Gentle daughter of the Eternal Father, assist those who wander in the inferior corners of life, so that the desire for Knowledge, Certainty, and Goodness may blossom out in them, putting off aside idolatries, paganisms, ritualisms, and every inferior forms of spiritual cult.
Tutelary Angel of the legions that rescue in darkness and in places of pain, attend to the clamors of those who, repentant, hankering to find again the Way of Truth that sets you free.
Sweet Messenger of Love, pour out your maternal tenderness on afflicted hearts so that they ascend to the heights of the redeemer labor.
Elected Lady, inspire the feeling of Truth, Love, and Virtue in the hearts of all those who tend to the follies of the world, so they do not descend to the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Lift up, oh Lady, from the gloomy abysses, all those who were doing wrong things because of religious fanaticisms.
Intercede, oh gentle star, for those who, forgotten of the Law and forgotten of Jesus Christ, dove into the places of shadows and pain.
Oh tenderness, put a feeling of purity in all feminine hearts, so that they convert themselves into true guardian angels.
Be the light, oh Mary, of those eyes that cannot see.
Assist, oh Lady, those who weaken along the ways of life.
Hear, oh Symbol of Mothers, the voices of those who cannot speak.
Dry the tears, oh gentle sister, of those who suffer from lack of mercy.
Dominator of passions, be the guardian angel of those who fear slipping in the alleys of sin.
Consoler of afflicts, anoint with the Balsam of Love those whose hearts are in anguish.
Guide the steps, oh sweet friend, of those who tend to dishearten facing the world’s tortures.
Deposit, oh Mary, in every heart, the feeling of equality before the laws that rule the Infinite Universe.
Conduct to the portico of Truths, oh candidness, those who are wandering by the ways of untruth and crime.
Involve with your blue mantle, oh Mary, all those who seek eternal, perfect, and immutable Truths of God, through the Divine Modeling of Jesus Christ.
Point at, oh luminous star, to the Testament of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, so that all the sons of the Highness find, once and for all, the open arms of the Divine Friend.
This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6
domingo, 20 de abril de 2008
quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008
Chapter XXII
1 – After recognizing One Divine Origin for everything and everybody,
2 – It is important to recognize that the son-spirit holds, in potential, all the Divine Virtues,
3 – And he must develop them thoroughly, in order to become Total United, or Spirit and Truth, just as the Principle is.
In order to define this simple reality, the Word has taught: “The Kingdom of God is inside each one, and never comes from the outside or with outer signs”.
If the fabricators of religions, clergies, sectarianisms and morbid factionisms did not teach people to divert from the Divine Truths, everything would already be in other spiritual levels and the terrible expiatory events would not weigh over the Humanity at the end of this second millennium.
Who does want to study and live the Law of God?
Who does want to study and live the meaning of the Model Word and Modeler?
Who does want to study and nobly cultivate what the biblical texts teach about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships?
I Am the Absolute Essence, I Am Arch-Natural,
Omniscient and Omnipresent, I Am the Universal Mind,
I Am the Original Cause, I Am the Omnipotent Father,
I Am Distinct and I Am the Whole, I Am Ambivalent.
I Am Outside and Inside, I Am Above and Below,
I Am the Whole and the Part, I Am who encompasses everything,
By being the Divine Essence, I also Reveal Myself Creation,
And I Breathe in My Work, being both the Whole and the Fraction.
I Am in your depths, always Maintaining you,
Because I Am your Existence, your Reason for Being,
And I Speak in your inward, and also in your exterior,
I Am in the brain and in the heart, because I Am the Lord.
Come, therefore, to My Temple, return hence to Me,
I Am in you and in the Infinity, I Am the Principle and I Am the Finality,
From My Mind you are sons, you will always be gods,
And marching towards the Truth, you will destroy your crosses.
Do not surrender to mysteries, enigmas, and rituals,
I want Truth and Virtue, none of “isms” and such,
The Laws depart from Me, and when you grow up in them,
In My Facts you will grow up, to have My Glories.
I do not Come and I do not Go, I Am the Eternal and the Present,
I Have always Been and always Will Be, in you, the Patent Divine Essence,
Your presence is in Me, and I Want it full and grown,
Above simulacra, glorifying in Me the Eternal Life.
Abandoning the retrograde and morbid guidings,
That remind of idolatrous times and dusty paganisms,
Seek Me in the Inner Temple, in Virtue and Truth,
And united with Me you will have, in Me, the Glory and the Freedom.
I Have Always Been, I Am and I Will Be in you, the Source of Mercy,
Awaiting your Holiness, in the Integral Conscience,
Because I do not want forms and slobber, but conscious sons,
Collaborative sons of Mine, by the Union of Our Minds.
Our Father of Eternity
Sacred Principle, Divine Emanating Spirit,
Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Father,
Whose Fundamental Laws summarize the Love,
The Divine Virtue that eternally caress.
Your Sacred Name is Holy in Essence,
It releases the concepts of any man,
And when man becomes good, by decency,
He shall triumph with Love, because that is the Need.
Your Kingdom is Love, Intelligence and Glory,
It is in the basis of each spirit.
And, to develop It, man lives his history,
As well teach, all the Testaments.
Your Will is Law above human concepts,
It neither delays nor fails, but offers repairings,
And, thus, everybody learns and performs precets,
Moves up the Scale, and reaches Divine Echelons.
From hells and human heavens, being above,
From times and places so human and relative,
Everybody He invites, to give up of being blemish,
Develop the Love, and be captive by the Glory.
Your bread is the Love, and from It Victory is made,
Because that of the world goes by, it is only pilgrim,
And who comes to know that, goes toward the Glory,
That vibrational union, the Sacred Destiny.
In Your Justice, Harmony represents everything,
In pain and torment, incites to repairing,
Making of each one his own judge, as the Law sustains,
Because it is from experience that the solution rises.
There are trials, not temptations… And they must be triumphed,
And for everybody to know, You have sent Revelations,
Telling that the Kingdom, nobody will achieve outside,
Since lie, in the man, the Divine Equations.
In this manner, therefore, be your Laws accomplished,
And Your sparks, which were emanated from You,
In Truth growing, will become to be united,
They shall be Your Words, accomplishing Holy Missions.
Prayer to The Sacred Principle
Sacred Principle of the Universe!
Divine Cause of All effects!
Infinite are Your powers!
Whole is Your Science!
Grant me the power to reflect Your Divine Will.
Grant me, Divine Father, the delegation of having power over evil spirits.
Involve me, oh Infinite Power, in Your Graces and Virtues so that my will becomes the reflection of Your Divine Justice.
Make of me, Absolute Lord, a vehicle of Your Infinite Love to those who deserve it!
Our Father of Maturity
Our Father, who is the Heaven, Spirit and Truth and is in the innermost of everything and everybody,
Your name is Holy, and it is so for its own sake, and Your sons will acknowledge so, because the evolution will lead them to this.
Your Kingdom is of Truth, Love and Virtue, and everybody will achieve it inside himself through deeds, because it will not come through exterior signs.
