This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


Chapter XXI

1 – What does THE IMMORTAL CODE represent, as doctrinal summary?
2 – If religion, in decent sense, is the job of reuniting with God in the Inner Temple, can it be achieved out of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue?
3 – Can who dogmatize about men and books be ready to advance towards the TRUTH YET UNKNOWN, from the ONES ALREADY KNOWN?
4 – Jesus stated that Father is Spirit and Truth and so He wishes His sons to become; can you answer why this assertion is the most perfect of all that has been said?
5 – Why is the man with no religion very unfortunate, and the man who dies slave of one religion much more unfortunate?
6 – Why should we flee from the man of only one book?
7 – Are there men and books that are able to talk ABSOLUTELY about the ABSOLUTE DIVINE WISDOM?
8 – Why do the words God, Truth, Love and Virtue represent the Divine part, which is Eternal, Perfect and Immutable, and also the part of the sons of God, which is relative and subject to the respective wills?
9 – Why does God give according to production and not according to what the individual knows?
10 – Why were the practices, so-called spiritist, esoteric until Jesus Christ, and started to become public after Jesus Christ?
11 – Why should the study of the Spiritist Doctrine start with chapters one, two, four, seven, ten and nineteen of the BOOK OF ACTS OF THE APOSTLES?
12 – Why did Kardec say nothing about the teachings mentioned above, that is, why did Kardec not finish the restorer work in that incarnation?
13 – Why, in chapters twelve, thirteen and fourteen of the FIRST LETTER TO CORINTHIANS, does Paul teach about mediumistic gifts, and about how to get together to cultivate the generalization of REVELATION?
14 – May there be Gospel where there is blasphemy against Revelation?
15 – Why are the TEN COMMANDMENTS and the CHRIST just TRUTHFUL?
16 – If it is the TRUTH that sets you free, as the LAW and the CHRIST teach, the two witnesses of God before Humanity, because they are not slaves of men and books, institutions or human statutes, what are you doing, being religionist and sectarian, that is, slave of little treachery groups and little formulas invented by man?
17 – Will, one day, some instructor come to say all about the INFINITE TRUTH OF GOD?
18 – If each spirit is a Christ or United in preparation, that is, a Divine Word in elaboration, and only by WISDOM and LOVE this can be achieved, why do spirits apply to religionist externalisms or idolatrous and retardatory formulisms?
19 – Is talking about the LAW and the CHRIST, to live according to the LAW and the CHRIST?
20 – Why was the Communicability of Spirits, Angels or Souls prodigal in the OLD TESTAMENT, and generalized in the NEW TESTAMENT?
21 – How many mediumistic phenomena are told in the Bible?
22 – Why and what for did Jesus have the Legions of Angels or Spirits ascending and descending upon him?
23 – What does chapter two of the BOOK OF ACTS represent, between BEFORE and AFTER the Christ?
24 – What does the Pentecost represent to Spiritism, that is, to the Church of Restored Way?
25 – Why did Jesus prophesize that the restoration would have to be carried out by Elijah, when he came back?
26 – What does the Baptism of the Holy Spirit or Revelation represent before the so-called Great Beginners, that is, the secret or initiatic fraternity of antiquity?
27 – If Jesus were not the Celestial Responsible for opening the doors of Initiatic Cenacles to people in general, who would come to be?
28 – Having Jesus been summoned to take part in the Christic Community that directs the Planetary System, who has taken over the post of Terrestrial Planetary Director?
29 – Does respect to Spiritual Hierarchy means that one should be judged, as being special before the Creator and His Divine Laws?
30 – Why do LOVE approximate and the exaltation drive away spirits of different evolutive grades?
31 – Why, as from the middle of XXI century, will Earthly Humanity face the Era of Truthfulism, of the Truth that Sets You Free, without caring about any religionisms or sectarianisms?
32 – Why will the first cycle of the second middle age be a bit more or less from the middle of the XXI century to the LX century?
33 – Do Christic Perfection and Celestial Jerusalem mean the same thing?
34 – What does it mean, to get into the powers of Divine Ubiquity by evolution?
35 – Why will not everyone inherit the Earth of future cycles?
36 – What is the Law of Interplanetary Migrations, and what does It do?
37 – Regarding the entrance to the second middle age, what does chapter fourteen of the Apocalypse represent?
38 – Why, in the Truthful Era, are the sons of God going to trust the noble actions among brothers, leaving aside the ritualisms and idolatrous plots forever?
39 – Why do religionist or idolatrous practices harm the walk of the spirits towards LOVE and WISDOM?
40 – Why do the fools trust in idolatrous commerce or badly disguised paganisms and do not trust in TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE?
41 – Why do the great and more evolved Spirits want love and not exaltation?
42 – Why do the traders of idolatries try to separate God and the great Spirits from Humanity?
43 – Why does it matter to be AWARE and not BELIEVER?
44 – Why does KNOWLEDGE dispense with FAITH?
45 – Why does CERTAINTY dispense with HOPE?
46 – Why does GOODNESS dispense with CHARITY or ALMS?
47 – Why do lucidity of brain and sweetness of heart shock the religionisms and clerical artifices?
48 – Why will no apocalyptic prophecy be left without fulfillment?
49 – Why is the ETERNAL GOSPEL the last message to the Earthly humanity?
50 – Why is THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST the book of Divine Messengery?
51 – Why will no one achieve the Christic Grade or the Grade of United with the Divine Father without settling practical accounts with the IMMORTAL CODE?
52 – Why does God have no special sons and no one is special before Him?
53 – Why do all spirits start looking for Divine Father outward and end up uniting with Him in the Inward Temple?
54 – Why was Jesus introduced as Divine Model before the Earthly Humanity?
55 – Why is Christ a Grade, and everyone will have to achieve It?
56 – Why is the Christic Grade impersonal, and a spirit represents it before a Humanity in evolutive process?
