This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008


Chapter XV

The capacity for metamorphoses or transformation of the vehicle of the soul, or perispirit, is whole.

The standard man of the present stage has reached seven energetic crowns. Each crown contains one chakra, plexus or center of energy, which allows the functioning of physical senses and mediumistic faculties.

There is no human wisdom capable of measuring the depth, in grades and tones, of what the perispirit is, considering the immensity of the spiritual hierarchic gradations. At the most, good seers can say some things, because with the evolution of the spirits, everything marches to the DIVINE, difficult to be seen and explained through human words. In other books and works, we present several other explanations regarding many other spiritual realities.

The so-called block-spirit is a group of sparks still in embryo or germ state. The spiritual particles move in this block or group, until each one of them forms, at least three crowns, which are three resources, three tools, or three means of acting in the exterior world. When the spark or the block of sparks gets to this state, it is ready to start the releasing of each one. The brotherhood will then spread, so that each one may have a freer life, face the exterior world and organize the crowns he misses. It is the immersion in the highest levels of the biological scale, although he is only larval or filamentous, which can be found in lakes, at the bottom of seas, in forests or in places where humidity and mold are very high. It is very little if compared to primate; however, it is a long way after leaving the Divine Essence. He already has three crowns, and in each one, there is a specified energy center, which is a chakra being formed or in development.

The arrival in the seven energetic crowns and the seven chakras took in account the track trough the hugely biological gamut, that is, he had to activate increasingly more complex organs and limbs, including standing and walking on the hind limbs. Because, the energetic crowns alone would not achieve anything, and the vehicle of the soul, the perispirit, would not be anything without the crowns and the energy centers, the real sub-commands of the spark. Talking about spirit, perispirit and body is only to initiate or preliminary, nothing more.

In a primate, the seven crowns and the seven chakras and, when incarnate, the seven plexus are ready, but as germs or embryos. Everything is potential and the march towards the intellect-moral edification will begin, for its development in the course of thousands and thousands of years, subject to ups and downs, victories and defeats, incarnations and discarnations, conditions and situations to be faced, needs to overcome, anxieties to be coped with, etc. It is the conscience that is being formed, because the spark expands and enlarges, now with much more quickness, because the reason is expressed more often, affected by events, impelled by needs.

One of the agents of impulsion is the phenomenon of the pain; it is first warning, then it will become expiation. In normal conditions, there will never be pain, but abnormality will provoke him its manifestation, and the continuation of the abnormality will make it increase in intensity. It should be simple to ask about the origin of pain in its first manifestations and cure them to avoid their increase. However, we would say that it works, it does its part and sooner or later it wins, because the spirit will have to learn with it, whether it costs more or less, in the incarnation or out of it. The factor necessity, so little remembered, is another great stimulator of the anima or conscious growth. In the course of the millenniums, the sparks grow and communities develop. Only a few are in the vanguard, the majority is intermediate, a large number is tardy.
Seen from above, the diagram is accurate, and it shows all the echelons. And the Divine Justice, which makes Justice from the inside, works and imposes itself. Some receive for the best deeds; others also receive, however, for the bad deeds, in terms of darkness and pains, of painful expiatory incarnations. Apparently, the courses diverge, but in reality, the course is one only: the self-christification!

At the right time, all embryo humanity receives injections of civilization. They are legions banished from other worlds, they have been punished by the Divine Justice, and once they have long purged in the darkness, they incarnate in the bosom of the embryo humanity, and force the progress. Eve receives Adam, and their children become masters, artists, scientists, saints and prophets. Inwardly, from far off time to far off time a Chief Officer from the Planetary Christ incarnates, here and there, for a Major Revelation.

When the intellect and moral level of elevation is appropriated, a Code of Conduct is transmitted, and, soon after, a Divine Mold is provided by the Creator. Before being Moses, the same spirit had transmitted the Law in the bosom of other races and people, until it was rooted, always through the Revelation, the communicability of angels, spirits or souls. After that, the Planetary Director incarnated, and left the Divine Modeling, and with it, the Generalization of the Revelation, the Grace from Heaven, which has the task of warning, illustrating and consoling. As General Synthesis, the Christ is the image of the Divine Origin of the spirit, of the Evolutive Process, of the Sacred Finality, of the Baptism of Revelation and of the Final Resurrection of the spirit. He is not the image of religions and phariseeisms, He is of the TRUTH. The Law and the Model Christ are the unshakeable witnesses of God!

As the crowns, chakras and plexus were formed from the inside to the outside, the sublimation will become realities from the outside to the inside. The energetic crowns, which obey the immediate commands from the spirit, will impose luminosity and brightness to the chakras, and from these to the perispirit, which will become more and more etherealized. Thousands of years will go by, but one day the walk will reach the solution: a spark will be christified, fully exposed through the first and unique crown, which is the Individuated Divine Light! The disciples have equaled the Divine Mold; they have become United with the Father in the Inner Temple! They have learned from the Divine Word and Divine Words they have become!


No one is or exists because he wants, but because of God, which manifests or creates, sustains and destines. Therefore, the one who is and exists, is an apprentice in one of the grades of the evolutive scale, containing within himself what he has already done or developed, yet having to develop up to the Christic Grade or to the Vibratory Unity with the Divine Generator Essence, which is God.

It is very easy to understand that, by being, he exists, and by existing, he must be somewhere, doing something and for a certain finality. The grade of CONSCIENCE OF REALITY varies almost infinitely, but one finality to everyone is determined by the eternal, perfect and immutable laws of God. What matters, therefore, is to reach a substantial grade of CONSICENCE OF REALITY as soon as possible, so that from then onwards the march to self-christification can become easier.

One ought not to forget that, once this substantial grade of CONSCIENCE OF REALITY has been attained, the spirit has also reached a more elevated grade of INDIVIDUAL REPONSIBILITY. Due to the Divine Justice, there will never be rights without duties. He who has already considered himself a semi-God assumes his responsibilities, and honors what has already been done, and what is to be done!

The chromatic map that we present refers to the standard man, the average type of the present time, when, in the historical horizons of the Planet, the entrance in the maturity or second middle-age shines with the separation of sheep and goats. But it is the balanced spirit, harmonic in his evolutive grade, that is, without negative karmic marks, without stains and without any dissymmetry, all that generates in the incarnate, cripples, persistent illnesses, plagues and painful moral circumstances, etc:

a – In the initial depths of the spark, the first crown, which is Divine Light, individuated or particularized, is slowly formed. However, in the inward or inner part, it is much brighter, being opaque or less brilliant in the outside. It seems a compact whole, but it is scaled, showing its diagram;
b – The second crown to be formed in millions of years is bright yellow, always more brilliant inside and less outside, because it will have to, due to the penetration in the outer or denser world, offer means of contact;
c – The third crown to be formed is orange, always more brilliant inside and less outside;
d – The fourth crown is solferino or light-purple, always more brilliant inside and less outside, already presenting itself wider and with more dilation;
e – The fifth crown is blue, always more brilliant in the inside and less in the outside, and wider;
f – The sixth crown is light green, always more brilliant inside and less outside and more enlarged;
g – The seventh crown is light gray, always more brilliant inside and less outside and more enlarged, since it is the frontier of the spirit or of the spark with the physical or external world.

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