthems of praise, to give long speeches, to invent simulations and sacraments, to constantly read biblical texts, to hold spiritist sessions, to read mediumistic messages, to know about God, about the laws, about the spirits, etc, or whatever, all that, we repeat, do not guarantee celestial privileges to whoever it may be. What guarantees celestial privileges is LOVE ONE ANOTHER, this reality that does not enslave to any religionist flags.
Every second, a large number of brothers arrive from flesh in the spiritual world. They present and consider themselves special before God, because they have had this or that religious or sectarian connection, as they have learned philosophies, initiations, theological sciences, etc. They even claim, aloud, their phony acquired rights, but the Divine Justice, by being Divine, only considers the GOOD DEEDS practiced, and LOVE concentrated in terms of GOODNESS, and It informs them about the new opportunities that Heaven will grant them so that they may return to the carnal plane, where they will have opportunities to know, think, feel and act as someone who really desires to become SPIRIT AND TRUTH.
APOCALYPTIC SIGNS – They will never come through miracles and mysterious facts, because this does not exist in God. Human ignorance, or bad faith, is what gives credit and circulation of such dullness. Therefore, for all events, there are those who think above and out of enigmatisms and other nullities. The sibylline interpretations, from which deceitful groups have extracted profitable advantages, causing damages to human evolution in general, have already gone too far. You will be obligated to march along with the events, assisting or damaging, loving or hating, suffering or enjoying, because the determining laws will force you to this, in or out of flesh. You will know about the cyclic-historical changes and the changes in every post, because this is usual in the Divine Order. Only, if you really want to think as worthy sons of God, look for elevating the mind and the heart, because the BASIC LAWS will never change. The Shepard will give his place to the White Knight, the Wonderful Boy will take over the planetary direction, but no one has given, nor will give, the Heaven for free or as a favor to anyone! It is convenient that you understand it very well.
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