Your Will will be done, and Your sons will become Spirit and Truth.
Your Bread represents all the Graces, and we render all the graces, trying to distribute them among our brothers.
In Knowledge, Certainty and Goodness, we shall forgive one another and shall turn the Earth into the Apocalyptic Celestial Jerusalem, where there will not be ignorant, tenebrous and suffering ones.
By being Yours the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, so it will happen, as you have announced through the prophets, Your servants.
Prayer to God
“Bless the Lord, you all his angels, that excel in strength, that keep his commandments, obeying to the voice of His word.” Psalms 103, 20.
Emanating Principle, Omnipresent Father,
Lord of All, and of Omnipotent Love,
Who Emanates, Sustains, and Destines everything,
Through Eternal, Perfect, and Divine Laws.
To You we pray for, Almighty Principle,
Your Divine Graces, of Merciful Father,
So that Your Holy Spirits, the Messengers,
Of Your Divine Blessings, may become providers.
Providers of Peace and Health,
Teaching the TRUTH, the LOVE, and the VIRTUE,
So that, full of Lights, and very conscious,
We live Your Simple and Omnipotent Laws.
In pain, grant us the fortitude,
And for the hard trials, we triumph with nobility,
So that, compensating faults we come to progress,
Until we become Christ, in the time soon to come.
Lord, have mercy on weaknesses,
On our failures, on these human uncertainties,
Making Your Messengers, in their actuations,
Warn and teach us, bringing plentiful consolation.
In Your Clemency, Divine Father, we await,
And Your Power, for Your Messengers we pray,
For attracting multitudes, instigate them to Your Way,
TO THE TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, having Your Christ as Guide.
Send Holy Messengers, oh God,
For everybody knows, and for not having blemishes,
Since to the Consoler You trusted Graces and Fortunes.
The Support that we pray for You, for all creatures
Our Father of Intelligence
Our Father who is the Heaven, Divine Plenitude, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the Origin, Sustaining and Destination of the Spirit and the Matter, the Worlds and Humanities;
Your Name is Holy, it is so for its own sake, above human choices, fortunate or not, and when Your sons develop their latent Divine Virtues, and become Spirit and Truth, as You are, on it they will be certain;
In Your Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Kingdom, Truth, Love and Virtue rule, and because of Your Eternal, Perfect and Immutable Laws, Your sons will develop their latent Divine Virtues and, as Total United, they will enjoy Your Divine Glories, by being that the Sacred Finality of the Spirit;
Your Wish will be done, because the relativities of Your Own Manifestation, understand or not Your sons still unconscious, move the ways in the bosom of Your Absolute Determination;
Man, on Earth, does not survive solely on bread, and, hopefully, nobody becomes selfish, usurping or spiritually blind until the point that, through their own fault, others should suffer misery, hunger and nakedness;
May Your sons, Sacred Principle, put aside stupid religionisms and sectarianisms, and really come to know the Truth and to practice the Good and, thus, cease to commit so many mistakes and so many crimes, for which they will have to respond until the last farthing;
As the Power, Justice and Glory prevail in Your Divine Omnipresence, make Lord that Your sons recognize and live, so that Earth soon becomes the Apocalyptic Celestial Jerusalem, free from ignorances, crimes and sufferings;
Because, Lord, only in this way Your Law will be lived, Your Exemplary Word will be known and imitated, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Charismas or Mediumships will have complete prerogative so Your angelical legions or messengers can really execute the consoling task, producing wonderful signs, prodigies and healings.
Christic Prayer
Sacred Principle of the Universe, that in Yourself You create, sustain, and destine. Lord of the Infinity, of the Laws, of lives and of virtues.
Sacred Primary Cause, where everything is, moves, and reaches the finality.
Divine Father, You who are the Foundation, the Support, the Light, and the Glory, guide our steps for being the Law our Way, for being the Love our Eternal Bread, for being the Grace our Imperishable Consolation.
God and Our Father who sent us the Model Christ, in order to Baptize in Revelation. To You we pray for, Lord, that it be extended over the Earth, because being it Your Word, it warns, illustrates, and consoles everybody.
Holy Father, fill the Earth with truthful and good prophets or mediums, so that everybody knows on the laws of Essence, Existence, Movement, Immortality, Evolution, Responsibility, Reincarnation, Revelation, Cosmic Habitation, and Sacred Finality to be achieved.
Sacred Principle, make Your Holy Messenger Spirits infuse this knowledge: that the Moral harmonizes and dignifies; that the Love sublimates and divinizes; that the Revelation warns, illustrates, and consoles; that the Wisdom confers authority; and that the Virtue synthesizes the union with Your Divine Will.
Endless Principle of the Cosmos impels us towards Perfect Knowledge, so that we can know correctly, think well, feel lovingly, and practice divinely.
As You are Spirit and Truth, whishing that Your sons become to be so, we pray for You, Divine Father, the necessary opportunities of work.
Keep us away, Lord, from all idolatries.
Free us, Holy Father, from the temptations of the world.
Give us, Lord, the strength to fight against iniquity.
Attract us, Lord, to the Kingdom of Truth, of Love, and of Virtue, Kingdom that is in the bossom of the worlds, forms, and transitions, therefore is above worlds, forms, and transitions.
Grant us, Divine Father, the Consciousness of Unity, so that we may feel and live the Harmonies of Infinity; and that, doing so, oh Holy Father, we will come to transform the Earth into the Celestial Jerusalem, Kingdom of Peace and Fortune, getting rid from the world, forever, the ignorance, darkness, and pain.
The Prayer of the Divinists
I ask You for the Grace, God, of never sinning on purpose against the TEN COMMANDMENTS!
I ask You for the Grace, oh Sacred Principle, of never blaspheming on purpose against the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas, or Mediumships!
I ask You for the Grace, oh Divine Originating Cause, of never denying, in my deeds, the Divine Examples of Jesus!
I ask You for the Grace, Divine Father, of never neglecting face the Divine Promises contained in chapters 14, 19, 21, and 22, of the Apocalypse, the Book of the Forthcoming Events!
I ask You for the Grace, oh God, of never doubting of Your Holy Angels, the Messengers of Your Teachings and Deliverers of Your Divine Blessings!
At Last, Lord, I ask You for the Grace of never betraying myself for denying Your Existence, Your Infinite Power and the Sacred Destiny that You reserve for Your sons!
Note: For those who are in need of the Peace of God, of other Divine Helps, Illnesses or any other Solutions for Problems, should use the PRAYER OF THE DIVINISTS because it goes to God and His Messenger Spirits: The important thing is to make you to deserve it.
Prayer to the Truth
“Give me, God or Divine Father, the power to know and live Your Doctrine; grant me, Lord, the Grace to become an example of conduct, an apostle of Your Sovereign Will, so that I can contribute to the triumph of the Truth that divinizes.
Put, Lord, the feeling of respect to Your Law, to the Model Christ You sent us, and to the noble cultivation of the Spiritual Gifts, in the hearts of Your sons, for not lacking to them the consoling communication with the Angels or Messenger Spirits. Put in their hearts the regret for the committed deviations and the desire of tracking the Doctrine of Truth, Love and Virtue.
