This Eternal Gospel is the one promised by God in Apocalypse Chap. 14 verses 1 to 6

quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2008


81 – “If you still cannot measure the spiritual plane, beginning from the sub-crust, to reach the Eighth Heaven; if you do not understand yet the Hierarchical Scale in the bosom of Biological Order, to consider the position of individuals in the bosom of the Humanity, how do you dare say that you are a master in Doctrine? Do not you see that if the Christ returned to carnal plane, many things He would say and many others He would leave to be said?”

82 – “The lack of doctrinal depth in those who judge themselves masters generates the tremendous mediocrity of the apprentices; be careful, then, with those who say that certain issues are very transcendent, in order to enjoy their own ignorance, and continue supplying the market of deficiencies”.

83 – “Who told you, son of God, of the Infinite, that you were born to be slave of frauds and sectarian machinations of some slickers and many other simpletons? Remember then, to listen to many people, but reserve the right to listen to yourself to know when it is time to change for better”.

84 – “Do not become a masker, because you will never can to present yourself like that before the SUPREME JUSTICE; progress with your head raised, even if you have to argue with all the owners of religions; and if you have to draw weapons, look for these: TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE! Because every human artificialities, whether religionist or not, will have to bow to them”.


sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008


116 – “Until the day on which, giving commandments by the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen, He has taken up. “And as the Revelation generalized by Him had and has to be spread over the Earth, who reads the Book of Acts and the Epistles will find His followers talking and imposing hands, developing abilities and making people share the Grace of the Pentecost. The global name of the Divine Messengery is Holy Spirit or Consoler. (Refer to the Prayer to the Holy Spirit).”

117 – “Men of Galilee, why stand you looking up? This Jesus, who parting from you, was taken up into Heaven, shall so come as you have seen Him going to Heaven.” And this is how it will be in the Future Eras, because other abilities will become more common, making you to see Him and His Legions. As He had the angels ascending and descending upon His head, His servants will also have. However, the selection will be processed individually and the preparation, in deeds, each one will have to be responsible for, distinctly.”

118 – “By stretching Your hand to heal illnesses and to do wonders and prodigies on behalf of Your Holy son Jesus.” And as Humanity’s improvement will be achieved in millenniums to come, the rescuer legions will have a lot of work, providing marvelous warnings, illustrations and consolations. And, how could they forget Him, who paid with the crucifixion for the generalization of Revelation, the Consoler Grace, which, until then, only worked in esoteric nature?”

119 – “The Apocalypse says, in chapter fifteen, that after the victory of the Restoration, when the corrupting beast has ceased to exist, the truly ones will sing the song of Moses and of the Lamb. Yes, they will sing to the DOCTRINAL ESSENCE, to the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE, without human titles and labels, because there will only be the cultivation of Moral, Love, Revelation, Wisdom and Virtue. Centuries and millenniums will go by if necessary, but this is what will happen.”

120 – “Dearly beloved, do not believe every spirit, but try out the spirits if they are from God, because many false prophets have risen up in the world.” Prophet or medium means the same thing; is that, through whose abilities, the angels or spirits communicate to warn, illustrate and console. And, will be necessary to say that it is important to discern the communicating spirits? It is also function of John, the Evangelist to command the Spirit of the Truth or the messenger legions, after the Replacement of things in their place; he will be responsible for prophesizing to many people, nations and tongues as the Apocalypse says. And it will be stated here that it will be so, for men, at least the most intelligent ones, to remember that all the prophecies are being accomplished, and that so will be all those which have been waiting for the due time.

Osvaldo Polidoro


quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2008

Prayer to the Holy Spirit (Divine Messengery)

“THE BIBLE OF THE SPIRITISTS BIBLE and THE NEW TESTAMENT OF THE SPIRITISTS stratify all the Bibles of the Humanity, teaching everything about the communicability of angels, spirits or souls in order to warn, illustrate and console the incarnate sons of God”.

“To the Sacred Principle we address to, as Extremely Loving Father that He is, we pray for His Divine Blessings for all His sons who are dedicated to the Truth, Love and Virtue, with the purpose of their own improving and that of their brothers in Origin, Evolutive Process and the Sacred Finality.
To Our Lord Jesus Christ, we appeal, as the Celestial Baptizer in Revelation that He is, to determine and bless the work of all those spirits who, completely convinced of the Truth, Love and Virtue, work as servers of the Good and Goodness, seeking to benefit the brothers with the wonderful gifts of Spiritual Guidance.
And to you we address, Legions of the Lord, promising to fulfill our duties with the Law of God and the Divine Example of Jesus Christ, therefore above religionisms, sectarianisms, truncations and human inhibitions, so we come to love God in Spirit and Truth.
As a consequence, we expect from you all that assistance, which is in accordance with the Holy Designations of God:
Teachings for those who wish to learn;
Truth for those who intend to be free;
Love for those who honor doing Good;
Revelations for those who augur the eternal, perfect and immutable truths of Our Divine Father;
Virtue for those who wish to fight their own addictions;
Friendship for those who eager for practicing the Goodness;
Certainty for those who doubt about the Sacred Paternity;
Work for those who need to make progress;
Renouncement for the selfish;
Tenderness for the violent;
Health, Peace and Good fortune, for all those who have made themselves to deserve it, because you are the distributors of God, through the Sublime Authority of the Planetary Christ”.


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