This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


Chapter XIX

1 – There is no solid matter that exists by itself; it derives, as we have extensively spoken about this issue, from the energetic, ethereal and substantial or astral gamut, and all of that continues to exist in the matter, in order for it to be.
2 – If the elements that serve as origin and sustentation of the solid matter left it, the matter would not just lose the solid condition, but it would not exist anymore.
3 – In an orange, for instance, you have the same orange in the substantial or astral state, in ethereal state, in energies, in Divine Light and above everything, as it is convenient never to forget, with the Divine Essence or God, being as FUNDAMENTAL MOTIVE. However, after the Divine Light, coming to the solids, it is obligate to respect the law of gamut, because nothing is totally simple anymore.
4 – The same thing happens to the human body, that is, it contains substantial or astral elements, ethers and energies, the Divine Light as the basis of the gamut and God, the Divine Essence functioning as Absolute Creator, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. Therefore, everything goes on dividing itself intrinsically, almost infinitely, until it achieves the Divinity or Divine Essence.
5 – In all bodies, even in substantial or astral elements, or even in ethers and in energies, the law of the diversities or of the complexities prevails. There is then, a mixture or physical-chemical-energetic values.
6 – When eating, drinking or taking some medicine, the person offers solids to the solids of the organism; substantial or astral elements to the equivalent of his body, and so on for the ethers, energetics, etc. Understand how the mechanism works for the effects to be normal and efficient. Who eats, drinks or takes medicines does not do it according to what he knows, but also to what he does not know, does not see and does not feel.
7 – There are no medicines completely allopathic or completely homeopathic, but there are differences in terms of percentages. Some can be much more allopathic, while others, much more homeopathic, but the absolute, in this or that sense, will never be possible, since it contains liquids and solids of earthly plane.
8 – The spiritual planes present, as matter, what, for you, are substantial or astral elements. Is it necessary to say that they vary greatly in grades of density and, therefore, in vibratory intensity? Is it necessary to say, consequently, that they vary greatly in its chemical contents? Is it necessary to say, as a consequence, that in divinized planes, everything has raised to sublimation, by its own intrinsic capacity of transformation or mutation?
9 – The water is, in its whole, matter in certain state of fluidity. Because by analyzing its composition, we will find solids, very much solid. Nevertheless, due to its fluidity, the water circulates in minerals, vegetables and animal bodies in great variations. It is fundamental its necessity, and the rescuer spiritual world uses the water for many finalities, both the water from the Earth and the water from Space, from the most different planes and realms, because it presents itself, in higher realms, as greatly sublimated, we will even say divinized.
10 – Frequently, the incarnates think that the Rescuer Legions make use of elements of the spiritual plane to medicate them. This happens of course, but the reality is that for human bodies, what matters are the elements of their own plane. Therefore, they apply, or rather they extract the substantial elements from the realm of the Earth, from minerals, from vegetables and from animals in order to apply them in human bodies, more easily and efficiently. All bodies have astral correspondents or perispirits composed of gamut, and the competent rescuers practice the respective exchanges in their constant applications.
11 – If necessary, spiritual or material elements are added to the fluidized water and, many times, when it is manipulated by Spirits of high hierarchy, with powerful elements, only energetic, that will act over the energy crowns, chakras and plexus of the incarnate, in order to, afterwards, reach his physical body by induction. The important thing here is the patient’s behavior, because his way of thinking and feeling may neutralize or ruin everything.
12 – The incarnate is constantly acting in the physical body by the thought, but he has to do it in sequence, using the energetic crowns, the charkas and the plexus. And if he thinks in a negative way, brute, evil or criminal, or consumes material elements that are poisonous or adverse, everything will be in vain. The more dynamic the medicines or applications provided by the spiritual world, the bigger is the necessity of better support from the part of the incarnate. Also for the inferior spiritual realms, everything follows the same pattern, because the perispirits continue to be dense provoking great contrary reactions according to how his owner thinks.
13 – Everyone breathes but the breathing exercise, done with methods of mental elevation can do wonders. By this, the person will supply himself with substantial elements, highly loaded with energies, in the source. However, it is easy to understand the difference that exists among the desert, the meadow, the sea, the woods, etc.
“To pray is to harmonize with the Sacred Principle, to collect Divine Resources. To pray is to tune with the Divine Messengery, to distribute the Good to your fellow men. To pray is to radiate mental force, electromagnetism and ectoplasm to cure and stimulate, to be patient and elevate the feeling. To pray is to produce wonders.”
14 – But who understands the importance of LOVE, living for the good deeds, has all of this available for him, as well as the great hospitals and laboratories of the spiritual world, to where he will be conducted in astral double, or astral doubles, for treatments.