Lord, make them understand once and for all, that making the Truth their Religion is the only way to avoid suffering, the only way to develop the Internal God, the Latent Divine Virtues, in less time”.
Prayer to Jesus Christ
Jesus, Divine Friend, Word of the Eternal, we pray for You the assistance of messenger legions.
Synthesis of all Truths, as the Planetary Christ, in You we learn the laws of Origin, Evolutive Process, and Sacred Finality.
From the evolutive apprenticeship on which we are, we consider what there is below us on the evolutive scale, praying for those who, throughout millennia, will conduct themselves to the state of individual conscience.
We also make it, Planetary Lord, visualizing the christic consummation, the achievement of Unity, following the immortal routes of Your true, loving, and fair orientation, as an Unmistakable Master.
In Your Divine Example, Jesus, we recognize the respect that we owe to the Eternal, Perfect, and Immutable Principles of our Father, the Sacred Principle of the Whole.
In Your Spiritual Resurrection, oh Divine Friend, we learn the lesson of the final resurrection of every sons of the Highness.
In Your Baptism of Revelation, Lord, we learn the importance of the Spiritual Messengery of the Goodness, whose teachings warn, illustrate, and console.
And we pray for, oh Jesus, to Your Wise Duty, that in all Humanity a new and glorious Pentecost be made, so that, by learning from Your Messengers, men have to become good sons of the Divine Father and loyal friends of their brothers.
Put, oh Celestial Benefactor, the notion of Responsibility in the Conscience of Yours tutored, so that they can feel judges in their own behalf, learning to command their thoughts and acts.
Lord, pluck out from every Minds sectarian, idolatrous, and pagan, ritualistic and simulating tendencies, making to spring up in them the Certainty of Truth, Love, and Virtue, as being what liberates the spirit.
Master of masters, infuse in the souls, Your brothers, who still wander on the inferior planes of life, the feeling of Simplicity that which makes recognize equality before the Laws of God, Our Common Father.
Celestial Conductor, deposit in every Heart a small drop of Love, so that these hearts may seek in deeds of Fraternity the Way to Heaven, abandoning, once and for all, religionisms that delays the evolutive march of the spirits.
Lamb of God, make Your brothers recognize in the Infinite Creation, in the Worlds and in Humanities, the Living Temple of the Creator where everybody must live in the State of Prayer.
Divine Friend, put in all Consciences the flame of Truth and Virtue, for they feel the importance of Freedom.
The Prayer of the Apostles
Sacred Principle, God or Father, Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, being Your son, depositary of Your Divine Virtues, for developing them and become total united, I must know and live Your Teachings and Your Graces. Give me strength, Divine Father, so that I neither do weaken before the difficulties of life, nor become proud, petulant, or arrogant when the temporary fortunes of the World are favoring me.
Jesus, who lived the Function of the Model Christ and Modeler, Example of Behavior and Diffuser of the Spirit of Gifts and Signs over all flesh, from You I await the exemplifying presence, whatever it costs, so that I never allow TRUTH to incline before any pretenses, under any pretext. Help me, Divine Model, for being Your Example the Gospel of my life and I never become an obstacle in the Way of the Truth.
Holy Angels or Messenger Spirits! Just as you had been ascending and descending on the Model Word and Modeler producing those great signs and prodigies, those wonderful cures, in the same way I await your presence and your help, not according to my will, but being as God designates, because I recognize my relativities, my failures before Your Divine Justice. In any circumstance, deserving more, less or nothing, I thank You for Your presence and inspiration, so that I walk the Way of Truth, of Love, and of Virtue, which is the Essence of the Gospel, the way of Self-Divinization, the glorious Divine Union.
Opening Prayer
To the Sacred Principle, God and Divine Father we address our anxieties, as humble servants of the Sublime Doctrine of the Way, taught and practiced by Jesus, the Christ Example of Conduct, in order to ask for the Graces that we may deserve.
Grant us, Sacred Principle, the support of the Messenger Legions; send us, Divine Father, the Light of the Truth, so that,based on the doctrinal practices connected to the Patriarchs, Prophets, the Model Christ and the Apostles, we may work for the Restoration of the True Christianism, the Initiatic Way that conducts to the divinization of the spirit.
Sacred Principle, grant Your sons the Grace of a NEW PENTECOST, so that, filled with the GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, mediumships or charismas, may they know Your Holy Designations, and also, with the signs and prodigies resulting from It, they fill the Earth with true gospel teachings.
Forgive, Lord, the ignorance and the weaknesses of Your sons still unconscious, negligent and thoughtless.
Move away Your sons, Lord, from the temptations of pride, vanity, jealousy and all evils that derive from ignorance, which stain so much the spirits, by impoverishing them in the hard task of servers of the Truth, Love and Virtue.
Inspire Your sons, Lord, to KNOW THE TRUTH AND PRACTICE THE GOOD, because out of this nobody is christians, and nobody develop the INTERNAL CHRIST, which is the SACRED OBJECTIVE OF THE EXISTENCE.
Holy Father, infuse in Your sons the feeling of respect for the Eternal, Perfect and Immutable Truths, so that, by changing their conduct, they may transform the Earth in a World of Peace and Fortune without ignorance, errors, desperations and tears.
Divine Psalm
God is my Divine Origin;
His Unpolluted Justice is my shield;
His Divine Gifts constitute my divine grace;
His 10 Commandments constitute my life program;
His Holy Angels are my brothers on the evolutive journey;
His Truths are my Truths, son that I am;
His Love constitutes my sanctifying task;
His Divine Virtues will be Virtues of the son that I am;
His Sacred Reason for Being will also be mine.
Prayer to Bezerra de Menezes
We pray for You, Father of Infinite Goodness and Justice, the graces of Jesus Christ, through Bezerra de Menezes and his legions of companions. May they assist us, Lord, consoling the afflicted, healing those who become deserving it, comforting those who have tests and expiations to pass, enlightening those who desire to know the Truth and assisting everybody who appeal to Your Infinite Love.
Jesus, Divine Bearer of the Grace and of the Truth, extend Your gifted hands in help of those who recognize You as the Faithful and Prudent Provider; make it, Divine Model, through Your consoling legions, Your Holy Spirits, so that Faith elevates itself, Hope increases, Goodness expands, and Love triumphs over every things.
Bezerra de Menezes, Apostle of Good and Peace, friend of the humble and the ills, move your friendly phalanges in benefit of those who suffer, being either physical or spiritual illnesses. Holy Spirits, worthy workers of the Lord, spread graces and cures over suffering humanity so that the creatures become friends of Peace and of Knowledge, of Harmony and of Forgiveness, sowing throughout the world the Divine Examples of Jesus Christ.
Prayer to Mary
Gentle daughter of the Eternal Father, assist those who wander in the inferior corners of life, so that the desire for Knowledge, Certainty, and Goodness may blossom out in them, putting off aside idolatries, paganisms, ritualisms, and every inferior forms of spiritual cult.