57 – Why, existing or being, a son of God is obliged to be in some place, in some way, doing something and for some purpose?
58 – Why is the part of God eternal, perfect and immutable?
59 – Why should we watch out our relative free will?
60 – Why are we obliged to be in our own cause judges?
61 – Why is chapter 22 of the Apocalypse, the greatest in Western Bible?
62 – Why is TRUTH more than SCIENCE?
63 – Why is LOVE more than Philosophy?
64 – Why is VIRTUE more than RELIGION?
65 – Why do retardatory spirits usually become fanatics for some of the Great Figures and for one or another of the Bibles, instead of acknowledging that the ABSOLUTE TRUTH will never be explained by any man, through any book, because it is something infinitely intimate, which only the spirit will get to know and enjoy, when, one day, he gets there in Spirit and Truth, and only to himself may he know and enjoy It, once It will never be translatable externally?
66 – Why does not the ABSOLUTE TRUTH fit in men, books, religions, human institutions or statutes?
67 – Have you, son of God, ever felt divinely united with God in the Inner Temple and in the Infinite, linked to the infinite Creation, therefore, feeling yourself above factious and ridiculous religionist manias?
68 – Where do the divisionisms that have so much harmed the christification of souls come from?
69 – Why are caricature men those who resort to feign clothing, formalisms and formulisms, enigmatic rituals and manias, labels and titles, under spiritual pretexts, or trying to be what they are not?
70 – Who does see brains and hearts in secret, to reward according to the good or bad deeds?
71 – Why does the time come, and the time is now, when the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH can and must be known by everyone, without the interference of clergies and despotic low politicians and groups?
72 – What does, taking possession of the knowledge of the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH, which will generate the DOCTRINAL UNITY, mean to earthly Humanity?
73 – How far can you, brother reader, understand THE IMMORTAL CODE?
74 – Who did the IMMORTAL CODE give the grant of the owner of the TRUTH?
75 – Who is between the Divine Father and each of His son, if not the DIVINE JUSTICE?
76 – If you state that the FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH is self-sufficient, why are you slave of human simulations, enigmas and insolence, credulous or incredulous?
77 – Who will take care of your destiny, brother reader, when you leave the flesh, if not the Divine Justice? And what other factor could recommend you, if not the practiced good deeds?
78 – Many intend to be masters of Doctrine, but, in truth, who does say that their brains and hearts have been working according to the Divine Order?
79 – Why is it easier to conquer the outer world?
80 – Why will no one be able to awaken the Kingdom of God for others?
81 – In the work of restoration of the Church of the Way of the Truth, Elijah gave cornmeal to the chicks, cracked corn to the young chickens and whole grains to the adult chickens, through three incarnations. What were these lives and works?
82 – If the FOUNTAINHEAD OF THE TRUTH is by God, above miracles, mysteries, human institutions or statutes, why are the embryonic spirits given to religious, sectarian and exclusivist fanaticisms, and to the manias of armed fraternity, based on titles and other pretentiousness?
83 – Why, as the Model Christ taught, will many clamor Lord! Lord!, and the Lord will repel them?
84 – Does adopting a creed mean getting the right to pass over the Law of God?
85 – Does the Divine Justice give each one, because he is son of God, or according to his deeds?
88 – Why do many present to the spiritual world, equipped with titles and religionist recommendations, and are put aside, and those who long for doing all the GOOD possible, trying not to do the EVIL to the neighbor are welcomed with great joy?
89 – And if the Divine Justice were of titles and appearances, would It be Divine Justice?
90 – Except from the hierarchic evolutive difference, is there any other fundamental difference among the sons of God?
91 – Why were big pieces of information about life out of the flesh given only as from XX century?
92 – Why are many, those who look DOWN and BACKWARDS, and few, those who look FORWARDS and UPWARDS?
93 – How will the earthlings think about the DOCTRINAL UNITY, in ten, twenty, thirty, two hundred or five hundred thousand years?
94 – Why, up to now, before entering the second middle age, has Humanity been surrendering to fanaticisms, because of the teachings of some ten Great Instructors?
95 – Does THE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH depend on the Great Instructors or do they depend on IT?
96 –Who does serve the neighbor in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE does a favor for someone?
97 – Why did the Great Instructors call themselves just Masters of Doctrine?
98 – Why did not Jesus even accept the title of GOOD?
99 – Why, in the ambit of Creation and Ruling Laws, do the crimes derive from abuses and not from uses?
100 – If God is not special for anyone, why do certain men consider themselves special before Him, to the point of committing horrible crimes?
101 – What is the supreme duty of the son of God?
102 – How can be developed the latent DIVINE VIRTUES?
103 – Why is there an inner God to be developed?
104 – How can this be hastened, and with much less sufferings?
105 – At what point of the climbing is earthly humanity?
106 – Why will the end of the second millennium be full of terrible tragedies?
107 – What does it mean to enter in the period: A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH?
108 – Have your read Chapters 12, 19, 14, 21 and 22 of the Apocalypse?
109 – Will the ignorance be able to solve the fundamental problems of the son of God?
110 – There is a Divine Program for the Spirit and Matter, Worlds and Humanities; have you managed to know it, for your own sake?
111 – Why did Moses and Jesus have unmistakable commitments?
112 – What do the Law of God, the Model Word and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit mean?
113 – Why will the enemies of the Three Fundamental Factors of the Doctrine of God be crushed by the Divine Justice?
114 – What are the reasons for the apocalyptical tragedies at the end of the second millennium?