1 – The infinite space is full of worlds; at present quintillion of worlds are accounted. This is what the electronic telescope shows. Does it represent everything, the end of calculations?!...
2 – There are incarnate and discarnate spirits throughout the Infinite… What would be the purpose of the worlds, if not to be, among other things, the dwelling of incarnate Humanities?
3 – As the spiritual sparks emanated from GOD or Sacred Principle should return, in other times, in state of total vibrational equity, or in the state of Spirit and Truth, like the DIVINE PRINCIPLE is, it is easy to understand the evolution through other realms, species and families, because by facing the most unlike situations and conditions, is that the total conscience develops. It does not matter what men think, what matters is the Divine Planning. The men who have managed to be intelligent and honest recognize the importance of harmonizing with GOD, with the ruling laws…
4 – No one is born, nor dies… To incarnate or discarnate is a phenomenon of normal life, nothing more… How can the incarnates think? How can the discarnates think?
5 – Incarnates think as they can in the plane of acquired evolution and with the studies that they can take up, because no one thinks, as he wants, but as he can… The same can be said about the discarnates, because their spiritual plane varies more than that of incarnates, through the wideness of hierarchic grades, whether of the worlds, of the spirits, of the vibrational bands or heavens, concerning every planet or world...
6 – Everything has astral double or perispirit… The astral double of the Earth or its spiritual plane or perispirit is divided into Seven Main Heavens… Which are then subdivided into seven others, which, again, subdivide into another seven, and so on, in a marvelous distribution of vibratory dwellings, which add up to more than thirty thousand… And there are many others superior and many other inferior worlds in all senses, of size, hierarchy, etc.
Many are the books that deal with this and they are more truthful than some classic doctrinaire books, which are full of mistakes and nonsense…
7 – Any judicious person can realize that there is a relationship between the vibrational grade of the spirits, and of the heavens or astral or spiritual zones of residence. To deserve the more sublimated or divinized heavens, it is important to sublimate or divinize the perispirit… And, to enter totally into the DIVINE UNITY, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPOTENT, it is important to christify themselves or whatever they may understand about it, because it is still early to have the right idea of this great reality, although this is the destiny of all spirits…
8 – Understand properly, because this reality is fundamental: you will have to transform your vehicle of the soul or perispirt in only one crown of Divine Light… This is the perispirit of the Christs, Divine Links, Divine Words, etc… Since no one will be eternally son of GOD, because every spark will have to become completely reintegrated in the PRINCIPLE or GOD, we invite you to think about this matter… And conduct yourself in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE to achieve this as soon as possible… So we warn, at the right time by Divine Determination…