Tutelary Angel of the legions that rescue in darkness and in places of pain, attend to the clamors of those who, repentant, hankering to find again the Way of Truth that sets you free.
Sweet Messenger of Love, pour out your maternal tenderness on afflicted hearts so that they ascend to the heights of the redeemer labor.
Elected Lady, inspire the feeling of Truth, Love, and Virtue in the hearts of all those who tend to the follies of the world, so they do not descend to the places of weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Lift up, oh Lady, from the gloomy abysses, all those who were doing wrong things because of religious fanaticisms.
Intercede, oh gentle star, for those who, forgotten of the Law and forgotten of Jesus Christ, dove into the places of shadows and pain.
Oh tenderness, put a feeling of purity in all feminine hearts, so that they convert themselves into true guardian angels.
Be the light, oh Mary, of those eyes that cannot see.
Assist, oh Lady, those who weaken along the ways of life.
Hear, oh Symbol of Mothers, the voices of those who cannot speak.
Dry the tears, oh gentle sister, of those who suffer from lack of mercy.
Dominator of passions, be the guardian angel of those who fear slipping in the alleys of sin.
Consoler of afflicts, anoint with the Balsam of Love those whose hearts are in anguish.
Guide the steps, oh sweet friend, of those who tend to dishearten facing the world’s tortures.
Deposit, oh Mary, in every heart, the feeling of equality before the laws that rule the Infinite Universe.
Conduct to the portico of Truths, oh candidness, those who are wandering by the ways of untruth and crime.
Involve with your blue mantle, oh Mary, all those who seek eternal, perfect, and immutable Truths of God, through the Divine Modeling of Jesus Christ.
Point at, oh luminous star, to the Testament of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue, so that all the sons of the Highness find, once and for all, the open arms of the Divine Friend.
How to Proceed to Obtain
Fluidized or Energized Water
Separate a white vessel, liter, bottle or glass.
Fill it with clean water.
If you cover it, shall be with a white cloth, not a cork.
It is convenient to read the PRAYER TO BEZERRA DE MENEZES.
When you drink the water, in small sips, think about God and the Physician Guides.
When the vessel is half-full, do not empty. Fill it up again.
For sick people, the water must be prepared only for them and not for everybody.
Know that, as the Angels or Messenger Spirits place necessary elements into the water do not find it unusual if the water tastes differently or has different color when you drink it.
Prayer for Fluidizing of Water
I beg of God, the Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Principle and to the Planetary Christ, strengths for the Angelic or Messenger Legions, so that they may fight against the Evil, in any form it may present itself, and to triumph it.
As there is no merit out of the respect to the Truth, Love and Virtue, I promise to apply efforts with the purpose of living the Law of God, understanding and imitating the Exemplary Word and nobly cultivating the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, without them, the Consoling Revelation cannot exist.
I pray for God, who sent the Model Word, to deliver the Glorious Pentecost, or the Mediumistic Gifts Spreading for all flesh, in order to the Humanity really has reliable mediators, giving for free what for free received , nourishing true respect for the Doctrine of The Way.
As incarnate, subject to necessities, illnesses, pains, afflictions and also subject to the physical death and responsibility before the Divine Justice, I pray for the ability of the good spiritual discernment, as well as I pray for the body, the energies and the fluids to be deposited in this water.
And as who needs so much and pray for, I grateful thank to God, to the Angelic and Rescuing Legions and to my Guide Spirit or Guardian Angel.
Prayer to Mary Magdalene
Sacred Principle, God or Divine Father, Origin, Sustaining, and Destination of everything and everybody, the Spirit and the Matter, the Fundamental Ruling Laws and whatever it may exist, either we know or not, we, Your Sons allotted on Earth.
We know, Divine Father, that in the order of the Spirits and the Worlds, there are the more and the less evolved, since although being One the Origin and One the Finality, for everything and for all rules the Law of Movement, Evolution, and Reintegration into Your Unity, or Divinity, being this the Sacred Objective of Existence.
We are conscious, Divine Father, of Those Words of Yours, Commanders of the Galaxies, Groups of Planetary Systems, Systems and Worlds, where Your Sons live in flesh and out of flesh, moving activities and in this way, they are developing Your Divine Virtues, of which everybody is normal keepers.
We know, Divine Father, that all Planetary Humanity has His Tutelary Word, His Faithful and Prudent Provider, the Divine Link between Your most Elevated Commands and those Immediate Echelons, who being closer give assistance for those that pilgrim the incarnation and the less elevated spiritual reigns.
Divine Father, due to such knowledge, and inspired by desires for fraternal work, in the bosom of the Sublime Doctrine of The Way, that we pray for strength and opportunities to Your Servant Mary Magdalene, so that she may help us, in the bosom of Your Divine Justice over which nobody will ever pass.
And to you, Mary Magdalene, immortal example of regretting from errors committed, dedication to the Incarnated Word and to the Evangelizing Task, and model of resignation of mundane possessions, we send our fraternal appeal so that, in the sphere of the Law of God, of the Exemplary Christ and of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, you cooperate in the task we committed ourselves, of knowing, more and more the Truth, and practicing the Good.
Prayer of the Old Black Men
To the Sacred Principle of the Whole we invocate, from the most inward of our Conscience, in a way of reverence to the Truth, Love and Virtue, proposing to cooperate with the Legions of the Old Black Men, Indians, Hindus and Caboclos, for the tasks they are asked to perform in the Doctrinal Order.
To the Christ we appeal, as the Planetary Director and Lord of the Seven Echelons in which the Earthly Humanity is distributed, composed by incarnate and discarnate spirits, desiring to offer an efficient collaboration of fraternal character, in the defense of Truth and Justice, against those who, contradicting the Sacred Objectives of Life, surrender to acts that contradict the Law of God.
Conscious of the integrity of Divine Justice, we affirm the most faithful and intense observance of the Commandments of the Law, according to the Divine Example of the Exemplary Word, for all invocative effects. Above alternatives, it will constitute a barrier against Evil, in any sense in which it presents itself, coming from wherever it comes, whomever it may be against, although in defense of the Truth, of Good, and of Goodness.
Consequently, for the kind Old Black Men be granted to reflect in their works, the wise and holy designs of those who, translating the Divine Tutelage of the Planetary Christ, so determine from the High Spheres of Life.
May the legions of Indians, simple, spontaneous, and valorous, always wonderfully linked to exuberant nature, act under the benevolent and rigorous direction of the High Mentors of Planetary Life. Fighting for Order and for Good, for progress in the bosom of Love, may they have from God the due graces.
May the numerous legions of Hindus, deeply connected to the most remote Civilizations of the Planet, forming therefore in the High Courts of Earthly Hierarchy, be granted from the Planetary Lord the due opportunities for them to force, sustain, and impose the Supreme Authority. On this cyclic hour in which the Earth transits from one Era to another, the human Minds may receive the effluvium of Purity and of Wisdom in order to feel the Divine Appeals of the Christ in favor of the Holy Designs of the loving Father that is the divinization of all His sons.