These are the reasons: God has sent a Doctrine Based on the Three Doctrinal Factors, which are not of human fabrication; and clericalisms, sectarianisms, morbid factionisms, isms and more
isms have corrupted, deviated and blasphemed all things. In the place of Fundamental Initiatic Truth, they have put lies, idolatrous trading of clothing and clownish gestures, reverences to wood, stone, plaster and stupid dogmas, and ridiculous rituals, etc. They have deviated from Biblical-Prophetic Truths to cover their idolatrous shady business, and their low political despotisms. They have hidden the biblical texts from people, or given them false interpretations to guarantee their interests in stomach, pocket, sex, prides, vanities and other worldliness.

Great Figures have been in the flesh – Ramah, Orpheus, Hermes, Buddhas, Zoroaster, Khrisna, Lao-Tse, Manu, Pythagoras – delivering teachings that no one has the right to ignore.
However, in the bosom of such great Instructor Figures called Great Beginners, AN ESSENCIAL DOCTRINE emerges, DOCTRINE delivered by Moses and Jesus, whose TEACHINGS and whose GRACES have always been in the World subject to all sorts of adulterations, corruptions and falsities, etc.

Moses has reincarnated as John the Baptist, and Melquisedeque as Jesus, to restore the Divine Doctrine of Behavior, the one that teaches about the Principle or God; His Unpolluted Justice;
His Gifts distributed to His sons; His Irrevocable 10 Commandments; and His Angels, His Messenger Spirits, those Gabriels that form in the Bible, from Genesis to the Apocalypse.

With the work of John the Baptist and Jesus, all the flesh, the Human Crowd of the Planet, would accomplish the Divine Civilization that God had promised by the Nazarite, Prophet, Seer or Medium Isaiah.