1 – All planets start with the Divine Light, thickened or condensed by High Intelligences who command it. Then, energies, ethers, substances, gases, vapors, liquids and solids form the chart of everything they contain. The movement of the constant renovations in every planes, realms, species and families is marvelous.
2 – The grades more solids could never be without the energies and the substances providing the sustaining determinations. These determinations, or causes, would never exist without the Divine Light that, in turn, depends absolutely on God, the Divine Essence, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent.
3 – Therefore, the energies and the substances are well before the solids obeying the commands of the Divine Essence through the Divine Light. There is a perfect chain, normal and current, in the bosom of which everything moves and achieves the finality.
4 – The spiritual agents command from top down, that is, the sparks of God or spirits, those who have reached the Christic Grade or United, act and command as Divine Words to the right courses. Nothing exists without High Providential Commands or without the High Directive Echelons. Whatever exists was or is managed by them. Without them, nothing ever was or is because they are the Divine Links that connect the Principle to the Creation still in embryo, being it spiritual or material.
5 – To speak of the solid Planet without considering the substantial, astral or fluidic part, is a proof of great evolutional inferiority, because the part called invisible is what commands the visible part, once the last is a consequence of the first. The substantial part is larger. That is, starting from the center of the Planet, it goes a long way from the Planet or prolongs, in the form of superposed crowns, which are the so-called heavens or celestial bands.
6 – The crowns, bands or heavens are revealed from inside to outside, in growing hierarchy, that is, the farther from the solid Planet, more Light and Glory. However, the Earth is so inferior spiritually that it has a large exterior band of darkness and pain. They are the thresholds. What marks the inferior or expiatory worlds are the exterior dark bands and the Earth has them very wide despite their big decrease since their origin.
7 – The interior bands are the densest or the most horrible darkness. The earthly sub-crust, speaking in terms of astral condition, is the expiatory residence of the worst spirits, of the worst criminals.
8 – Seven are the bands or heavens, in synthesis, but the sub-divisions, in order to serve as residence for the different hierarchies, are multiplied by thousands. Still, in all planes, bands, or heavens, reside creatures that vary in hierarchic nuances, in the innermost conditions.
9 – We call innermost conditions what the spiritual spark has already developed in terms of Love and Wisdom. The weeping and gnashing of teeth are also included here because the Scale is unique and by his acts the spark will go to the grade that he deserves.
10 – The spirit, the spark, that is more matured or evolved, who comes to commit faults, he will temporarily lose his social position. The spark will pay for the mistakes and later return to the previous hierarchic position, from where he will depart in new opportunities of work in flesh or out of it, for his auto-christification. Nobody will ever transgress the Law of Karma and who wishes to take the Celestial Lesson should connect to the Ten Commandments and to the Divine Model Christ. Change whoever has to change because the Two Witnesses will never change. They are not religionist, sectarian nor belong to any parties. They represent the TRUTH.
11 – Out of the seven bands, or the seven planes, or the seven heavens and their many subdivisions, is the so-called Christic Plane. It is said to be the Inter-world Heaven, Kingdom of the Pure Spirit or of the United Spirits, the Divine Words, which constitute the Divine Providential Order. They rule Worlds and Humanities. There are still hierarchic differences but, in the Kingdom of the Pure Spirit, everything is already extremely Divine, for that the human minds could even be able to cogitate correctly. And we are not saying everything on the Sacred Finality of the Spirit yet… From the same Essence that Father-Spirit is, His sons are, as well, therefore, they will reach such Glories, which, for the time being, should not be commented. Each one should respect the Sacred Origin in himself and in his brothers, to achieve the Sacred Finality as soon as possible.
12 – From the Christic Plane downwards, the echelons hugely subdivide themselves. If materially it is like this, imagine how it is spiritually. And, everything is perfectly counted, weighed and measured by the echelons.
13 – Divine Laws rule from the inside to the outside, spiritually and materially, for the effect of hierarchy and of individual promotion, while providential laws command in the direction of individual and collective activities, that is, the echelons that rule, that govern the worlds, collectivities and individuals. Time will come, for every son of God, when he will know that he is his own Judge, for the good or for the evil and by knowing, thinking, feeling and acting this way, he will conduct himself divinely. It is extremely important to understand this reality but… you can be sure that it will only become reality through evolution! No one thinks as he wishes but as he can… In order to be more and better it is important to grow internally.