May the legions of Caboclos, humble and kind, so linked to those who go in pilgrimage the incarnation, for effect of expiations, missions, and tests, involve, protect, and sustain everybody, as long as they strive for the sake of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom, and Virtue, since out of this Doctrinal Order there is no Gospel.
Divinist Prayer
Grant me, Sacred Originating Cause, God or Divine Father, the power to live Your Law, so that I might contribute to the sanctification of life!
Grant me the power, Lord, to flee from corrupt religionisms, sectarianisms, and morbid factiousisms that have so deviated Your sons from the Right Way, creating the Evil that so much has spread throughout the World!
Illuminate, Lord, through Your Holy Messengers, the conscience of the wrongs, of the enemies of the Truth, for that regretting and recognizing that GOOD IS THE TRUTH, and, in so doing, return to the Doctrine that You sent to Your Sons, which is simply to live the Law, to imitate the Exemplary Word, and nobly cultivate the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that is to give Freely the Fruits of the Grace Received, so as is Your Will!
The Kingdom of God
Prayer to the Guardian Angel
Divine Father, Sacred Principle Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent, Originating Cause of the Spirit and of the Matter, of the Worlds and Humanities, and of the Fundamental Ruling Laws from the most Absolute to the most relatives.
Sacred Principle, in the conscience of being Your son, bearer of Divine Virtues in Potential to develop them through the evolutive process in incarnations and discarnations, facing dangers and multiple difficulties, running the risk of committing compromising failures before Your Divine Justice, for You I pray for, Divine Father, the Grace of communing with my Guardian Angel, the spirit designated by You to inspire the best thoughts, the noblest sentiments, so that I, susceptible of committing compromising deviation, find the Straight Way, the liveliness of Your Moral Law, the imitation of the Exemplary Word that You sent us, and the noble cultivation of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas, or Mediumships, the vehicles of communication of the Angels or Messenger Spirits, those servants of Yours, producers of signs and extra prodigies, cures and marvelous assistances.
And to you, my Guardian Angel, faithful friend for every time, adviser in moments of uncertainty and possible deviations, I pray for the support of sublime and unmistakable inspirations. Having the conscious of how deficient the incarnate condition is, I appeal to your capacity of tolerance and forgiveness, promising however, with determination, try to set right, understand and live your inspirations.
Supported by the Divine Graces of God, through your sublime inspirations, I promise to improve knowledge and feelings in order to be able to accomplish the ordinance of the Divine Adviser, which is to GIVE WORTHY FRUIT BY EXAMPLE, the unique way that remits to the Sacred Finality, which is the Reintegration into the Sacred Principle.
Can count on the intercession of the Guardian Angel those who are always placing commandments of men in place of those of God, denying or twisting the Meaning of the Exemplary Word, or hiding the texts that teach about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas, or Mediumships?
Prayer to André Luís
“After recovering, Judas was invited to give excellent information; he was also assigned as Head of Medical Help Phalange, and it is just to recognize not only the law of recovery, but also the support to the great rescue service.”
We pray for you, Divine Father, through Jesus Christ, our Divine Model, the Grace of allowing spiritual assistance from André Luís and his work mates.
We pray for You, Word-Christ, Planetary Lord and Celestial Spreader of the Spirit upon all flesh, the blessings of Love that You dedicate to Your smaller brothers. And we appeal, Lord, that this blessing comes according to the Molds You revealed to the world when through flesh You transited, going after the small ones, those who pleaded to You through their wounds, physical disabilities, spiritual compressions and all sorts of sufferings.
Descend, once again, Lord, through the abnegated services of André Luís and his worker mates, until the mists of this inferior world, distributing spiritual gifts to all those sons of God, Your brothers and pupils who, for their desire to improve morally and intellectually, become to deserve it.
To you, André Luís and the devoted servers of the Sovereign Will of God, which is filtered through Jesus Christ, we pray for spiritual assistance, for effects of Health, Peace and Fortune, everything, however, consonant with the law of Cause and Effect; have the Divine Justice be achieved, so that everybody learn that over the Law nobody will ever pass.
Wishing to you, abnegating servers of the Truth, of Good and Goodness, the Graces of the Divine Father and the Planetary Christ, we await your precious assistance, so that, helped in such way, we may always be vigilant, for not falling into temptation, and may assist our brothers in their evolutionary journey.
Aware that there is a Sacred Finality to be reached, we affirm willing to progress; and recognizing that to Receive it is necessary to Give, we pray for the fortune of being useful to our brothers in need, serving as instruments of your wonderful work of assistance character.”
The Redemption of Judas
Ancient striver of political factions,
Bringing in the list Ideal flames,
Suffers a setback, lives sad times,
And comes with Jesus, the Celestial Beacon.
Brings in Karma, mature ballasts,
Sad creases, from past days…
Falls again, in hardener behavior,
Changes the Heaven, for acts without merit.
In Palestine the rebellion is conspired,
It is the materialistic greatness of the moment!
They want liberty, Home Country released,
And put Jesus away, was the intention.
Withdrawing Jesus, they would use the people,
So thought Judas, the imprudent…
They would attack the forts, burning hates,
After then return to Jesus, the Merciful…
Said to the Sanhedrin – Do not touch Him!
And they, with cunning, thus agreed…
What happened, well we know,
Because who promises, did not keep it!
Judas, betrayed, went to complaint
Hearing terrific things…
Here’s the weak man, then suffering
And saying - I have to die!
He goes and dies and pays in lives …
Continues to pray for, cruel punishments…
Burnt in Joan, have redeemed,
Debts and debts, and reaching rewards!
He comes back to life and goes to continue,
Takes up work in the lands of the South,
Estácio de Sá, returns to fight,
Wins in the Southern Cross Home Land.
Later on he returns, called as Cruz,
And his first name is Osvaldo,
Winning in life, thanks to Jesus,
He leaves flesh, full of glory.
By leaving flesh, he reappears in Life,
Contemplates the Earth and does it for love…
He prays for Heaven and finds refuge,
It is Jesus who says - Get to work!
He enters in the celestial work …
Follow the phalange, here is he to heal!
And more, he extends the Consoler,
Writes a Series that is to enjoy all!
That is in this way, thanks to Jesus,
That gave him, happy gutter;
He expands the Doctrine, which is Light,
By being André, is also Luís.
Bow down, oh journey’s brothers,
Before the liberating reincarnation!
Alert your ears, listen to the clarion sounds,
Embrace the Spiritism, the consoling Grace!
The Prayer of the Walker
We know, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent Sacred Principle, that everything comes from You, everything moves and reaches the Sacred Finality in You, because apparent or relative freedom operates in the bosom of Your Absolute Determinism.
We know, Sacred Principle, that you have sent a Moral Law to Your sons, a Code of Divine Moral, above it nobody will ever pass, because it is the moral meaning of life, which distinguishes Good from Evil in the behavior, towards Your Fundamental Ruling Laws and towards neighbors.