By virtue of the atrocious deviations, of lies that the professional religious men put in the PLACE OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRUTH, the result was not what God wanted and wants for the Humanity, as the book of Isaiah registers in chapter 11.

And what is the price of prevarication, of bestiality?

The price of the falsities that are put in the PLACE OF THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRUTH is the terrible fire deluge, the atomic war, all that the Apocalypse registers for before the end of the second millennium, in chapters 12, 19, 14, 21 and 22. Everything will be deeply shaken on the Earth. And wherever there is a traitor of the Divine Teachings, the Divine Justice will place the due suffering, which will be effectively capable of making him lose his peaceful sleep …

Who remains after the punishments, a third out of the living ones, will never turn out to be a traitor of the Principle or God, His Justice, His Divine Spiritual Gifts, His Irrevocable 10 Commandments, and remember, His Angels, that means Messenger Spirits, the Gabriels from the whole Bible, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, the deliverers of Teachings, Warnings and Graces of God, the so-called Miracles, the Glorious Signs and Biblical Prodigies.

Holy Spirit has never been a third part of God, nor a communicating spirit, nor symbol of good spirits. In the nineteenth century, women and men were used to fabricate catechisms, compilations and codifications, and for the lack of better knowledge, they have made serious mistakes of interpretation about numberless concepts, and about the realities of the spirits’ world. As until the passage of the Model Word through the flesh, many truths remained to be told, it is important to examine the Scriptures and to know how much examining the Scriptures matters, in view of the past, of the current apocalyptical moment, and of what it is promised in it to happen. As the chapters of the Apocalypse are three times inverted, read it in this order – chapters 10, 11, 12, 19, 14, 21 and 22. Who strains to be TRUTHFUL, beyond religionisms, sectarianisms and human parties will certainly find the TRUTH.

No one will escape from the responsibility of having known this Divine Message; because the Law of God, the Meaning of the Model Word, and the documentary about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, will never depend on any men to be what they are – FROM DIVINE ORIGIN.

Under all kinds of incoherent pretexts, the Doctrine, sent by God, has been betrayed; This one, that is the HOLY PLACE mentioned in the Apocalypse, has been trampled by continual mistakes of incarnates and discarnates. The Divine Program does not change, no one will bring another Law of God, and there will not be another Model Word and Modeler, or substitutes for the Gifts of The Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships.

God does not create anything, but EMANATES FROM HIMSELF; everything that IS includes GOD ESSENTIAL and GOD MANIFESTED THROUGH EMANATION. Everything derives from the ESSENTIAL ONE and everything returns, at last, to the ESSENTIAL ONE. This is the truth about the Spirit and the Matter, the Worlds and Humanities. DIVINE MONISM, the SCIENCE OF UNITY, is the Doctrine that will prevail.

As in God everything is ETERNAL, PERFECT and IMMUTABLE, the factor Free Will is not in Him. Everything is already ETERNALLY ARBITRATED on principle. But men will have to deal with Free Will. At least remember that the little child lacks all kinds of care because he is powerless … But also remember that after growing up, he begins to become arrogant against God and against everything… But remember that all the arrogant and non-arrogant people die one day before the world, to face the Divine Justice!

The two fundamental duties of the SON OF GOD: the first one is to know that he must develop the Inner God, or Latent Divine Virtues, until he returns as Total One or God in God; the second one is to know how to use the incarnations, because out of this law no one will manage to fulfill anything in terms of self-divinization. Struggling against the Divine Designations is a work of ignorant or crazy individuals. And to know how to act better, in order to develop the Inner God more quickly, study what was the Doctrine of the Truth sent by God to His sons through Moses and Jesus:

Mosaism and Christianism are equal in prophetic or mediumistic nature; what a son of God does not deserve before the Divine Justice, through his decent behaviors, he will never deserve by wearing clownish clothing, deceptive or simian gestures,

fraudulent or hypocritical rituals, any believers’ hysterical petty speeches, or enslavement to ridiculous dogmas. It is also important to say that the mistakes, the false interpretations, the concealment of biblical texts, and the fact that the makers of compilations and codifications did not deal with the Book of Acts, the Epistles, the IRREVOCABLE APOCALYPSE, really damage the work of the RESTORATION OF DOCTRINE OF THE TRUTH. (Not to mention the criminal contradicting works, with Apostles against Jesus, and Jesus against Apostles… and all against the New Testament, for also being against the Promises of the Old Testament… besides the number of low, mediocre and syrupy literature that fabricates disciples of false science and of false humbleness).