14 – In the superior spiritual world, three are the most respectful factors. The first is Moral, which is filtered by the Ten Commandments; the second is the Divine Modeling of the External Christ and the third is the Revelation, the communicability of angels or spirits. You can clearly understand that the three of them offer lessons or information, which may or may not be accepted. However, hear those who have ears for hearing because none of them will change. The evolution will make you grow in obedience to the law, go up in the imitation of the Christ and cultivate the Revelation in superior terms. Do you understand the importance of the problem? Because out of it, nobody will reach the Grade of United...
15 – The still inferior spirits search the Kingdom of God through religionist and sectarian formalisms and formulisms. So great is their ignorance that they disregard in them TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, to believe in monkeyshines invented by men. That is why the darkness of the sub-crust and the thresholds are full of scientists, philosophers and religious men of the world! They think they know a lot, but they live out of the DIVINE MORAL ORDER OF THE INFINITE.
16 – Understand this because it is imperative: the energetic-substantial crowns of the spirit improve from the outside to the inside and those of the Planet improve from the inside to the outside. Do you understand? Who do not improve himself towards the inside, diminishing and brightening the crowns, will never be able to reach the external spiritual planes, which are more divinized. When the crowns of the spirit have been reduced to only one, the first, which is the Individuated Divine Light, this spirit will have ascended to the Christic Heaven, or the heaven of the Pure Spirit, where the Universal Divine Light is a Common Environment. Nobody on the crust will be able to imagine what this represents, the participation in the Divine Powers due to enjoying the Glories of the Divine Ubiquity.
17 – The fools have been talking about the law of fluids when they wish or intend desiring to talk about Superior Kingdoms. The TRUTH as knowledge, and LOVE as way of life command such Glorious Kingdoms. The matter, so to speak, is Divine Light condensed in that grade and it takes the form that the spirit thinks and feels. As the spirit is divinized, everything to him takes the divinized exterior aspect. May the son of God achieve in himself the TRUTH, the LOVE and the VIRTUE, and he will get everything from God, who, in Powers and Glories, hovers above human cogitations.
18 – God, the Divine Essence, is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, but He manifests according to the law of surrounding hierarchies. Understand that: in the abysses of darkness, God seems to be infinitely invisible, while in the Kingdoms of Light and Glory He shows Himself more and more evident. It is the Union through Wisdom and Love that makes the son of God to live the Divine Glories by harmonizing. There are completely divinized Kingdoms but they are for those who have divinized in their inward. Nobody will ever achieve the Kingdom of the Pure Spirit without moving away from the kingdom of the world. Who has intelligence to understand it should understand it, in order to behave accordingly and ascend in the scale of the hierarchies until he reaches the total harmonization.
19 – There is no sacrifice or resignation in the kingdom of the world that the Kingdom of the Pure Spirit does not reward. Nevertheless, we warn that weakly sentimentalism or religionism will never conduct to such Glorious Kingdoms. Time has already come when the religious labels will fall, because they are rotten… But every conscience should think very carefully, because it is everyone’s duty to grow in his inner side, until the self-christifying freedom. The planes or heavens represent grades of Wisdom and Purity and, to rise more and more to the outside, it is important to rise more and more in his inside.
20 – Humanity will get into the second middle age or maturity phase; and those truths that are prophesized in chapters fourteen and nineteen of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled. Everything will become so much better for those who deserve the Earth of the future cycles. And everything will get a lot worse for those who wish to remain blind and deaf to the clamors of Heaven. Nevertheless, we repeat the following: the Kingdom of Heaven is a matter of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, and not a matter of religions, sects, and other manipulations of groupings…
21 – How ridiculous are the human associations, religious or sectarian, and others that consider themselves initiatic, when they forge human titles, to distribute to their credulous proselytes! No label, no title, nothing of human fabrication with these intentions will ever have value before the Divine Justice. Ceremonies, clothings, titles, physical postures, material ornaments, everything that belongs to human convention will never be able to represent Wisdom and Purity. The places of weeping and gnashing of teeth are full of such monkeyshines along with their owners and users…
22 – The Doctrine of the Truth That Sets You Free has the Spread of the Spirit or Generalization of the Revelation as live instrument, or to ban the orphanhood from the world. It is wise to understand the Model Christ’s fair sentence when he spoke to his disciples:

“Blessed are you, Simon Barjona because neither flesh nor blood revealed it to you, but the Holy Spirit; and on this rock I will build the Doctrine of the Father and the gates of hell will never prevail against it.”

23 – Being usual that the Divine Father has placed the Truth That Sets You Free as a germ to be developed in every of His sons’ inward, it is important to understand the three basic factors of the same developing: The Law of God as MORAL factor; the Modeling of the Christ as OBJECTIVE TO BE REACHED; the Baptism of Revelation as SOURCE OF WARNING, ILLUSTRATION AND CONSOLATION.
24 – The enemies of this triangle are enemies of themselves and of the Humanity. They demonstrate the error through formalisms, idolatries and all the simulations that they use, for the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE do not appear as the only and total self-christifying factors.
25 – Who cultivates the Law, the Christ and the Revelation all together will have everything to achieve TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE within himself. But who trusts in cleric-pharisaisms, formulisms and all and any simulation will certainly compromise himself with the DIVINE JUSTICE. May the son of God reveal himself as SPIRIT AND TRUTH, because so He is and so He wishes. Earthly youth ends and maturity phase sets in, and other obligations should be observed. With the conclusion of the Restoration, we appointed the beginning of another evolutive phase. Read the Apocalypse, chapters fourteen and nineteen. Heaven will never fail to do its duty; men should change if they want to follow the Earth on its journey towards PERFECTION.
26 – In terms of conduct, nobody shall take the bad example of whoever it might be, under any pretexts. Who wants to become disciple of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE should remember that every Bibles and Codifications are incomplete, faulty and neglectful works.
27 – Who is better able to understand the TRUTH, should do it; who is able to grow in LOVE, should do it; who is better able to develop his virtues or qualities, should do it. Read carefully the final chapter of Apocalypse, remembering that here we are saying for the effective continuation of the same TRUTHS. God does not change, the Divine Providence does not change, but the Humanities, still in evolutive process, must insist on changing, whenever possible, until the total self-christification.
28 – Because the son-spirit is derived from the FATHER-SPIRIT, he contains the DIVINE FOUNTAIN within himself. If the childhood and the youth made him look for God outside, it is time, with the coming of the maturity, to search for Him in the Inner Temple, and achieve the Supreme Union there.
29 – All the outward appearances will fall rotten, but only in the ones who start becoming SPIRIT AND TRUTH. Each one shall make his free will working properly.
30 – As God, the Divine Essence is above places and times, the same should be each of His sons.

From the Sacred Principle everything departs
Thus Heavens and Earths appear and live,
And moving in the bosom of the Principle,
They ferment beauties that go on revealing.

Spirits already glorious in scale,
From God transmit precious teachings,
Affirming that from God the derived,
To Him, one day, will return divinized.

In the Divine Code the Moral is resplendent,
In the Divine Model Christ the Beacon resides,
They are witnesses of Immutable Truth,
Alive bases of Unshakeable construction.