We know, Sacred Principle, that you promised the Spread of Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, all over flesh, all over Your sons, so that Your Angels or Messenger Spirits could manifest their consoling presence, speaking in different languages, producing signs said as miracles, presenting wonderful healings, proving the immortality of the spirit, pointing out the responsibility of actions and making to understand the reincarnation as the redeeming and evolutive valve of Your sons.
We acknowledge, Sacred Principle, Your Omnipresence, Omniscience and Omnipotence, as well as we consider Your Teachings and Your Graces, especially the Glorious Pentecost, marking in the earthly Humanity History the time when the Revelation became public, as consoling blessing for Your sons.
However, Sacred Principle, recognizing the vastness of human faults, the stream of terrible deviations practiced by men, contriving simulations, selling idolatries, imposing blasphemies on Your less enlightened sons, we also pray for You the Grace of better discernment, so that lies are never put instead of Truth, hypocrisy instead of Love and sectarian fanaticism instead of Virtue.
Sublime Invocation
“And whatever you ask the Father in my name, I will make it, so that the Father shall be glorified in the son. If you ask anything in my name, I will make it” - Jesus.
Any person can and must imagine what can or cannot be obtained through Prayer. The word of Jesus refers to what is relative and possible, not to exaggeration and absurd, as WHATEVER YOU ASK FOR can make to believe who do not understand the REASONS of the Divine Justice and the hierarchical circumstances of the Planet, which is very inferior and the dwelling of spirits committed to the same Divine Justice. It is in the intelligence of what has just been exposed that we remember the following invocation:
“To the Sacred Principle of everything and everybody we address our thoughts, as humble servants, in order to ask for the Grace that we may deserve.
Grant us, Sacred Principle, in name of Jesus Christ, the Divine Model, the support of the powerful Spiritual Legions; grant us, Divine Father, the Light of the Spirit, so that, based on the practices of the doctrine connected to the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the Model Christ and the Apostles of all times, we may work for the Restoration of the Sublime Doctrine of The Way, the Way that leads to the Truth that divinizes.
Sacred Principle, help us with the task of awakening the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the mediumships, so we can serve the neighbors with those Graces Determined by Your Divine Justice.
Forgive our weaknesses, Divine Father.
Rid us, Lord, of the temptations of selfishness, pride and vanity.
Lord increases, in Your servants, the desire to understand the Truth and to practice the Good, because only in this way, we shall be disciples of the Model Christ.
Lord, make that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit shall be manifested in Humanity, so that the spirits, Your envoys, servers of the Truth, Love and Virtue, spread Your Graces, clamoring people towards Your Eternal, Perfect and Immutable Truths”.
Prayer for the Child
We know, Lord, that you have given the Planet to Your sons so, through it, they perform the evolutive climbing or the development of the Latent Divine Virtues, until they become Spirit and Truth, reintegrating Your Glorious Unity; unfortunately, Lord, through the ignorance of some and the evil actions of others, Your sons have turned the Planet in a field of disagreements, hatred and crimes, where children have always been the greatest victims.
We know that You sent us a Supreme Document, or Moral Law, which commanding not to have crimes among brothers; however, Your sons changed Your Commandments for simulations, idolatries, ruses or criminal scapulars, filling the Planet with blasphemies, straying people from the Right Way, turning them into victims of their own mistakes.
We know that You sent an Exemplary Word, full of Truth and Grace, gentle and humble at heart, built at the image of tolerance, renouncement and forgiveness, and because He had MEASURELESS Gifts of the Holy Spirit, He performed great physical healings, but placing spiritual healing at the vertex of all motivations; however, Lord, the ignorance of some and the evil actions of others made Him the rug of all malices and religiosists exploitation, starting from the very cradle to stray people from the Doctrine of The Way, forcing them to be unaware of the meaning of Your Divine Modeling.
We know, Lord, that You placed in Your sons the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, the vehicles of the Consoling Revelation, and that is the time to become them of generalized use, or for all flesh, it was to Your Model Word that You entrusted the sublime task of delivering the Spread of the Gifts, the Glorious Pentecost; disgracefully, Lord, petty politicians and blaspheming men, have been founding religions and clerisies, imposing idolatries, selling simulations and calling the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and their signs and prodigies, things of the devil, also hiding the biblical texts that deal with Your Gifts to those less enlightened and thereby causing terrible evil; because once Revelation is eliminated, ignorance triumphs, materialism progresses, brutality reigns, depravation and abominations are established, creating terrible karma, straying children from the Right Way, preparing them for an inglorious future, filled with weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Under such painful circumstances, Lord, with terrible dangers surrounding people, being the children the greatest victims, we pray for You, in name of Your Moral Law, Your Exemplary Word and Your Charismatic Gifts, for Your Angelic or Messengers Legions impose themselves, reminding adults of the fundamental duty to put a stop to these tenebrous deviations, creating a World without hatred, without crimes, without immoralities and tenebrous examples.
Prayer of Infallibility
We are conscious, Lord God and Divine Father, of what You have sent through the Great Beginners such as Rama, Orpheus, the 35 Buddhas, Hermes, Krishna, Zoroaster, Pythagoras;
We are conscious, Divine Originating Cause, that when it was time to Generalize the Grace of the Consoling Revelation, You sent Your Angels or Messenger Spirits to the Hebrews Patriarchs, promising the Integral Doctrine, to be concluded in stages along the millennia, according to how Your sons were having capacity to assimilate It;
We are conscious, Absolute Lord, Spirit and Truth, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, of what Moses, the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles did, by not revealing everything but pointing to the Promises of the Apocalypse;
We are conscious, Lord, of the warning left by Jesus: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now”;
We are conscious, Sacred Originating Cause, of what You promised in chapters 12, 14, 19, 21 and 22 of the Apocalypse, preparing everything regarding the period known as A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH, to come after the terrible cleansing at the end of the second millennium;
We are conscious, Absolute Lord, that the part delivered until Jesus is the Code of Behavior, because it teaches that the TEN COMMANDMENTS must be lived, that the Exemplary Word must be imitated, and that the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Charismas or Mediumships, must deserve absolute respect, because they are the vehicles of the communication of the Angels or Messenger Spirits;
We are conscious, Lord and Divine Father, that spurious clergies have corrupted everything, imposing stupid dogmas, ridiculous rituals, clownish clothing and gestures, and despotic petty politics on kings, peoples and nations;
We are conscious, Omnipresent Divine Being, that the end of the second millennium will mark an unmistakable time for Humanity, because of what You promised, especially in chapters 12, 19 and 14 of the Apocalypse, with the delivery of the ETERNAL GOSPEL, the Unmistakable Final Warning;
We are conscious, Lord, that the enemies of Your Doctrine will be crushed; here we appeal to Your Angelic or Messenger Legions to defend us against the enemies of Truth, Love and Virtue, being them incarnates or discarnates;
And since, Lord, nobody will can DEVELOP THE INNER GOD, out of the KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH AND THE PRACTICE OF GOOD, we pray for You this grace: that we make less larges speeches about LOVE, and that we put all our efforts at the service of humane GOODNESS!