Who reads the BOOK OF ACTS gets to know that the Model Christ has came to fulfill God’s promise about the Spread of Revelation or Generalization of the Revelation; and Who reads the chapters twelve, thirteen and fourteen of Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, gets to know how the Christ’s followers used to hold their spiritist sessions, or how they used to make the Baptism of Spirit. This goes through the eyes of intelligent and honest individuals; and with the stupid and dishonest ones, we have nothing in common …

As Rome, the City of the Seven Hills, had corrupted the Sublime Doctrine of The Way of the Truth that Sets You Free, established upon the Law of God, the Divine Modeling of Jesus Christ and the Generalized Revelation, it was important to have the REPLACEMENT OF THE THINGS. This was the task delegated to Prophet Elijah, and Jesus had spoken about it, and everything started with John Huss, and it was not, as it could not be concluded, as well as Kardec with the unfinished Codification. The Moral of the Codification is complete because it is the restoration of the Christic Message, but the instructive side still owes to the evolutive factor.

Kardec has not gone into the Book of Acts, the Epistles and the Apocalypse, because the Spirit of the Truth did not allow him to, for this would imply telling truths that the time could not bear, unless one wanted to cause a new pool of blood and the truncation of what was then possible to do. However, in Brasil of the twentieth century, we have proceeded the restoring task, in terms of Consolidation of the Restoration, leaving instructions and works, extensive to future millenniums.

Try to read and understand what God promised about that in the Apocalypse, chapters 12, 19, 14, 21 and 22, and for before the end of the second millennium:

1 – True Doctrinal Restoration, which presents the biblical documentary.
2 – Delivery of the Eternal Gospel, promised in the Apocalypse, chapter 14.
3 – Planetary Directory of that with Iron Scepter, mentioned in chapters 12 and 19.
Know that the Earth did not exist, and the Infinite and the Eternity were already full of Galaxies and Humanities, and countless Christs, whose hierarchies hovered over your very relative Messengers of God, the Absolute Principle.

Sons of God, understand forever that the Truth, the Justice and the Power are emanated from God, seeing that at the most, His more hierarchized sons fulfill only delegated tasks.

That is why the Model Word said, on the cross, these exemplary words of obediences:

“Father, everything is fulfilled”.

“Father, in Your hands, I yield up my spirit.”

Until the passage through the flesh of the Exemplary Word, character lived by Jesus, who was the same Planetary Constructor Word, everything was this way: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.”

In the beginning of His Messianic Life, Jesus warned: “The Doctrine I preach is the Father’s, not mine.”

Jesus did not use the Greek word “EKKLESIA”, that means reunion of people, but the expression FATHER’S DOCTRINE. Remember that reunions of men mean one thing, and FATHER’S DOCTRINE means something infinitely different!

In the course of His Messianic Work, He also stated: “Because the Son of man came for the sheep that strayed from Israel.”

What is the Doctrine of God, from which Israel diverted or strayed?

Which Doctrine did Jesus come to take the Chosen People back to?

Moses and Jesus were not more than Messengers of God, or deliverers of Teachings and Graces of God. Deceitful men are those who corrupted and have been corrupting, diverting … misleading the sons of God …

Whether men want or not, the most important historic-planetary fact in all History of Humanity will be carried out at the end of the second millennium; and Brasil is the central meeting point of the most significant apocalyptical facts.

Brasil is, from rediscovered Atlantis, the Country that will most inherit the obligation of providing the beginning of the post-deluge or post-atomic war Civilization, that is, the apocalyptical era called A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH, which is the beginning of the second evolutive half of the Planet and the Humanity. In order to head Humanity towards the Doctrinal or Divine Truth, it is necessary to know what It is. And to know what the Doctrine of the Truth is, it is necessary to know how to read the Bible, because it presents the DIVINE TEACHING, from Genesis to the Apocalypse.

After the apocalyptical tragedies, reducing the living to a third, there will be a nearly new beginning of everything; and the worthy sons of God will organize Cenacles, the Temples of Biblical-Prophetic Studies, because they know that, the biblical truths will not cease with the events of the end of the second millennium.

Blessed are those who are in accordance with the Divine Justice, incarnate or discarnate, because the terrible apocalyptical cleaning will not see labels, or labeled ones by men. And no one will bring other Law, nor will another Model Word come, nor will there be the third Spread of Spiritual Gifts.