Out of the Law and the Christ, there will be horror,
Out of the Truth and Love everything ends,
The ignorance and the mistake will lament together,
In the abysses of the conscience in solitude.

A new day appears for your History,
New Heaven and New Earth point out to the Glory,
Nevertheless, corruptors and perverted ones will remain,
Suffering in darkness the weeping of solitude.

To the enemies of the prophetic truths,
We urge that they search for better ethics,
Escaping urgently from the addictions to the untruth,
That from the Divine Justice will suffer severity.


You will speak in terms of sciences, philosophies and religions to justify your way of knowing, thinking, feeling and acting, but we will speak about our plane in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, the UNCHANGEABLE DIVINE LINKS, which in an infallible and nontransferable way, will make the MORAL SENSE OF LIFE, which is the FAITHFULL TO LIFE ITSELF.
You will arrive to these planes through the carriage of DEATH, taking more or fewer days. You will face major or minor disillusions, according to the way you used yourself and the resources offered by the Creator, in terms of LAW, ELEMENTS and FACTS, not of mysteries, miracles and enigmas. The disillusion grade will vary according to each one’s position in the social and functional scale. Only as prior notice, here are a few items:

1 – RELIGIOUS DISILLUSION. Because the Kingdom of God is in everyone’s innermost part and It will not come with exterior exhibitions, we invite you not to slave yourself to sectarian and religious small charts, to pharisaic despotic groupings, to the parties which consider themselves private owners of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE. Many people arrive here overloaded with formulisms, sacramentisms, rituals, feigned clothings and every type and color of cleric-pharisaic lures; but they only arrive here after spending a long period of probation in places of weeping and gnashing of teeth, and even so, to prepare themselves to a new incarnation, not always in favorable conditions.
2 – RACIAL DISILLUSION. No one is better than anyone, just for the fact of having been born here or there, on this side or on the other side of the frontier… External characters, appearances, postures and other temporal and transitory ingredients, here, we see them melting abundantly, leaving their holders in great state of distress and remorse.
3 – ECONOMIC DISILLUSION. Nobody brings possessions of the world, but everyone brings the responsibility of the way they were used…. The MORAL LAW THAT COMMANDS EVERYTHING IS IMPLACABLE and it obliges the occasional depositary to the due render of accounts. In places of pain, many are who handle filth, believing that they are dealing with their old fortunes... They live for their terrible hallucinations until, for them, arrived the time to be rescued, taught and prepared for other opportunities…
4 – NOBILIARY DISILLUSION. What ennobles the function of the individual, in social acquaintance, is the AMOUNT OF MORAL practiced. Out of the DIVINE MORAL ORDER, everything leads to places of pain, no matter what the earthly titles are. Those who nourish prides, vanities, selfishnesses, jealousies, despotic bossinesses and many other resources that derive from human possessions will pay dear... In terms said as religious, who have trusted their earthly labels will suffer great pains…
5 – SCIENTIFIC DISILLUSION. As son of God, man will reach such knowledge and practice, that it is difficult to explain now, but the responsibility will undelayably and untransferably follow him. The places of weeping and gnashing of teeth are full of scientists, because they did not know how to be in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE…
6 – PHILOSOPHICAL DISILLUSION. The Law of God and the Divine Modeling of the Christ will never be founded on movable human concepts. Nobody will ever triumph out of the DIVINE WITNESSES IN FACE OF THE HUMANITY. The interior and external darkness are full of philosophers…
7 – HEROIC DISILLUSION. The Law of God and the Modeling of the Christ teach which the convenient heroisms are… The great heroisms, which fatten earthly eyes, because they are well-grounded on bleedings, religious fanaticisms and others, do nothing but fill the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth…
8 – REVELATIONIST DISILLUSION. “I will spread My Holy Spirit on all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall have dreams, your young men shall have visions”. All this is happening in the bosom of the Humanity, but, know that the places of darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth receive, everyday, those who have made bad use of the Grace, generalized by the Christ in the Pentecost …
9 – DOGMATIC DISILLUSION. Moses affirmed that someone else would come, to continue his informative work… The Christ affirmed that much more he had to say and had not said because the contemporary people were not able to understand… In the Codification, it is affirmed that his truths represent the first words of a wisdom of which no one knows when the last word will be said…To Kardec was affirmed that he would not finish the restoring work, so he would have to return… Therefore, avoid the false shyness and the custom of owners of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, because the LOVE ONE ANOTHER will never endorse any phrarisaisms…
10 – INITIATIC DISILLUSION. Ancient dusty concepts, which verse about mysteries, miracles, enigmas and petulant grades that men fabricate and distribute among themselves, cause a lot of regret here… God is not special to anyone and no one is special to God… Take care the human little treachery groups, ancient or modern, more or less disguised, because the DIVINE JUSTICE will never ask them anything…
And with this, dear brothers, we invite you to the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE because we know that they will not cause disillusions to anyone. How are you learning, and with whom? How are you living, and why? How will you come here? You will certainly come and you will have to change your concept in greater or smaller percentage, because you live as slaves of conventionalism, formulism, institutions and statutes that value subaltern interests, whether economic-political or of vain aspect, besides putting on false human concepts to the Divine Designation of the Sacred Principle. In truth, because of the ABUSE, you will have to give serious account of the USE OF LIFE, and the wrong way of applying it.
Through your deeds, whether you want it or not, you will have to take one of two ways – to inherit the Earth of the future cycles, or migrate to inferior worlds. Do not intend to convince the DIVINE JUSTICE with your usual religious allegations… Try to present deeds of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE in your behavior among brothers because it is the SELF-CHRISTIFIER MEASURE.
Consequently, before the selective facts, which are knocking on your doors, consider this fundamental doctrinal imperative. The Divine Model Christ was not sent to you to fatten cleric-pharisaisms, ancient or modern, somewhat fancy-dressed, under any pretexts. As God is Spirit and Truth and He wants His sons to be the same, He has given you the Law as Code of Conduct, the Christ as Divine Model and the Generalized Revelation as source of warnings, illustrations and consolations. None of that, understand once and for all, will ever be slaved to your religious, sectarian, simulating flags and sellers of fake prophetic truths. Be careful with the false prophets and with the yeast of the Pharisee, which is the hypocrisy… Because it is time for you to have them, and a lot, in your way! Being with the Law of God and the Christ you will always be well, because the Law of God and the Model Christ incite to the right social duties, out and above of your divisional and criminal prejudices, which, from now on, will have to lose in authority and function, as they are false, and in no way fit in the DIVINE MORAL ORDER THAT RULES THE CREATION.
TRUTH is more than Science, LOVE is more than Philosophy and VIRTUE is more than Religion; and only the fools are allowed to think that the MEANS has more value than the SACRED ENDS, and that, for this reason, they should dogmatize about men, books, human institutions or statutes.
The Gospel is the GENERAL SYNTHESIS, the alloy between the Divine Moral and the Divine Modeling and, therefore, with the Gospel, the Two Faithful and Truthful Witnesses were rooted in the bosom of the Humanity allocated on the Planet. Who, by evolution, recognizes what the Gospel of the Divine Mold means will surely recognize these five basic factors:
a – MORAL, which harmonizes and dignifies, because it is the factor of vibratory balance;
b – LOVE, which sublimes and divinizes, because it is the maximum factor as force of vibratory expansion;
c – REVELATION, which warns, illustrates and consoles, because it is the factor that characterizes the attention of the Sacred Principle and of the Director Planes to the sons of God and to those protected by the Top Management;
d – WISDOM, which helps to recognize the Divine Origin, the Evolutive Process and the Sacred Finality of the sons of God, that is, the Initiatic Key, because without this Initiatic Principle there cannot be a really constructive program;
e – VIRTUE, which represents the accumulation of values, the qualities or achieved powers, once in order to give is necessary to have.