Prayer of the More Conscious
We have, Lord God, Omnipresent Principle, come to the knowledge that You are Spirit, Divine Essence, Originating Cause of all the Effects;
We have come to the knowledge, Lord, that You Reveal Yourself as Spirit and Matter, Worlds and Humanities, and that, at the end of the relative cycle, You reintegrate everything, because everything derives from Spirit and Truth, and to Spirit and Truth everything will return;
We have come to the knowledge, Lord, that Your Sons are the regular heirs of Your Divine Virtues, and that, through Space and Time, of the Worlds and Humanities, of the incarnations and discarnations, facing all kinds of vicissitudes, they must reach the Sacred Finality by developing the Latent Divine Virtues, which we usually called as Inner God;
We have come to the knowledge that through Angels or Your sons who are very developed in their latent Virtues, and so many others sons of Yours gifted with Intermediary Gifts, you have sent the Supreme Warning, the Irrevocable Law of God, above it, no one will ever pass, because every and any deviations will have to be paid for, till the last farthing;
We have come to the knowledge, Lord, that You sent an Exemplary Word, an Alpha and Omega, or who precisely represents what from You derive, in Spirit and Matter, and to You will return as SPIRIT and TRUTH;
We have come to the knowledge, Lord, that You delivered Intermediary Spiritual Gifts, or Mediumships, in the Bible called as the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, for not lacking to incarnates and discarnates the consoling contact opportunities;
We know, Lord, that, for Your sons to have knowledge of doctrinal values of such Gifts, You sent Two Baptisms of Gifts, one by Moses and another by Jesus, as we have read in the Book of Numbers, chapter 11, and in the Book of Acts, chapters 1 and 2;
We have come to the knowledge, Lord, that Moses and Jesus do not have told us everything about the Doctrine, we should look for the complement in chapters 12, 19, 14, 21 and 22, of the Apocalypse;
And we have come to the knowledge, Lord that such FINAL INFORMATION are promised in the Apocalypse under the name ETERNAL GOSPEL. And, Lord, that everything is disclosed in the Book ETERNAL GOSPEL AND PRODIGIOUS PRAYERS.
So, Lord God and Divine Father, we are at Your disposal, and at Your Apostolate, trying to prepare Your sons, allotted in the Planet, those who come to inherit the Earth of future cycles, for the apocalyptic period known as A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH;
And we have come to the most intelligent conclusion, Lord, which is to appeal to Your Absolute Power, in order not to fall into deviations. Grant us, Lord, the Grace of the Charismas and the Presence of the Angels, or Your wisest and most faithful sons, the most lucid and generous, capable of testifying the Law of God to be lived, the Model Word to be imitated, and the Mediumistic Gifts to be nobly cultivated.
Prayer of Father Joseph
Omnipresent Sacred Principle, God and Divine Father, we pray for You, through the Planetary Christ, Your Faithful and Prudent Provider, the helping grace of Your Messenger Legions.
Lord, due to our spiritual and moral inferiority, we frequently make mistakes, contradicting, in the actions, the orders of Your Commandments.
Being weak and defective, Divine Father, we often neglect the respect owed to the Divine Modeling Behavior, delivered to Humanity allotted on Earth by Those who, being the Planetary Constructing Word, also incarnated to leave in the World the example of everything that comes from You and to You will return one day, as Spirit and Truth or Total United.
More by ignorance, Lord, than even by evil, we blaspheme against the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, the vehicles of the communication of Your Angels, the Messenger Spirits, either ignoring the biblical texts that talk about them with supreme reality, or straying other brothers from getting to know them, or giving them the most wrong interpretations to cover unfortunate human dogmas, mistakes that benefit evil intentions or cunning conventionalisms.
We now know, Lord, that Your Doctrine, delivered to the Humanity by Your Exemplary Word, is based on living of Your Law, on the Divine Model of Your Model Word and on the decent cultivating Your Gifts, whose generalization began with the Glorious Pentecost, as divinely records the Book of Acts of the Apostles.
Lord, we now know that we can never develop Your Latent Divine Virtues in ourselves, so that one day we can reintegrate to Your Divine Unity, out of Your Teachings and Your Graces, where Your Law, Your Exemplary Word and Your Spiritual or Mediumistic Gifts, the vehicles of the Consoling Revelation, shine.
Sacred Principle, receive once again the prayers of Your sons still submerged in spiritual and moral inferiority, but already quite aware of Your Fundamental Ruling Laws, and, therefore, deeply eager for doing the right things, for pursuing the Sublime Doctrine of The Way, which is above religions, sects and any human concepts.
Divine Father, facing the troubles found on the carnal journey, the torrent of dangers offered by the World, we pray for the help of Your Messenger Legions, of those Angels who, during the incarnation of the Model Word, ascended and descended over Him, producing wonderful deeds, signs and prodigies, performing healings and testimonies of Your Divine and Immortal Doctrine.
The Prayer of the Server
Sacred Principle of the Whole, Infinite Cause of the Infinite Effects.
In Your Eternal, Perfect and Immutable Designations, I want to drink knowledge, so that my thoughts and feelings be noble, and my deeds would become witnesses of Your Omniscience.
In this world of imperfections and sufferings, grant me the power to command my impulses, to steer my inclinations in the right direction in order to serve as a conductor to those brothers who are even less conscious than I am.
That I can control my inferior tendencies and passions, to really become a server of the Truth that sets you free and of the Virtue that glorifies.
Trustful on Your Law and Your Justice, I await, oh Lord, for the delegation to have power over incarnate or discarnate evil creatures; that I could, if it befits Your Holy Designations, teach them and forward them in the right direction, because, after all, we are all sons of Your Infinite Love, being destined to the Sacred Objective that is the Christic Level.
Oh Divine Father! For the Glory of Jesus Christ, Your Word on this Planet, I pray for the grace of Work; that my life be a itinerary of truths sown and goodness distributed, so that I become worthy son of Yours. Aware that each one will receive according to the practiced deeds, I wish to make Truth, Good and Goodness my Religion.
Oh, Being of all Beings! Oh Lord of Infinity and of Eternity! Grant me the opportunity to know more and more, to give each time more dignified fruit by examples, in order to hasten the evolution of this Humanity; that this world of imperfect and sufferers beings soon become one of the happy dwellings of Your Infinite Creation.
I pray, oh Divine Father, for all Your sons! Recognizing only one Divine Origin, only one Evolutive Process, only one Sacred Finality, I wish the grace of Your Justice, to invite all in Your Holy Name, in the sense to know right, to feel good and to act with dignity; and that, Lord, for everyone to become above worlds, forms and transitions, as soon as possible.
Oh, Supreme Spirit, Divine Essence that everything Manifests, Sustains and Destines! It is in Your Bosom of Light, Glory and Power that we immerse our thoughts and feelings, so that we can be thankful for Your Divine Paternity.
And through Your Graces, Lord, make this one of Your son, a faithful disciple of the Sublime Doctrine, whose basis are Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Divine Messengery)
“THE BIBLE OF THE SPIRITISTS BIBLE and THE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE SPIRITISTS stratify all the Bibles of the Humanity, teaching everything about the communicability of angels, spirits or souls in order to warn, illustrate and console the incarnate sons of God”.