(When people begin to live the Law, imitate the Model Word and nobly cultivate the Gifts, it will start ending the penitentiaries, prisons, sanatoriums, insane asylums, orphanages, and other appearances of SOCIAL BENEFITS …)

(There is not either any press, television, radio or any other media, doctrinaire or profane, that stay with God, His Doctrine, or with Jesus, or with the Gospel, publishing or advertising such
biblical truths; they are linked to blasphemy, to the mundane interests in pocket, stomach, sex and other fanaticisms about more and more isms, that are in force in the place of the TRUTH).
At this very grave hour, THREE COMMANDS CONCENTRATE ALL THE SERVICES SUBORDINATE TO THE DOCTRINAL TRUTH, with all the resulting consequences, albeit in reference to these facts:

1 – John the Evangelist, the apostle, by virtue of being the Prophet who, guided by John the Baptist, delivered the Apocalypse, commands the Doctrinal Service; the Prayer of the Apostles contains the Biblical-Prophetic Spirit. It is the whole biblical teaching exposed in one Prayer. Reading it and meditating on it is very important;

2 – Luke, the Physician Apostle, has been appointed to be the commander of Medical Services, whether in the spiritual realms in need of such services, or together with the incarnates; the Prayer to Bezerra de Menezes is complete on this subject;

3 – Major Mary has been appointed to command the Helping Services or the Removal of the suffering Spirits, from the sub-crust, threshold and the atmosphere bands, or from the incarnates. When the Divine Justice orders, Mary guides the Rescuer Legions in this respect. Study the Prayer to Mary, meditate on its intelligence, because it derives from God.

John the Baptist and Jesus has not written; and after them, over two hundred have written about them; and from 380 to 410 the Vulgate was made, where so many opinions were put as BIBLICAL or EVANGELICAL TRUTHS. They took what they should not take. They put what they should not put. They interpreted the way they wanted, betraying the TRUTHFUL
BIBLICAL TEACHINGS, compelling concepts, in behalf of the interests of pocket, stomach, sex, prides and vanities of the religious dealers. There are differences between what Jesus said and what others said … but who makes everything as a mean of living out or trade, will never want to know this! …

THE LAW OF GOD IS THE KEY OF EVERYTHING, because no one lives without the duty of BEHAVIOR, towards the Principle or God and his fellowman. It is then that the other TWO FACTORS OF THE DOCTRINE SENT BY GOD appear. Each
one should study carefully the Meaning of the Model Word and the Grace of the Mediumistic Gifts, called Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which make the communicability of the Angels easy, that mean Messenger Spirits (what the Bible abundantly testifies).

All the Relative Spiritual Powers are under the Law of God, by virtue of the Unpolluted Divine Justice. If Jesus were the gratuitous savior of somebody else, he would not speak this way about the Law of God. Study the last words of Jesus on the cross, which were of ABSOLUTE SUBORDINATION TO GOD, OR HIS DIVINE JUSTICE, which means to be to the Law of God.
No Great Instructor venerated God through words and acts, more than Moses and Jesus. Out of the Law, no one testifies the respect to the Will of the Principle or God.

To those who are interested in fulfilling God’s Will, instead of listening to some incarnates and discarnates’ mistakes, we recommend studying what Jesus teaches, in Luke, 12, 10.

The Spiritual Gifts are given by God so that there may be the exchange between the two planes of life, and so that God, through His Angels, that simply mean Messenger Spirits, delivers Teachings and Multiple Graces.

As for the Guardian Angels, God totally teaches you at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus. Learn with God in Luke 22, 43, who warns:


And the Bible, from Genesis to the Apocalypse, is full of MESSENGER ANGELS, of Messenger Spirits. And the Model Word clearly says in Matthew, chapter 22, that, at the RESSURRECTION, which means DISCARNATION, those who are worthy will be LIKE ANGELS FROM HEAVEN!…

The Patriarchs did everything, as ANGELS had instructed them!

Moses did everything, as the Angel of the Bush, JEHOVAH, ordered him!

Jesus warned, in the beginning of His messianic life: “You shall see the angels ascending and descending upon the man’s Son!”

And the Same Jesus, after the crucifixion, guided His Followers for many years, until the TESTAMENTARY WRITINGS were ready!

And John the Evangelist, the Seer from Patmos, had in the ANGEL OR MESSENGER Moses, Elijah or John the Baptist, the Reporter of the Apocalypse. Because John the Evangelist was simply the seer and the scribe of the Apocalypse!