The program recommended by Mary, exclusively evangelical, out of false interpretations of texts, deviations, etc. Those who prize TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, through the Law of God, the Model Son and the Revelation that warns, illustrates and consoles, will understand the purpose of this program. The Divine Moral Order rules the Creation and, therefore, to avoid the weeping and gnashing of teeth, is on it that everything must to be understood, felt and practiced.


Father: He is God, the Divine Essence That Creates, Sustains and Destines through Eternal, Perfect and Immutable Laws by being Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent.
Home: The Infinite.
Time: The Eternity.
Family: The Whole Humanity.
Internal Realization: To become TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, or christified.
Means of Use: Sciences, arts, philosophies, etc.
Moral Code: The Law of God.
Model Son: The Christ.
Indispensable Factor: Love.
Doctrinal Ideal: Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, in the deeds.
True Temple: The Conscience.
To Repudiate: Everything that is out of the Law of God and the Divine Model Son, because IMMORALITY is a plant of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Aureate Rule: To know the TRUTH and produce the GOOD, because everyone will discarnate and will have to face the Divine Justice, which is neither religious nor sectarian.
Untransferable and Unpostponable: To watch the deeds.
Hygienic Measure: Not to think in terms of miracles, mysteries, enigmas, simulations, idolatries, liturgies and pretendings, or any pharisaisms.
Religious Job: In the deeds, to love God and the neighbor with all intelligence and force of the heart, as God does not accept any simulations or idolatries.
Simply: To know that the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE is above worlds, continents, countries, mounts, races, peoples, sciences, arts, philosophies, religions, men, books, human institutions and statutes, because God is Spirit and Truth.
Unquestionable: All the Bibles, Testaments and Codifications are incomplete works, faulty and omissive, and in need of repairs and progress.
Exact: To confuse the Doctrine of the Father with clericalisms, sectarianisms and pharisaisms is the same as to confuse the Spiritism with the spiritists. Still for a long time, the human absurd will function together with the DIVINE TRUTHS.
Pharisaism: To say that LOVE ONE ANOTHER has derogated the Ten Commandments. When has the SYNTHESIS derogated the THESIS?!...
Fatally: A son of God will never become UNITED WITH THE FATHER, without living according to the Law of God, the Model Christ and the Revelation.
Normally: No one will develop the Kingdom of God within himself without KNOWING THE TRUTH AND PRODUCING THE GOOD. Religionisms belong to numb intelligences, addicted to idolatries and empty theorisms.
Apocalyptical Promise: The arrival of the Book ETERNAL GOSPEL, the greatest message addressed to the Humanity in all times. From embryo to christification, It teaches everything about the spirit. It is the Bible of maturity phase.
DIVINE MONISM: The Essential Spiritism that the book teaches will make the formal Spiritism reaches its highest point, the Science of Absolute Truth, the awareness that in God and His Creation everything is part and relation, existing ONE DIVINE MORAL ORDER THAT RULES EVERYTHING.


Above any type of tipsters, incarnates or discarnates, bearers of several ignorantisms and ridiculous opinions, the Humanity has reached the final years of the second millennium, bended by the burden of the blasphemies against the Law of God, against the signification of the Unmistakable Exemplary Word and against the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, the vehicles of the Consoling Revelation, or of the communicability of the Angels or Messenger Spirits, for the production of extra signs, marvelous cures, etc.
Professional religious or the petty politicians and ignorant men creating religions and clergies, have been placing commandments of men, pretenses, allures of all sorts, abominable idolatries, nobiliary scandalous in the place of the TEACHINGS and the GRACES of God. While God wants His sons to live the Law, understand and try to imitate the Model Word and decently cultivate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, such blasphemers have transformed everything in appearances, labels, pretences, idolatrous commerces and Hysterical or Pharisaic speeches, creating the terrible NEGATIVE KARMA that is a burden over the Humanity. What they did and do is to fabricate fools or silly ones, to later exploit them.
They truncated the order given by the Resurrected Word in Acts 1, 1 to 8, filling the Humanity with ignorance and terrible mistakes.
Disregarding the Law, the meaning of the Model Word and the Charismatic Gifts, they rendered people to the abominable acts cited in Romans 1, 22 to 32.
Losing in spirituality and morality and increasing in science and techniques, by the end of the second millennium, man is ready to disgrace the Planet and burn down the Humanity, that is, to eliminate two thirds of the living, with the fire deluge or atomic war, as the Book of Revelation or the Apocalypse warns. If the adult has never been capable of building a World of Peace and Harmony for the children, what he does now is worse, because besides imposing hunger, illness and orphanhood, he prepares everything for the birth of monsters, because the atomic residuals will produce monstrosities in great scale, by altering genes and chromosomes.
From chapter 14 on, the Apocalypse marks the terrible events that will break out the GREAT RENOVATION, the pure and simple return to the Doctrine of The Way, which is for every conscience to live the Law, imitate the Model Word and nobly cultivate the Spiritual Gifts that facilitate the Consoling Revelation.
Because of these abominable deviations, you will have to painfully understand the fundamental importance of the Law of God, the Exemplary Word and the decent cultivation of the Charismatic Gifts.
May those women or mothers, in whose conscience vibrate the flame of maternal love, the most sublime of human feelings, place, once a day, their right hand over the Bible, say the Prayer they wish, meditate about the dangers of the present hour and ask God and His Messenger Legions for the adults to come to their senses, and make a less wrong and criminal world for the children.


The teacher, Ms… (she asked not to reveal her name) had an illness considered not curable by Medicine. She looked for a Spiritist place where it was given to her the Prayer to Mary to read and pray. She prayed for a few days, and one night, while she was praying, she saw her room enlighten, first in metallic green, then it turned to metallic light blue, then to shining gold, blinding, until at last, in the center of the brightness, the sweet face of Mary appeared, and She said:
– “Daughter, all the prayers are heard, but not all of them can be satisfied, because many are those who do nothing to deserve God’s help, our Father. Therefore, try to live morally correct, do the Good and forgive the others’ fault, so that God commands what to do in your benefit…”
The teacher said, crying:
– “Mother, I have been trying to act this way as much as possible.”
And it is said that Mary answered with infinite sweetness:
– “I know my sister, and that is why I am here, because God, our Father is who commands, and we obey His Orders, nothing more. For this reason, you will put a flower of your preference in a glass of water by your bed. When going to bed, you will make your favorite Prayer, before this glass with the flower. Do this for a few days and wait for what God determines. Then I or someone else from God will come and will do the Good that God, our Father, has determined.”
Four days later, she tells, she woke up and saw around her bed three doctors in aprons, who, smiling, started cutting and trimming, stitching and passing their bright hands over her belly and cuts, saying:
– “Give Graces, dear sister, because this was the Will of God, Our Father. Practice the Religion of Doing-Good, which is the right one and we will always be at your service.”