“To the Sacred Principle we address to, as Extremely Loving Father that He is, we pray for His Divine Blessings for all His sons who are dedicated to the Truth, Love and Virtue, with the purpose of their own improving and that of their brothers in Origin, Evolutive Process and the Sacred Finality.
To Our Lord Jesus Christ, we appeal, as the Celestial Baptizer in Revelation that He is, to determine and bless the work of all those spirits who, completely convinced of the Truth, Love and Virtue, work as servers of the Good and Goodness, seeking to benefit the brothers with the wonderful gifts of Spiritual Guidance.
And to you we address, Legions of the Lord, promising to fulfill our duties with the Law of God and the Divine Example of Jesus Christ, therefore above religionisms, sectarianisms, truncations and human inhibitions, so we come to love God in Spirit and Truth.
As a consequence, we expect from you all that assistance, which is in accordance with the Holy Designations of God:
Teachings for those who wish to learn;
Truth for those who intend to be free;
Love for those who honor doing Good;
Revelations for those who augur the eternal, perfect and immutable truths of Our Divine Father;
Virtue for those who wish to fight their own addictions;
Friendship for those who eager for practicing the Goodness;
Certainty for those who doubt about the Sacred Paternity;
Work for those who need to make progress;
Renouncement for the selfish;
Tenderness for the violent;
Health, Peace and Good fortune, for all those who have made themselves to deserve it, because you are the distributors of God, through the Sublime Authority of the Planetary Christ”.
The Spiritist Creed
I believe in God, Divine Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent Essence, who in Himself emanates, sustains, and destines everything;
I believe in the Planetary Christ, a son of God like all the others, but christified by evolution, deserving for this reason the Earthly Planetary Directorship;
I believe in the mediumistic conception of Mary; in the mediumistic signs and prodigies of Jesus; in the Spiritual Resurrection of Jesus; in the Spread of the Holy Spirit over all the flesh, as it is exposed in Acts, chapters one, two, seven, ten, and nineteen;
I believe, therefore, in the Consoler or Holy Spirit, also called Truth, which means the Divine Messengery, the communication of the angels, spirits, or souls, whose purpose it is to warn, illustrate and console the incarnates;
I believe in the Sublime Doctrine, lived by Jesus, the Planetary Christ, whose foundations are Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom, and Virtue;
I believe in the ten basic truths that are Divine Essence, Existence, Immortality, Movement, Evolution, Responsibility, Reincarnation, Revelation, Cosmic Habitation, and the Sacred Finality;
I believe that in God everything is Eternal, Perfect, and Immutable, and therefore He rules all by Law and Justice, and there will never be in God room for religionisms, sectarianisms, fantasies, simulations, and idolatries;
I believe that the ways that lead to the Christic Level are Love and Wisdom, just as Jesus taught in words and actions;
I believe the State of Unity is at the Christic Level, and it is normal the duty of each son to attain it as quickly as possible; because Divine Father’s Will is that His sons become Spirit and Truth.
I believe and affirm, therefore, that to be christian is to be an imitator of Jesus Christ in Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom, and Virtue, and all the rest is religionisms and fantasies invented by clericalist men, corruptors of Sublime Doctrine.
I believe in the Ten Commandments of the Law of God, which came through the Revelation, having found in Jesus Christ the Perfect Exemplifier; that in Jesus Christ has also found the Generalizer of the Revelation in order to rid Humanity of the orphanhood in which every criminal religionism of all times placed it.
How to Request God the Graces of
Divine Mediumnism?
Sacred Principle of the Universe, Your Servant Moses desired the Mediumistic Graces, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for all the flesh, since they are the Sources of Perennial Revelation that warns, illustrates, and consoles.
Through Your Servants You promised the Blessings of Divine Mediumnism in order to fill Humanity with Great or Powerful Seers, so that Your sons will have truthful and faithful caretakers of Your Sacred Teachings.
Your Servant Jesus, the Divine Model of Behavior, or of how to live Your Ten Commandments, calls the Graces of Divine Mediumnism the Light of the World and the Salt of the Earth.
Jesus Himself affirms that the Grace of Divine Mediumnism, the Grace of God that removes the orphanhood of the World, of the Humanity, that sets you free from Ignorance, from Error, and from Hypocrisies.
Therefore, Sacred Principle of the Universe, we appeal in the desire to merit more and more Mediumistic Graces, especially the most precious, the Clairvoyance in high potential, so that we may contribute, in the work of Your Spirits, towards establishing the Divine Civilization, pointed out in Isaiah, chapter 11.
The Immortal Triangle
Stay with Truth, Love and Virtue,
Practice the Law of God, the Christ and the Revelation;
Because out of this triangle, you will lose in plenitude,
You will be practicing evil, producing desolation for yourself.
In the Law of God radiates the Power of Moral,
In the Model Christ shines the Divine Work;
In the Revelation there is console, it is a Source of warning,
And with the whole triangle, you will produce your Glorious Destiny.
March with the triangle that will never die,
Try to imitate the Christ in the Love that generates Unity,
Through the Healthy Revelation, the Divine Father will illustrate you,
And, with the triangle, living it, you will soon reach the Finality.
Life in the flesh is transitory, fleeting,
However, consequences are not, you will carry them with you;
Your deeds will mark you, they are your sowing,
And you will be happy or not, because from this sowing you will reap.
You are a Christ, Word or United, under preparation,
Because the - You Are God - was not taught in vain;
The book Eternal Gospel and Prodigious Prayers is your support,
That teaches so much on Law, on Jesus Christ and on the Pure Revelation.
Face, son of Mine, to your Inner Temple,
And in silence listen to Me, understand My words;
So much you have been pursuing Me outside, in the outer temple,
While I, your Father, desire to commune in your inward.
The Truth is My Law, and I detest idolatry,
I move the Law of Events, and bore simulations;
Yet you persist in this, spreading false theory,
Because in committing similar errors you perpetuate the corruption.
My Intelligence is an Attribute of Mine in you,
My Affection is a Virtue of Mine that I gave to you;
My power of Ubiquity awaits you, but with frenzy
You stray from Me, My son, whom I created with such Love.
You do not trust in decency of conduct, in Goodness,
And you treat badly your brother, that other son of Mine;
From corruptors you acquire simulacra, and quite frequently
You delight with the ill fortune of that unfortunate brother who has hurt you.
Return, son of Mine, come back to My Lap,
Observe this Law, of Truth, Love, and Justice;
Go, seek your brother, and offer him your arm,
So that I will embrace you in the same way, and you will delight with the glorious combat.
I do not accept liturgies; they were never from Me,
And I repel simulacra, because I Am not of pretending;
I want your Good Deeds, as those of My Anointed Son,
So that you will be My Word and will have the Glory in the forthcoming times.
I transmit My Order by the Messenger Angel,
And in the IMMORTAL CODE I remind you of Redemptive Truth;
Truth above all, since I Am the Eternal Provider,
I Am the Origin and the Life, and I invite you to the Emancipating Conduct.
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