(Many deceitful indoctrinators ask to throw the Bible away, saying that it is of no use; however, to deal with the Law of God, the Exemplary Word, the documentary about the Mediumistic Gifts, and the Promises of the Apocalypse, the Bible is the only REAL AUTHORITY. The rest, that turns around the world, coming from incarnates and discarnates, either is good because TESTIFIES THE BIBLE, or is a real pile of scabrous, fetid corruptions, nasty contradictions, rotten lowness, boresome discourses that fabricate fools. Truthfully, apart from what really testifies the Biblical-Prophetic truths, very little use is made of the large number of speeches in the literature, that venture to speak about the BIBLICAL-PROPHETIC TRUTHS).

Who does compare what Jesus promises in the chapters 14, 15 and 16 of the Gospel by John the Evangelist, with what it is in the mentioned chapters in the Book of Acts of the Apostles? Moses left the First Baptism of Gifts, and the Model Word never promised any Consoler for twenty centuries later! …

If Remarkably Gifted Figures and the Angels or Messenger Spirits of God were taken out of the Bible, it would be surely annihilated.

Understand that, after the cleanings foreseen by Jesus and the Apocalypse, when the Sheep of God remain, that time foreseen in chapter 21 of the Apocalypse, the exchanges between the two planes of life will be substantially increased. Refer Isaiah, chapter 11.

And the level of sanctity of the remainders will also result in avoiding carnivorism. Because the vibratory content of the animal meats seriously damage the human vibratory level, that is, it goes against the sublimation of the Mediumistic gifts in general, mainly the Clairvoyance, the most Graceful one, that will be in force in the future evolutive cycles, for them infuse the two planes of life of the sons of God, allowing intense fraternal behavior, generating the Divine Civilization, since WITHOUT DIVINE BEHAVIOR, NO ONE WILL DEVELOP THE INNER GOD, THE LATENT DIVINE VIRTUES IN SHORTER TIME AND WITH LESS SUFFERING, IN AND OUT OF THE FLESH.

The most sublime Gift of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships is the Clairvoyance, when someone is endowed with it in high level, with the possibility of probing the most divinized spirits, the most expressive heavens, the spiritual regions where the Principle or God unveils His Divine Virtues, His Divinely Dazzling Glories.

Everybody has God, the SPIRIT AND TRUTH, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, in his spiritual depth. And He awaits each son to DEVELOP THE INNER GOD, towards the respective TOTAL UNION, so what derives from the DIVINE CRUCIBLE, to the DIVINE CRUCIBLE will return, TOTALLY. And if the son of God deserves, because he IS WITH THE DOCTRINE OF GOD, he will have the Angelic or Messenger Legions, over him as the Model Word had. But out of the Law, of the Model Word and of the noble cultivation of the Grace of the Consoling Charismas, this will never be possible. Refer the Apocalypse, chapter 22.

Think over the Principle or God, His Justice, His Gifts, His Commandments and Holy Angels or Messenger Spirits, which will make one live – ONE GOD, ONE TRUTH, ONE DOCTRINE and the way of the SACRED FINALITY TO BE ACHIEVED.

The Conclusion of the Restoration

Hail Sublime Doctrine of The Way,
With transcendental initiating roots,
Established by God, with Divine fondness,
And watered by holy ancestral masters.

They are Ramas, Buddhas, Vedas, and the Hermes,
Orpheus and Zoroaster, initiating multitudes,
Krishna and Pythagoras, shaking defenseless,
They are Divine Lights, lighting up hidden corners.

Of the Sacred Events, however,
Moses lifts up an inflaming call,
It’s John the Baptist who points the Holy Model,
To be known as the Divinizing Word.

In the Model Christ, the synthesis is His Law,
Moral, Love and Generalized Revelation,
Grace from Heaven given to the human flock,
A promise is fulfilled, a flag is unfurled.

Rome stands out in patent corruption,
Insulting the Consoler, imposing simulations,
Maneuvering inquisition, considers itself permanent,
Sowing ignorance, it darkens generations.

Elijah, the restorer returns, Jesus said …
He is Kardec, and stops before restoring all things,
Acts, Epistles, and the Apocalypse are not included,
However, he warns, and says he must reincarnate.

The intelligent and honest ought to comprehend,
Who from the Biblical-Prophetic hovers in due place,
What pharisaisms spring forth, seeking to deter
The conclusion of the task, promised by God.

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