The Revelation or Communicability of the Angels, Spirits or Souls has been a recognized phenomenon since the most remote civilizations included in all the Bibles of Humanity.
Zoroaster was the first great cultivator of the Revelation, having firmly based his Doctrine upon the difference between GOOD and EVIL and the advantages of healthy mediumistic cultivation.
The Vedic-Budhic period goes back to more than two hundred and forty thousand years.
Moses was the reincarnation of the first of the four Zoroasters and wished the generalized Revelation.
Moses received the Law of God through mediumistic message.
The Law of God does not recommend any religion but the
cultivation of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, because the Divine Justice is above frivolities and other human foolishness.
The entire Bible is a repository of mediumistic messages.
Jesus had been announced, before incarnating, by angels, spirits or souls, for a period of three thousand and six hundred years.
Jesus had the angels, souls or spirits ascending and descending over Him, so that the mediumistic prodigies, called miracles, could have sequence and reason to be.
It is blasphemy to talk about Jesus and condemn the Communicability of the Spirits, once that was what He practiced while incarnate, having returned in Spirit to Generalize the Revelation or to Baptize in Holy Spirit.
There is no Christ without the Law of God, or Gospel without the Moral of the Law and the cultivation of the Revelation.
The Fundamental Doctrine is Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue.
The tools that must be divinely controlled are Pocket, Stomach, Sex, Pride and Selfishness.
The problem of the Spirit is not about salvation but about self-christification through worlds and lives, and by facing the most diverse conditions and situations until the spirit becomes PURE and WISE according to the Divine Modeling of Jesus Christ.
A spirit can only be a Christ or a Christ to be; therefore, think about the DIVINE ORIGIN, the EVOLUTIVE PROCESS and the SACRED FINALITY, if you do not want to make serious mistakes against your own self-christification.
The Reincarnation is the redemptive and evolutive valve of the spirits, since without the Reincarnation the Divine Justice would be anything, but Divine Justice.
It is enough being ignorant to say that he does not believe, instead of saying that he does not know.
When Pythagoras was making experiments with his wife, the medium Theoclea, who was a seer and also psychometer and unfolder, he did the greatest studies about the evolution of the spirit, affirming that the spirit spends, on average, three million years going through the inferior species before reaching the human specie.
Hermes was the Great Beginners who succeeded to know the most about the Divine Creating, Sustaining and Destining Essence of everything and everyone.
For the Initiatic Vedism there is only God, the Divine Unique Essence, that also reveals or manifests Himself as Creation.
Krishna lived one thousand and five hundred years before Jesus Christ and his book is the only Treat of Divine Monism that is available for the Humanity.
The Red Race was the first one to command the Earth, then the Black, and Ramah was the one who made them lose the domination for the White Race.
Enoch was the patriarch before the flooding, who transferred the Vedic-Budhic Doctrine to the western world, where it had different names, but having the better exponents in Egyptian and Essenic Cabalas.
Samuel, who later was Daniel and John the Evangelist, and then Antonio of Padua and Giordano Bruno, was the one who reorganized the Essenic Order or the Nazirites Order, because after the death of Moses everything was corrupted.
Eve means Primitive Race.
Adam means Supervened, that is, those who came from a world in the Constellation of Capella, because they no longer deserved that world.
The spirit never loses the evolution achieved, but he temporarily loses the social position if he commits violations, and has to answer for them.
No EXTERIOR TRUTH is more important than the INTERNAL TRUTH, which is the Kingdom of God that each one must develop in himself.
To develop the INNER HEAVEN is to grow in PURITY and WISDOM; it is the only way to penetrate into the DIVINE UBIQUITY.
The spirit, which is enfolded by the seven energetic crowns and by the density of the perispirit and the physical body when incarnated, should become, when christified, only one free spark, reflecting his Glory and Power through the first crown, which is the Universal Divine Light, although individualized.
To be Spiritist is to be UNIVERSAL, above religions, sects and any human maneuvers, under any pretexts, in any time and place.
To be Spiritist is to be from the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE.

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